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Posts posted by Mordrehl

  1. Lets look at the pure numbers and sales... it is clear that MMO gamers want World of Warcraft template (which by the way copied Dark age of Camelot, which copied EverQuest) games. The best selling MMOs today all use the World of Warcraft template....


    Whether it be SWTOR, Rift, Aion, Lineage, EverQuest II, they all follow the world of warcraft model. Now, lets look at the mmos that did not follow the WoW model. They all flopped at the retail market and nobody bought them. The matrix online, shadowbane, world war ii online, TERA, Tabula Rasa, All Points Bulletin, Star Wars Galaxies, and most recently, The Secret World. The MMO graveyard is filled with MMOs that deviate from the norm.


    So when gamers cry "we want something other than WoW". you know they are lying. They talk a big game but when it comes time to buy said product, they never do. They all want WoW.


    Star Wars Galaxies came out before WoW and was succesful (in terms of the overall MMO mareket at the time). When WoW came out, they saw the sub numbers WoW attracted and decided to try and copy it (the New Game Engine) and it then flopped horribly.


    WoW truly only attracted the number of subs it did for two reasons : Blizzard's name and it runs on pretty much anything.

  2. Not a mmo , this game is a single player game with a multi player add on. It is missing simple things like customisation, housing, expertise systems etc... What happens is everyone ends up at lvl 50 with the same abilities and the same clothes, and this is after everyone has played the identical story. The game will never reach high and retain high subscriptions ,


    player housing? WoW doesn't have it and is doing quite well


    Experties system? You'll have to explain that one ... if you mean expertising in a class/skill ... again beyond the talent tree (which ToR has as well), WoW had no Expertise system and is doing quite well


    My Guess : OP is an ex-SWG player

  3. You should check GW2.. there is no trinity, everybody heal themself, no old questing, new engine and more..


    i cant wait, hope it comes 2012 Q1


    GW2 is being overly hyped and I'm quit sure based on the inside peaks I've had of it, it's going to leave many not satisfied

  4. Hi everyone! We wanted to explain a little more about why there aren't currently server forums:


    While we absolutely agree that there are some useful threads and discussions that come from server forums, we have decided to not include them in our launch Forums lineup. Partially, this is because we do not feel we could currently provide the high standard of moderation, oversight, and maintenance in each of them that we aim to provide across the Forums.


    Another factor is that, after observing server forums for other games, we feel that we can provide places on the Forums for the constructive content that typically comes from them while working to eliminate the extreme negativity of player callouts and other undesirable forum activity that can occur in them.


    We now have several areas for guild recruitment and community discussion and organization, which we feel are excellent things that typically end up in server-specific forums. We encourage you to make use of all the Community Forums (especially the Server Event and Check-ins forums) as well as our expanded Guild Hall forums. Though the search feature is currently disabled, once it is restored it will be easy to search for guilds recruiting on your server (and we apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime).


    Obviously, this is a decision we can re-evaluate as we receive community feedback, but we do encourage you to try out the sub-forums that we currently have to see if they meet your needs and desires for meeting other players. In the future, we may add additional sub-forums for various topics that require more space. We're always reading feedback and evaluating the needs of the community, and will continue to do so, so please do let us know what suggestions you have to improve the Forums!


    I'm sorry but having to wade through every other post in the Guild Hall is pointless. Server specific forums allow you to identify quickly and easily which guilds on your server are recruiting and forcing us to do so in a shared forum only makes this process tedious and unproductive.

  5. Well, if you notice in the PT, they aren't together all that often....R2D2 is with Anakin pretty much the whole time, and C3PO is with Padme from Shmi's death on (which Obi-Wan wasn't there to witness). In fact, Obi-Wan never saw C3PO until he was in the care of Padme. Plus C3PO's memory had been wiped at least once. R2D2, though, I believe he never had his mind wiped, though I could be wrong. I do think that Kenobi would likely recognize R2 though, I'm just trying to reason on the side of canon here. Maybe he was just playing dumb in order to not reveal too much to Luke, or maybe he'd been in the heat and sand for too long.


    Ok ok but ... HOW does Lord Vader not recognize C3PO or R2D2 in Cloud City :p


    I mean ... Han, Leie, Chewie and C3PO walk in on Vader

    You'd think there'd be some sort of recognition ... like "I see you have my property" or something ... anything


    After they revealed Anakin made C3PO, the fact that Vader sees C3PO on Bespin has always bugged me

  6. I like everything you put but group finder.


    I would support a server LFG system, but not a cross-server one


    I strongly believe that the cross server LFG tool in WoW destroyed the community. People can act however they please now without consequence because they can still find a group to do dungeons/heroics that have never experienced their "bad" behaviour


    So now you are asking the server to determine how or why you were disconnected so it knows to hold a spot for you or allow someone else to join.. That is simply unrealistic and stupid in my view.. The answer here is to get rid of the queues.. Not make them longer for everyone to hold spots for people as they get disconnected, or degrade performance as the server tries to determine how and why you were disconnected..





    It's actually fairly simple for the server to do so


    In the client if I click QUIT or LOGOUT and then manually click EXIT as well, it's fairly easy for the server to distinguish that from a Link Dead state

  8. See, one thing I could think of that would help mitigate this is not just show us the current server load, but maybe have a capture of the PEAK server load with a time stamp


    That way, when creating a character, you're not fooled by the server being LIGHT during an off peak time of day for that server.

  9. Yeah either a lot of people here never played WoW at Vanilla or have selective memories. Ques for WoW even up to 6 months after release could run up to 2 hours.


    The losing your place in line thing though, I can see why people would get upset. Assuming 1-People are lying about actually getting diso'd (which im not sure how honest people are being) and 2- People are actually being disc'd because of BW's systems and not their own computers.


    I had the client crash on me during a VO scene

    Relaunched, logged in, pressed play, got to Server Select screen within 2 mins tops ... and was now in a 2 hour queue


    That I'd already stood in line, was playing the game, crashed and now have to stand in line again is inexcusable and idiotic

  10. A. Those of you complaining that didn't utilize it and sign up with a guild to play with; this is on you. Just move servers.



    Really? this is on us the potential customers?


    The day I got early access, the servers were all listed as LIGHT


    So I picked a server, since I never signed up for a guild and had no interest in doing so until after launch.


    4 days later that server is now full and has a massive queue


    The issue here, is Bioware has artificially lowered the population cap on these servers. SR admitted as much on twitter. Presumably the are lower than they will be at launch to make sure we, the people that preordered, spread out across their servers. That way come launch day, they crank up the population cap and presto no queues for anybody.


    Having said that, I feel they've lowered them TOO much for early access and as a result we their potential customers are suffering.

  11. The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


    "We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


    In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


    While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."



    This says nothing. It's fluff. I don't care specifically about the queue's, I am very very frustrated with the fact taht IF you get disconnected or crash you are placed back in the queue ... and nobody has even offered any kind of insight from Bioware

  12. Everyone wanted in for FULL 5 days early access.

    Pounded the forums LET US IN.


    I expected to be in a wave the 18th or 19th because I orderred in Nov.


    Bioware listened to the Rageing I WANT IN, so here you go they got 99.9% of preorders in on the 15th so you get your full 5 days.


    And now you wonder why there are Q's?


    They could have spread the waves over the 5 day early access schedual but they tried to please everyone.


    They got everyone in,just like other mmos within 2 days instead of a span of 7

    So everyone deserves Q's.


    But no the Rage and threats for a refund go on and on.

    Admit it No matter what Bioware has tried to do for people , people arent going to be content.

    Everyone deserves the Q's they asked for it, Its what you asked for....admit it


    I am not raging about Queue's ... Queue's are the norm for new MMO's


    I am raging that once you've queued, if you get disconnected or crash you are back in the flipping queue .... no other MMO does that


    raising population caps is one thing

    having a system in place that forces you back in the queue if there is one is ridiculous



    There will always be times where certain servers have queue's, it's inevitable ... but if you are randomly disconnected or crash you SHOULD NOT BE PLACED BACK IN THE QUEUE!! EVER!

  14. My biggest issue is, that this is only 3 days till launch ... a time when Devs and CM's should be all over the boards saying "ok, noted! we'll think of a fix" or "sorry, not how we want it to work" ... ANYTHING


    And yet, they're almost silent ... the best we got "is there won't be queues at launch" from SR on twitter ... and I'm betting he's wrong about that.

  15. Programmers - Make everything that is supposed to happen in the game work without noticeable flaws according to the Game Designer.


    TECHNICAL SUPPORT is working on the servers right now as we speak I guarantee it. Now you want answers? You want someone to tell you what the hell is going on?

    Well you definitely don't want tech support doing it. I work tech support and you do not want Biowares BOFH coming in and telling you exactly what he thinks of your whining.







    The Senior Community Manager and other CM's jobs is to relay the issues that are arising on the forums. Sitting in a queue is one thing. Being forced to sit in that queue again because your client crashed or your net disconnected you briefly is unacceptable.


    Programmers and Technical Support both are responsible for this design flaw. No other MMO forces you to re-navigate the queue if your disconnected briefly.

  16. Bioware really needs to fix this ... I expected queues.


    what I was shocked to discover is, that if you get randomly disconnected or your client crashes you are placed back in the queue


    This is game breaking. Imagine if you're running an operation with your guild and half the team gets disconnected and you now have to twiddle your thumbs for 30 mins waiting for them to reconnect because they've been placed in the queue again



    If you're already logged into the server, there should be a 10-15 mins period wherein that if you are disconnected or your client crashes it, you can log back in immedietely


    If this doesn't fix, I predict people are going to get frustrated enough to quit

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