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Everything posted by jhartel

  1. No, they still haven't addressed the issue. They are just giving you a few days to rush their content to get a measly prize and their appreciation of being called a LOYAL CUSTOMER when months of dedication and careful crafting, play and exploring the breadth of their content, is apparently worth nothing to them. If you have two level 30's and no Level 6, you still don't get a prize. If you have characters that are played actively but on seperate servers thus annihilating the ability for legacy, still no prize. If you don't rush their content to level 50 by the 22nd with a character or a few to get Level 50 or Legacy 6, you don't get a prize and a title of their appreciation. In other words, they don't care about their userbase that plays this game like they did with Knights of the Old Republic, carefully playing through and enjoying the quality and massive content and quests available. These people who play this way are the people who truly enjoy and spread good word about the game. They don't rush to 50 and endgame and complain it is too easy and bail, they look at everything and enjoy the plethora of what is available and BioWare has effectively told this userbase that you don't matter, if you want to be valued by us meet this criteria by this point, the hardwork and content we put into this game over the years be damned.
  2. Not the issue at hand, the issue is the slap in the face to people who have lives who are still LOYAL CUSTOMERS and yet don't have a 50 or Legacy level 6.
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=410458
  4. I don't want to grind though. I work four 10 hour shifts and I am a single father. I have very little time and when I do play I try to enjoy the scope of what I am doing, do all quests, bonus series and all, and try to experience it all. This is just a buzkill.
  5. I have a 35 and 32 on different servers.... Guess I will be grinding instead of taking my time to enjoy the game.
  6. Or you know, we can actually appreciate the scope of BioWare's game.
  7. Cool, even then though, it doesn't address the core issue.
  8. I agree. I was in beta, I preordered, and I didn't level to 50 because I was taking my time, doing crafting, building alts, the whole nine yards...now, I feel like people who played for two weeks nonstop with one character carry higher value than my months of loyalty to the game.
  9. They reward everyone except those of who who enjoy the breadth of content.
  10. Same situation. I have two 30+ and five 10's. No reward for my gametime.
  11. Wow. Thanks for absolutely nothing BioWare/EA. I have been loyal to BioWare since Baldur's Gate came out, I have been playing this game and even pre-ordered it in all of it's glory. But, as a Single Dad who works four ten hour shifts and is a father the rest of the time, I don't have the hours available to hit Level 50, and now I feel punished because even though I have got other people to sign up and purchase your game and continue to play dilligently myself, I see no reward where others, who don't have the responsibilities of my life and may have only been playing a few weeks, reap the rewards. I have a founder's medal, that should be enough to let you know I am a loyal player and I feel like I was just smacked in the face because I didn't ignore responsibilities and get one character to 50 and instead played with others and enjoyed the breadth of your game by playing through every single origin story to level 10. I am sure you will find something to show your appreciation to those who have proven their loyalty at the cost of $15 every month, that just happen to have not gone to Level 50. I am not asking for a free month, I happily pay for this game, but I just feel...unappreciated.
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