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Posts posted by RedhookAle

  1. I like the idea of having no macro system. People will get used to it, if Bioware doesn't decide to give in. In my opinion, there isn't really a space in the game for people who try to cut through PvP, the easy way. I've played macro-less for years in every MMO I've played, and the only time I ever struggled, was when I was out of depth completely, which was 2'000 rating as a shaman, in season 2 arena Warcraft.


    I think it personally focuses players to play their character, which is why I've stayed away from it.


    So, instead of whining about it, why not adapt, learn and understand?


    I agree with this.


    I used macros for a bit in WoW, before i left, Then used them on occasion really only for an o-sh-t heal in RIFT.


    I don't use macros. I also don't get the argument that you NEED them to heal effectively in PvP and End Game PvE. It's simply not true. Maybe get a programmable mouse / keyboard? Not the same, i know :rolleyes:. I agree that mouse over targeting / target of target would be nice, but macros i could do completely without.


    As a 30's commando, I've done just fine in all of the flashpoints i've ran. And if you want to know about how well i'm doing healing WZs, ask a Republic player on Daragon Trail.

  2. I went cybertech because I enjoyed artifice in beta. So far I haven't used any of my own crafted mods and only used some of the droid components for M14X.


    Can't comment on end game uses, I'm hoping that the best gear requires mods etc and that the best mods are crafted ones.


    @ 26 as a Commando with all points spent in Combat Medic, I've crafted all possible components for M1-4X. The custom motors are nice because i can drop blue and purple mods into them, but the blue droid components fair just as well. I've also crafted most of the mods im waring, though i just replaced a few of them with all of the Nar Shadda commendations i never used.


    Now that im on Tatooine, im realllly happy i was able to craft all of that stuff for 4X. So far he's got me out of some serious trouble as hes able to Tank quite well.


    I might regret not going Biochem when i hit 50 and want to heal through the end game content, but so far i've yet to have an issue in any of the Flashpoints. As long as i've got a good offtank to pick up adds, and the group understand the boss mechanics, i rarely run out of ammo and can get away with saving Rechage Cells until the very last moments of the fight when people are spamming everything they've got.

  3. In every match I've come first on my team in terms of medals. People do not fight on point, and while I don't know about other classes, every Jedi Guardian has been a complete n00b.


    Guard and Taunt are not hard to use, fighting on point is not hard, please stop sucking. Should've rolled Sith.


    Try rallying your team together at the beginning of a match? Everytime i launch into Voidstar, i request the team pick one side and pound on it when assaulting. I follow and heal whoever takes the lead. Ive won almost every voidstar match ive played as a commando healer.


    The 3 cap is just getting the team split up correctly and reminding them to call incomming, as needed.


    Huttball, well.. Huttball can be tough. I dont think everyone realizes they can pass the ball yet. I've also seen my team run it the wrong way a few times. The game has only been out officially, for a day though. Give people some time to learn the mechanics.

  4. Ultimately, key binding and using the mouse for movement and target switching is ideal. Clicking can still get you through the game and even raiding on high levels. However, a clicker will just never be able to do certain things because of their limited WASD movement.


    A lot of people assume keybinding means no more keyboard movement. Untrue. I still use WASD for forward, left strafe, right strafe, and backpeddle (try to avoid at all costs). You really want to avoid turning with your keyboard as it's slow, inaccurate, and doesn't allow you to hit your keybinds while you're turning.


    I started off in MMOs being a clicker and slowly transitioned into clicking almost nothing at all. It was a very gradual process and was uncomfortable at first, but I'm very glad I made the switch. Clicking now feels really clunky and restricting.


    My suggestion would be to start out slow. Switch your strafe binds to A and D and completely unbind your "Turn Left" and "Turn Right" buttons. Put your favorite ability on an easy bind like Q, E, 1, 2, or 3. Soon I think you'll find you want to keybind more abilities.


    While in the grand scheme of things Clicker vs. Keybinds is a personal choice, if you're looking to get the most out of your game and become the best player you can be, I would highly suggest starting to keybind. Nothing beats muscle memory (clicking is always relative to where your mouse is at any given moment, so there isn't much reflex involved) and the ability to freely move about the game space while using all of your abilities at the same time.


    The ultimate test is that if you ever feel like you have to stop moving, turning, or doing anything to use an ability or if you're letting global cooldowns slip by because you're looking for that tiny little button you need to click, you should keybind.


    Good luck!


    I was a clicker for the longest time as well. I've been playing MMOs since EQ launch, but never took the time to keybind until i had to when i played my first healer in Rift.


    Fast forward to now. I picked up a Razer Naga a few months ago and it quite literally changed the way i play MMOs. I have every single ability mapped to a 1 to = key (or modifier + key.) My hand only leaves my mouse to type.


    I still use wasd to move around as well, but my keyboard hand almost never leaves those 4 keys. Moving my pinky for a Shift or Ctrl modifier is about as much as my left hand moves when in combat. I can do everything else with my right hand. Talk in vent, select a convo dialog option, heal, switch hotbars to DPS, emergency target switch, start a fraps recording, etc.



    I could never go back to being a clicker. I've seen the light.

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