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Posts posted by thechimera

  1. I've played tanks in PvP since Dark Age of Camelot. In my last game, WAR, I had a knight and an ironbreaker - the knight specced for CC and the ironbreaker for dps.


    DPS tanks sadly aren't much of an option in this game - which leaves two roles for the tank. Protecting, and controlling. In WAR, a lot of tanks ended up either being guardbots or controlling fights - the good ones did a little of both, and I'd like to do that in this game, albeit with a more offensive approach.


    Basically I want to design my guardian as a CC specialist, able to control battles, take hits and protect friends when necessary. I don't expect to be able to do much damage, and that's fine. What I want is a build that maximises CC and defensive capabilities. Obviously, taking the lowered cooldown on force push is important - a well timed push on an enemy healer can win the fight in any warzone - and the aoe snare can be lethal too (jumping in, aoe snaring a group with a coordinated orbital strike) but most tanking specs I've seen don't take these talents.


    Has anyone got a build based around controlling the enemy in PvP? I don't care a bit about PvE, so I won't be doing any of that if I can help it. I've already got a vig guardian at 50, and he's squishy as hell in BM gear, although he can be fun, and if no one focuses me I can change the course of a battle. Any tips or suggestions appreciated.

  2. Lol, there is a new terminal on the fleet. The patcher has a giant picture, and the website has a video!


    No hint? Its everywhere man! Not biowares fault you're blind.


    Three places isn't everywhere. If you were already logged in and don't hang out in the fleet 24/7 it's easy to miss. And to be honest, the rewards are so bad I'm not surprised they're not making a big deal of it.

  3. Coming up to full WH as scrapper spec and it's just not improving enough. Sure, I an destroy ungeared players, but against equal geared I struggle to drop them in time. My burst just isn't good enough off the openers - if I crit I'll be lucky to hit over 4k, and when someone has close to 20k health and/or heals, that's not enough. Some classes I have no chance at all against, such as pyro powertechs.


    Has anyone else geared into full WH and found similar problems? I know there will be a number of replies saying I'm doing something wrong - I don't think I am, tbh... I'm not ripping mods out and stacking power but then power's probably getting nerfed soon, and I don't want to rely on it to have it taken away.


    Also, has anyone tried full dirty fighting at high rank? I'm tempted to give it a go but it'll require a different playstyle, I imagine.

  4. First...not everyone thinks they need to be nerfed. Only the bad players (that would be you) who believe they should be able to tank them think so.


    Second, thank you for unsubbing.


    LOL, no, the bad players (i.e you) are defending them because you need an OP class as your crutch. You'd be screwed if you tried to play any class that requires skill.

  5. Since you're making yet another mara/sent QQ thread, evidently, you do lack the skill to deal with them. Sorry you are terrible at pvp.


    I can guarantee I'm better than you, kid. Some of us don't need to play the most OP class in the game just to feel like they've achieved something...

  6. if you cant kill them - not means they are OP.

    Im killing them in 9/10 fights. - gunslinger.


    Okay, obviously English isn't your first language so I'll forgive you for missing the point of the thread: it's a thread asking WHEN they'll be nerfed, not if they should be nerfed.


    Also, gunslinger/sniper is the 2nd most OP class right now, so.. not really surprising.

  7. This isn't a post about whether marauders/sentinels should be nerfed - everyone except for people actively playing marauders/sentinels and a small selection of brain-damaged children knows that they need nerfing.


    My question is simply: when will this happen? If it happens soon, I may resub. If there are no plans to nerf them, I'll be taking my business elsewhere, because in over 10 years and over 15 MMOs I've never encountered a class this overpowered in PvP. :)

  8. Yes but if you lose every match you'd only get the daily com reward, you have to win to get the weekly.

    If you never ran any rated and if you lost every wz and only queued enough to do dailies and never completed a weekly it would take you 26 weeks. If you won every wz you queued to complete your dailies it would take 16 weeks. This would also assume you would exchange every wz com you won for rated.


    Hmm, I worked it out as 86 days with a minum 50 comms per warzone and 6 warzones per day, for full war hero. I averaged out the comms to 2500 per piece though, and I'm terrible at maths so maybe I've done something wrong.

  9. Lose: 50-80 comms

    Win: 100-140 comms


    You don't need rating for WH, the ranked WH is different color only. But yes, I think it requires 'highest team rating' only, so after you hit a requirement for ranked WH, it won't be taken away from you (the ability to wear the gear).


    So in theory you could take a group of recruit geared players and lose a bunch of matches and gear up in WH that way?

  10. First off, ranked warzones have never interested me at all. In fact, I can't stand the idea. However: I want to gear up into WH on my new 50 as soon as possible... and so I have some questions.


    1. Do you get ranked warzone comms for EVERY ranked warzone, even if you lose/get low medals?

    2. How many ranked comms would you get per loss on average?

    3. If you queued up and lost 50 warzones in a row, would there be a penalty? Or would your rating increase the next time you won?

    4. Once you achieve a rating, you can use a piece of gear even if your rating decreases, right? Or would you lose the ability to use it if it drops below the rating requirement?


    Thanks for your time.

  11. If you bind a lot of abilities using the ALT key and it sticks, you really should buy a new keyboard. You don't need an expensive gaming keyboard, you can buy a decent keyboard for like $10.


    I just want to know how to disable this stupid alt and enter thing.

  12. As an old WAR player, I bind a lot of abilities to alt + numbers. However, my alt key sticks from time to time, and when I'm in a warzone and need to send a quick message it can occasionally count as pressing alt and enter.


    This freezes my comptuer momentarily as it struggles to deal with switching to windowed mode in the middle of a fight.


    I can't find any way to disable this in the game preferences - am I missing something? I don't see why I shouldn't be able to reassign "switch to windowed mode" to another key combo or just disable it completely. I mean, who needs to do that on the fly anyway?

  13. Wrong


    Point of view opinion, so... Wrong.



    Got owned by a sent/mara because you don't know how to counter it? QQ moar. We'll get right on nerfing something just for you.

    No problem.


    Well done, you're delusional. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who doesn't think sents/maras need a nerf is in need of mental health check.


    And questioning my own ability is the last defence of the troll desperate to cling on to his OP class.

  14. Firstly, I don't care how many topics there are on this already.


    Mara/sent needs nerfing NOW, not in a few months/years. It's actually a joke how powerful they are. Let's look at why:


    Best melee dps in the game

    Best ranged finisher

    Best defensive CD in the game

    Best escape (stealth AND speed? Seriously?)


    None of their "get out of jail free" abilities are on long enough cooldowns to justify it.


    Either add big cooldowns - 5 min or more - or remove their stealth/speed and "reduce all damage to basically nothing" abilities.


    You NEED to nerf this class now, in over 10 years of playing MMOs I've NEVER encountered a more overpowered class. This is ridiculous, and players will quit if it carries on.



  15. Haha... I got lucky for the past 5 months straight since I switched to Vigilance? Alright, that seems logical. I love how people who are bad assume that people who play successfully with a class must be lucky, on a server full of "noobs" or just any other excuse that places the blame for their failure anywhere but firmly on their own shoulders. Make no mistake, that is exactly where the fault lies.


    I will say that I am currently leveling a Vanguard DPS and it is significantly easier. Being able to hit anyone within a 30 meter radiuse of myself is a pretty handy ability. The damage is great too and the rotation is EXTREMELY simple. But easier does not equal better. At level 50 there are things that my Vigilance Guardian can do that level 50 Assault Vanguards cant. For example...


    1) In voidstar, wait until the enemy team is crossing the bridge. Force Leap into the middle of them, AoE stun, target the healer and then Force Push him off the bridge. Now the initial push that the attacker makes in Voidstar is down one healer. That's a huge advantage.


    2) Huttball. Vigilance Guardians are the undisputed kings of huttball. As long as other players get into position a Vigilance Guardian can completely circumvent all of the walk ways. If any enemy is unfortunate nice enough to be in the end zone then a Vigilance Guardian can leap to him and walk very casually into the end zone with our additional 20% damage reduction and 4 seconds of CC immunity. Vanguards, or any other class for that matter, CAN'T do that. Whats even more fun is Force Pushing an enemy player into the End Zone and then Force Leaping to them.


    And those are just a couple of game winning things that a Vigilance Guardian can do.


    The damage on a properly geared Vigilance is comparable to most classes and I'm quite capable of soloing any other class provided me and the peron I'm fighting are of the same skill level and equally geared. If I outgear my opponent then I will maul them regardless of class. If I'm we're equally geared then it comes down to skill. That's the way it should be.


    Like I said, if you're unsuccessful with this class then go back to rolling your face across your keyboard with a Vanguard or something. Just because you have to use a wider array of abilities to be succesful with a Guardian doesn't mean the class is broken. It just means that you either L2P and succeed or QQ on the forums.


    Erm, I'm NOT a bad player, I'm damn good at tanks in EVERY other MMO I've played, most of which required a lot more skill than this game does. I've actually never met a guardian or jugg I couldn't kill with any of my alts, so... you must just be playing against extremely bad players.

  16. Vigilance Guardians don't need any of the things that you're talking about here. They do great damage, have excellent durability, they have great utility and awesome versatility. If you're using the right gear (Full Battle Master Vindicator Gear) then you'll do just fine. If you really wanna fine tune your character then go get the green/green/green matrix cube. I was tearing it up pre 1.2 with my vigilance guardian. They buffed us in 1.2 in a lot of ways. The Jedi Knight class got better in general, the Vigilance skill tree was fine tuned and got a series of small buffs and they redistributed the stats on our gear that made us even better. All of that made us much MUCH more playable. I started 1.2 with full battle master and played until I got full War Hero just yesterday and since the 1.2 buffs playing my Vigilance Guardian has been an entirely pleasant experience. Instead of just asking for more buffs you should be looking for advice and thinking about what you're doing wrong. If you just plain think the class is too tough to play then just don't play it.


    I'm not doing anything wrong, actually. The class IS broken and most people agree with me. Just because you get lucky or have some healers behind you, doesn't mean it's okay. I've explained that I know what I'm doing and can do very well with almost every other class... the class AND the game have big design flaws when it comes to melee.

  17. ^ This. Agree 100%.


    Range class plays much more easy.


    It's a huge problem. Like I said in my original post, I'm primarily a melee sort of guy. Most of my characters have been tanks and melee dps. And yet, in this game I can pick up a ranged class (assault vanguard, yes they do have some melee capabilities too...) and destroy people with it. As a ranged class, you can perma-kite melee thanks to no immunity or diminishing returns on snares, many of which have no cooldowns/trigger off procs. This is on top of the fact that ranged classes do lots of damage and still aren't that squishy in the first place.


    Ranged only lose to melee if they're a) clueless or b) distracted.

  18. I've played the game since beta. I've played MMOs for years... mostly tanks or melee dps. I wouldn't be posting this thread if I hadn't finally had enough.


    I have two 50s, a guardian and a shadow. I have several 40+ toons, including a trooper and a BH. Most of the other classes I have to around level 30. Out of every class I've played, in this game and in other MMOs, the vig guardian is the most worthless by far in PvP. My guardian is in almost full BM, and I get ROFLstomped by almost any other class in open world. In warzones, I have to hang around the fringes of fights because I'll die in seconds if I try to, you know, actually melee people. By contrast, my shadow has two pieces of battlemaster and the rest champ/cent (old school). He'll shred most classes 1v1. I'll always do more damage with him, and I don't notice that big a difference in survivability.


    However, when compared to my trooper... my vanguard is assault spec and he DESTROYS everything. I can comfortably kite one or two people in PvP whilst putting out a huge amount of damage. I'll rarely get anything below top damage in warzones but more importantly, I can kill people fast, from range. And let's not even get into the other classes... mercs, sorcs, snipers...


    The way I see it, there's several obvious problems with this class.


    One: low survivability. We have the worst defensive cooldowns in the game. Heavy armour is next to useless in the SWTOR universe. In other MMOs, mdps can stack parry/dodge or other defensive skills to have some decent defence. In warhammer, they can use defensive sets whilst still putting out some mean damage. Sure, full offensive mdps will still die a lot, but they'll be doing enough damage to counter that... which leads to:


    Two: low damage. Okay, the damage isn't that bad when you get into your rotation and get a dispatch off. But almost every other class can do more damage, usually from range. What we have is the sustained damage of a tank but without the survivability of a tank.


    Three: virtually no CC. We have an aoe snare and a channeled (!) stun. Oh, and that crappy aoe mesmerise. Mdps need a decent base stun, or positional even, but something you can actually use WHILST ATTACKING, not INSTEAD of attacking... I know, tank spec removes the channel... that doesn't help us.


    Four: range dominates. This isn't a problem with the class, per se, but the game mechanics. In other games, range classes are weak and easy to kill. Why? Because they put out lots of damage from range... in this game, they're not easy to kill (unless they're stupid) but do put out lots of damage at range. Have your cake and eat it, etc.


    Anyway, vig guardian is, to me, broken. And I'm sure someone will tell me I'm "doing it wrong" or whatever. I bet you can do just fine with a vig guardian if you have guard and heals... but you shouldn't need to rely on other players to stand a chance in PvP.

  19. You get one like that from Corellia quests. Then you just use unify colors with whatever chestpiece you love.


    Currently I've got this for looks -


    This is my blaster!


    Don't look behind you!


    Gotta love brutal honesty.


    I prefer that helmet (mercenary elite helmet) mixed with any color breastplate (actually am looking for a hydra chestpiece since the silver/blue is the color I want) over the T-shapes with the ridges, just the plain T-shape makes me feel like the coolest Mando around since I don't need all your fancy edges!


    Is the helm (Corellia quests) an orange moddable helm?

  20. Hmm, there's + power for all the others, it would seem silly for there not to be + power for greens too. I've seen blues and red +41s all over the GTN.


    My question was more - can I get away with trading 41 expertise (i.e using a green +41 expertise crystal) for my current 41 power - I don't like the BM crystal at all, lightsabers shouldn't have black cores imo.


    Would it damage my stats? Or would it be an improvement?

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