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Posts posted by Thayan

  1. Can someone shed light on why the problem seems to be more pronounced on Dual Core processor machines?


    Is it that they are too fast, too slow or the game just not designed for them?


    From the data we collected in Beta, it seems that there is a bottleneck issue with processing info between the client and the server on machines with dual-core CPUs. Now I'm not tech savvy enough to explain it any further as to the specifics, but a large group of us in beta had shared enough data to isolate the issue to our specific problems: Dual-core CPUs had significant issues with FPS and ability delays.


    We gathered the info, had large posts detailing our findings, submitted bug reports, but never got an answer publicly about our issue. I was testing with friends who had quad-core or newer machines, and did not have the FPS issue.


    I eventually upgraded to an i7, and my FPS issued went away completely. Ability delay is still an issue for me on my new machine, just not as pronounced as my FPS has improved. Obviously low FPS is going to contribute to responsiveness.


    Additionally, it seems that ability delay/responsiveness has become worse for me since 1.1

  2. I'm curious. Did you ignore all the pleas from beta? Why now are you acting like it's a new issue?


    We've had this problem SINCE EARLY BETA. It was THE #1 issue (easily) that everyone wanted taken care off FIRST.


    It still plagues our game play TO THIS DAY and it's unacceptable that this wasn't fixed IN BETA.


    Bioware still has a TON to learn about what needs to be put at the top of list. PRIORITIZE. This is ridiculous and I'm beyond pissed that we still have to deal with this a month after the game has been released, and likely much much longer.




    Only if there was a way to link to the Beta posts that had this info long ago. We indeed identified this during that time, *specifically* the dual core issue. Many of us with older dual-core machines had horrible FPS and delay problems. We identified it, bugged it, and we were roundly ignored.


    To see this trumpeted here like a holy grail find is just...I'm at a loss for words.

  3. Agreed. No where near dynamic enough. Regardless of what character I am playing, once I re-visit a planet, I can count on the same exact mobs standing on the exact same spawn points. By no means am I a programmer, but is it that hard to code random, dynamic spawns that were prevalent in SWG? It could help things feel fresh, vs old and stale. Too soon for that.


    Speaking of the environment, I find it overwhelming at times. If I try to take a shortcut, or navigate some tricky outcropping, I suddenly lose control of my senses. It is as if the world has grabbed me by the feet, forcing me to gaze upon its linear vista.

  4. I'm going to guess you've never played a MMO from launch before. This is probably a fair assumption, because even if you'd played beta and loved the game, you failed to understand that the game wouldn't be perfect at launch, no matter how much you thought it would be.


    I'm not trying to be inflammatory, I'm stating the facts: No game comes out at launch perfect. There are ALWAYS huge issues from the very first day that can last for up to and through the first YEAR.



    I've beta-tested most of the popular games since the original EQ. (I still have the Phase 4 Everquest Beta CD that was snail-mailed to us.)


    My main point I was trying to make is, that there is a large amount of pushback regarding negative posts here. Regardless if they are constructive or not. I just wanted to convey why some of us are so vocal. We are not happy in the direction of the game that we invested so much in - that's all.

  5. I think many of us here have earned the right to complain openly in these forums. We invested in this game financially, and also in time. When I beta-tested ( and post launch), I was sure to submit reports as often as I could; when a bug was found, or when I thought feedback was necessary.


    Additionally, many of us had hopes that this game would do well. As a result, we spent the extra money on Digital Deluxe and Collector Edition versions. While many aspects of the game are excellent, just as many exist that we are not happy with. We voice these concerns here on the forums, through e-mails, and through other social medium.


    These forums offer a collaborative environment in which we can share thoughts, and to make sure we are not alone in matters. To continually see threads closed due to them deemed "not constructive/productive (read: negative) adds insult to injury.


    Also, to see how Bioware and EA have acted (or not acted) when many of our concerns have been raised, it further constrains the issue at hand.


    Yes it gets heated, but you have to consider everything mentioned above. Money and time were spent, and we feel that we did not get a sound return on our investment.


    I'm happy that many of you are enjoying the game. I wish the rest of us, who really wanted to spend our time in SWTOR, shared your feelings. However, the actions of Bioware and EA have not given us the confidence that they listened, and that is where many of us find fault.

  6. An MMO should have great replayable content - dynamic content driven by it's players. If you find yourself always excited more for what the developers might push out next than what you have in front of you right now... you might have a bad, or at least poorly structured MMO on your hands.


    Nailed it.

  7. We would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ one of the most successful MMO launches of all time. To show our appreciation, from now through March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST, we are rewarding early members of The Old Republic community with a unique Founder’s medal* and title.


    Read More


    Frankly, I find this offensive.


    We encourage players to avoid Ilum until our patch is deployed. As a temporary measure we will be disabling taxi services which would normally take players into the Open World PvP area. However, players will still be able to taxi out of the area.





  9. grow up please. have patience.


    do you use everything you have ever paid for 24/7, constantly.


    I might cancel this game cause if i dont, i wont be able to eat or sleep. I paid 15 dollars holy crap!


    babies crawl first right?? they dont run, or sprint, or join the NFL so you can get paid.



    ****ign games like this take a while to catch on. feel good that BW is trying to not be WoW



    those people ************ about canceling, obviosly have nothing to do with time, let alone breathe. ****






    lol wow...

  10. I keep reading this thread for two reasons.


    2. I am stunned at how absolutely silent BW is. It's fascinating in grotesque sort of way.


    LOL - man I feel the exact same way. I should be studying, but I can't help but refresh and see all this spiral out of control, while BW seemingly has abandoned ship.

  11. Why does this remind me of Netflix? One hell of a trainwreck issue, with an absolute deafening silence from the powers that be.


    The normally active twitter feeds of the PR folks have been strangely silent, if you compare their activity of the day before.


    Seems to me that there are some bad actors moving things from behind the scenes, limiting those who want to truly help this game do well. Sometimes bad things happens, but if you keep trying to sweep them under the rug, instead of being honest and dealing with them...


    I'm glad I've decided to cut my losses and go. This last event has solidified my feelings on the state of all things SWTOR.

  12. No I will not. It is frustrating as well, as I spent nearly $250 (Digital Deluxe, oh buyer's remorse) on copies for myself and my kids. I had hoped it was an investment that would occasionally be worth the cost. We had initially signed up for 6 month recurring subs. I was the last to continue playing, up until last week.


    I'm going to cut my losses, and look for something else. It's a shame, as these were Christmas gifts for the kids, and we all were looking forward to it. I honestly thought this was a slam dunk for BW.


    We just don't find it enjoyable at this stage. To the rest of you staying and are happy with the product, I'm glad you are enjoying it; maybe we will see you in about 6 months time.

  13. What do you mean it lacks replay value? That's what the damn game is about 'rolling alts'. It's very hard for people to accept for some reason. I can take 1 class and play through 3 different ways... So uhh no replay value?


    All I have to say is speak for yourself. Playing all the different storylines and enjoying them will keep me entertained for months at the very least. I'm only level 49 on my first toon and I play every day.


    I am speaking for myself. I don't find it fun anymore, just like the OP. Other games I played for longer, because it was fun. They captured it, this does not - and that's my opinion.


    Up until last week, I had 3 accounts all set up with a 6 month recurring sub. I was the last out of my family to stop playing, the other two stopped before me.

  14. I believe what the OP is saying, and what many others have already said, is that this game lacks replay value.


    It is not fun to do it all over again. Other games were able to capture that, as you played for longer, because it was fun.


    Some feel that once you level through this game once or twice, there is nothing to keep you coming back for more.

  15. The game has launched. Big launch event at Best Buy, EA/BioWare opening the NYSE, flash mob at Times Sqaure, then....fizzle.


    In my opinion, all the effort and focus should be made during the first 30 days, in order to retain players, and ensure they subscribe. Forcing all of us to sub in order to play during the first 30 free days reeks of a cheap cable TV signup contract gimmick.


    Additionally, the first two patches so far seem anemic at best. More like hotfixes that don't address the real issues that all of us have brought up here.


    We have not had mail working for over a day on our server. No mail, no auctions, equals no economy. Ticket that was submitted has been closed saying it will be taken care of in an upcoming patch - really?


    I'm really concerned about the longevity of this game. Are all they concerned about is the selling of initial units, in order to break even? As it stands now, I don't see many people staying around after the first 30. I love the game, but it has become so hard to defend as of late.


    Where are all the robust patches to fix the myriad of issues? Where is the dev community, and why are they not ensuring that all of this is going to be fixed?


    I should be looking forward to logging in each day, not frustrated at the state of the game, already reconsidering my purchase.

  16. (Feel free to replace girl with boy - forgive my overuse of the female pronoun.)


    That girl you''ve been trying to hook up with for so long - So beautiful, so nice seems to have it all. Everyone talks about her, and you have been trying to start a relationship with her for the longest time. Well it finally happened. The anticipation is over, and you are overwhelmed with the reality of the situation as you first start dating.


    However, shortly afterward you start to notice something. Small things - she has terrible breath. She takes way too long getting ready to go anywhere. She complains about trivial matters that seem pointless, all the time. She is quick to judge others.


    By themselves, each issue is minor - and could be corrected easily with time. However once combined, all of them diminish your overall impression.


    That''s where I am with SW:TOR. I looked so forward to this game, loved it during EA. But now so many small issues are popping up it has become a distraction.


    Am I alone here? Do many of these problems seem like really easy fixes, but just constantly nag at the edge of your playing experience?


    I''m really hoping for a huge first patch to clear up many of the issues that have been brought up in these forums.

  17. For my first play through I wanted to play solo. I figured I'd save all of the group content, the flashpoints, and the pvp for later. But now I'm level 25, and all I can find are level 28 quests on Tatooine. I wandered around Nar Shadaa seeing if I could find anything I missed, but no dice. There just aren't enough missions to sustain soloing the game. I've even done repeatable space combat missions several times, which give lots of XP, but it isn't enough. Unless I missed something somewhere, I'm either going to have to give in and do flashpoints, grind space combat for the next few days, or just kill random mobs until I gain a few levels. It sucks. :(


    And I was just talking to guild mates today about how I have levelled too fast solo...

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