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Everything posted by Rahaze

  1. http://www.twitch.tv/rahsun86/b/322258566 Pre 50 PvP video of a cocky damage tunneler (Dirty Fighting). If the music choice takes something away use mute.
  2. Since the cover mechanic is new to MMOs, the question that I'm asked the most on my gunslinger is, "How does it do in PvP?" Post good PvP videos here and the next time someone asks you have somewhere to direct them without playing 20 questions. Hope this helps. edit: gunslinger/ sniper section if it's better there.
  3. DPS operatives are shut down so easily now in a team fight. Maybe with the relic changes coming in we can start to see some of the damage bioware's done to concealment ops repaired? Can always hope.
  4. update: I added more operative pvp and a few games with my 49 powertech alt who's decked out right now. I'll be streaming more games as I play them, but I only vod the games, not time in between. I need more cooling. I'll be steaming more often now that I know my PC can handle it.
  5. http://www.twitch.tv/rahsun86/b/311548514 Here's a link for anyone curious about how it plays out or wanting to give feedback on my gameplay. The games posted for now are from me solo Qing. I'll add more soon.
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