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Everything posted by shaunj

  1. At the very least a global channel would be nice. It will probably turn into WoW trade chat, but anything is better than this.
  2. Constructive criticism is always welcome. You can't tell me the majority of this crap is...
  3. It has to happen at some point. You can barely fart cross-ways on the WoW forums without getting banned. I have to admit, I prefer the heavy moderating in comparison to this.
  4. This place is seriously out of control.
  5. In this game your companion is a part of your character. If they need it you need it. It's the design of the games fault. Not the player.
  6. Our guild has over 1k players and everyone of them I have talked to love this game. Yes, even the ones who have hit 50.
  7. I would murder my eyes if I had to do that.
  8. Honestly. I haven't touched it. I read a bit about it and decided I didn't care. I send my companions out to gather and I sell it on the GTN and make a decent profit. Perhaps I should give it a chance.
  9. It's a personal thing. I hate crafting. I refuse to do it. It's a boring minigame in every MMO I have played; including this one. I'm glad some of you enjoy it. It's gathering skills for me. Always and forever.
  10. So far, and this may change, I find that I like doing the quests over. They are slightly different dialog wise and that's more then we ever get in any other mmo. Like I said before. The only thing I space bar is Kaas. F that place!
  11. I'm enjoying the play style of the SI but not the story. I LOVE my BH. I also have enjoyed my SW as well. The rest I have not tried.
  12. Many of us (before the game was released) stated that we planned on leveling every class at least once to see the story. For those that are staying past the free month, do you still plan to do so? I still plan on doing it. I just wish I could skip Dromund Kaas. For some reason I can't stand that part of the empire quest line.
  13. I just hit 31 myself. I'm pretty casual.
  14. I tried that. I tried binding them to ctrl+ and never could get it to work.
  15. Some people are having success by running setpoint as administrator. It doesn't work for me so I support this thread!
  16. Yes. You are not factoring in the other box sales. DD and CE were much more.
  17. Planetside, SWG, EQII, WoW, Vanguard, Warhammer, LotRO, others I'm sure I'm forgetting. Enough of them I'd say.
  18. Nothing is perfect. I expect any game to have valid concerns.
  19. You have the doom and gloom WoW is dead threads but that's about it anymore. Nothing like this madness.
  20. Didn't you hear? The companies are paying the critics to give high scores. That's why users are soooooo SMRT and give 0's.
  21. I'm pretty sure that is exactly what most of them are doing. It's like they are on a mission.
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