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Everything posted by Coolfusis

  1. Baseline, an operative's regen is roughly 3x that of a sorcerer. Sorcerers get a larger starting pool in exchange for having a slower natural regeneration. Now, things get wonky when you add in set bonuses/talents and other things, but generally "%of maxium" regenerated per second is in favor of the operative at 2+ energy per second.
  2. I thought about that, but there's people (like me) who almost exclusively heal in PvP. I worry less about objectives and more about keeping the people who are doing said objectives alive. Not to mention, 1-2 people sticking to mid to keep neutral balls from being ninja'd, or 2 people assaulting a different cannon/door to draw forces away from the main points both help, even if they're not actually accomplishing any objectives. (though it is a bit hilarious when those two people manage to cap a door or cannon because the other side left it unguarded.)
  3. The 2-piece bonus for the columi set lowers innervate to a 7.5 second cooldown. It makes a resurge - infusion/shield - innervate - consumption rotation viable if you've got a high crit chance, or drop the infusion if you don't. Single target heals I never drop below 90% force, multi-targets I have to think a bit, but I rarely go below 75%.
  4. I've been having extreme issues getting this daily done on my own due to draws/losses to premades (they pretty much dominate on my server, most people don't queue without a full group). I've got enough gear and friends to not have any issue getting into or making a premade, but I don't really like that someone is pretty much forced into doing that to stand a chance at completing that daily. A simple suggestion to "fix" it (quotes because it's not really broken, but could be tweaked), would be to change "wins 0/3" to "Warzone accomplishments 0/45." You'd get 1 per loss, 5 per draw, 10 per win, and 1 per medal awarded in the warzone. It'd provide incentives for premades to actually do some fighting rather than simply leaping/extricating/passing in huttball, but a lone player could get it done if they spent enough time PvPing. Thoughts?
  5. There's pretty much PvP gear and PvE gear, and that's what your character has a choice of looking like. It's awful for sorcerers, apparently we're all supposed to look like voodoo chickens or something. (I'm not sure.)
  6. UWT has no gathering component. Slicing does.
  7. The missions should only be used to get extra levels. That's it. It is not designed to be a skill that nets profit off missions. It is a gathering skill, tried and true. I've got it on two of my characters now, probably getting it on my third. One is 400 (and sitting at level 50), used it throughout leveling. The other is 150, using while leveling. Both are well-off in the game, without ever worrying about speeder training, gear or mods. The only time you should ever use the missions is when your skill is too low to loot the boxes on your current planet. That's it. If you're turning a profit off the missions, then it has become imbalanced. Trust me, virtually nothing from the other gathering professions sells for the mission costs on the GTN. However, using it as a gathering-only skill nets you 100% profit, and a lot of it. Starting planet boxes yield 50-100 credits. Illum boxes yield 1k-2k credits. Typically, while doing my dailies, I find 3-5 boxes per quest area. That's anywhere from 3k-10k extra - per daily. Being as the reward for said daily is 11k, I'd say a 30%-100% increase in profit is a fairly nice boost. That's not even factoring in the random crits that give you up to 15k off a single box. (you get two boxes, a blue and a white) I understand people see "nerfs" and freak the hell out. I "survived" the last nerf and started making higher profits due to people dropping the skill. I'll probably end up seeing even higher profits when people ragequit slicing after this nerf.
  8. Forcing me to backtrack using a guide, battle glitchy environments and try to work my way through an incredibly convoluted series of events to make sure I'm not taking a hit to my stats is...actually pretty goddamn annoying. Whodathunk it? If it weren't tied to stats, the system would be fine. It'd be an extra little thing for people to do for a little out-of-combat bonus - like explorer, or the holiday mounts were in WoW. Tying it into stats is an annoying design choice at best.
  9. And that's fine, but by tying them to stats, they've essentially made them mandatory. This is an RPG, after all, which means having lower stats hinders you in every aspect of the game.
  10. Just the ones I know of for willpower - +34. That's not including the shards that form powerful relics, and is probably 10-30 points shy of all the datacrons totaled. It's a pretty hefty bonus.
  11. This is possibly the most annoying mechanic I've encountered thus far. I can either ignore them and take a hit to my stats, or I can go run around using a guide to find my way into pointless little areas to get one thing - that's not even considering the ones that require a group to attain. This is after 30 minutes of battling bugged environments and magnetic stabilizers to maybe, hopefully get a shot at a +10 to all stats datacron in the imperial fleet. I got stuck in the middle of a beam I was walking on 3 times, had to have 4 people reset and try again 5 times due to the magnetic stabilizers deciding they weren't positioned perfectly and dropping them right back where they started (they'd fly up there, then get ported right back down.) Then, when someone fell and died due to the magnetic stabilizers, we had to go back to correllia to get a red gem that started the whole ordeal. Make it a special title, mount, something, but don't make it part of stats. Not everyone enjoys going through the rigmarole to find these silly things, and even if we did, battling bugs to get them is frustrating at best.
  12. Well first, you know that awesome flashpoint that is a reference to previous BioWare games? Don't even go there. Just stop. It's fun, but it's in an imperfect game and should therefore be shunned.
  13. See, this guy gets it! Don't be so easily amused! Don't settle for fun stuff when you can go do things like whine and complain! Show BioWare how un-easily amused you are by giving them money!
  14. Look, I know this is a fun game, but you've gotta stop having fun. Look at all the bugs! Surely that means that you should no longer have any fun. And the graphics aren't as good as skyrim's! I know some of you will say, "but Cool, I'm legitimately enjoying the game! I've even rolled a few alts, and they're awesome too!" Well, that's no excuse for having fun. Can't you guys see that if everything about this game isn't absolutely perfect, you're never allowed to have any fun at all? This charade has gone on long enough. Stop hunting datacrons, don't bother with class quests. Delete your alt characters, worry not about clearing the various flashpoints. Forget OPs and PvP, just sit in the imperial fleet and whine in general chat. It's for your own good. You'll thank me some day!
  15. I don't absolutely hate it, but it does need to be reworked. Search bar, mats listed under their own type (not what crew skill can get you them), the ability to search for just custom gear, instead of sifting through prototype after prototype. However, the suggested prices are spot on and I love them. WoW had a habit of telling me something was barely worth more than the vendor would buy it for, and this game seems to always set it at a reasonable price. There needs to be some reward for going to Nar Shaddaa and trading there, like a reduced deposit or something. I'd love to see an actually viable cross-faction economy, something WoW was never really good at.
  16. Even if you deny every existence of a Jedi that uses blasters, you have to wonder - is there no element of choice anywhere? Every Jedi automatically has no free will and cannot pick and choose their weapon(s)? Or is there some secret padawan initiation rite that has them cut off their trigger fingers, so that they might never sully their hands with blasters again?
  17. For those of you who haven't played KOTOR 2, blaster jedis had the max possible damage per round in that game. Dual-wielding fully enhanced micro-pulse blasters with a blaster specced character and master force speed going was kind of ridiculous.
  18. Or it's for people who expect a bioware game, one intensely based in storytelling and customization, to have some freaking customization at level 50. Otherwise it's a pallate-swapped WoW.
  19. And others need to wake up and realize that we know this. We think it's incredibly dumb. We're given the option to personalize our character throughout the story, then that option is taken away at 50. "Here, have this character that you can customize your look and alignment, even what companions like you. Oh, but don't get too attached, we're taking it away at level 50."
  20. There is a known bug that occurs between alts. You can lose some expensive stuff to the mail, it's really not worth the risk. There's a 20+ page complaint thread in the CS forums.
  21. Side question (and shameless bump): anyone happen to know if they're actually planning on changing this. I've only heard rumors.
  22. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game. I enjoyed my story and loved playing, and now I'm at the level I can finally start rounding out my character's stats and enjoying some more of the story. However, I kept a set of gear throughout most of my leveling because I absolutely loved the look. The 50 gear has two slots and base stats, which means that I can't just pull the mods out and put them in my old gear. In most MMOs, I wouldn't care very much at all, but in this one - well, I got really attached to my character and how he looked. I chose the saber marshal's set, with a curved, black saber and a red crystal. I don't look extravagant like most inquisitors, I just look simple and intimidating. I like that. So much so, in fact, that when presented with the choice to either change my gear or take a hit in stats, I almost just want to shelve the character. I've rolled an agent to check out their storyline (I heard it was amazing), but I'd like to keep playing my sorcerer. It just doesn't seem as appealing when I know I'll have to get rid of my beloved set. Anyone else having these issues? I can't be the only one who places such value in aesthetics when playing an RPG.
  23. It is incorrect. I've had the same lightsaber since I got it in my late 20s, and I'm level 49 now. Update the hilt or barrel mod and the min/max damage will change. I just confirmed it at a commendation vendor for Voss, and my lightsaber has higher, well, everything.
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