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Posts posted by doctorfirepants

  1. Yes, you and several thousand others, which have rerolled and stopped crying about it.


    You mean several hundred thousand others who have unsubbed and the handful of people who choose to remain ignorant and pretend nothing is wrong and just reroll.

  2. Reroll till the transfer come and go back to the other char, wheres the issue? all it means is you will finish the other classes later? boo hoo. sulk :(


    I rerolled and havent looked back since.


    And no i dont have all day and night to play this game I am on max 1 hr a night


    Like the other person said, re rolling is just covering for BWs failure. Population drops are common knowledge in MMO's these days. Companies should be ready to handle them before it happens. Right now it is happening in SWTOR at what seems to be a pretty extreme pace yet bioware is still wanting to put off transfers till who knows when. Most likely mid- late summer. I shouldn't have to give up on everything I've been working on to make up for there lack of planning, not to mention keep paying them a monthly fee.

  3. transfers are coming, you have the option to reroll, stop making these post coz frankly a lot of us dont give 2 ****'s.


    A lot of us do give 2 s#%$^. I payed 150 dollars plus 15 a month since release and I have to leave behind everything I've done and accomplished in that time so I can play a game the way it is designed to be played.

  4. No sir, you are incorrect. I certainly can be convinced of anything if I'm given a logical explanation. I'm not even advocating losing your immunity, I'm just trying to understand why you should have your full damage output while immune to death.


    No one has even attempted to give any decent reason why you feel like they are entitled to full damage output while immune to being killed.


    You've been given several logical reasoning's. You've been given several examples of how everyone one of a marauders skills can be countered. Full damage output while using UR can only be gained if the target allows it. A marauder doesn't suddenly gain 30m attack range on his abilities while using UR. If he isn't in range of you he can't heal himself with his bleeds. Counter it and walk away, it's not hard to do....at least for people who actually know what they are doing. I'm guessing you don't fall into that category.

  5. 5 seconds + global dooldown = 6 seconds or a bit more most of the time. And you're wrong.


    Umm how does the GC factor into the amount of time that UR lasts? it lasts 5 seconds, no more. You can twist it and make stuff up all you want. Fact is...you're wrong.


    Edit: Since you peaked my curiosity with all this GC non sense. I decided to log in for the first time in like 2 weeks to test it myself. Timed it with a stopwatch....5 seconds every time. Since I used an external stopwatch obviously I can't really post this...but I encourage you to test it for yourself, and afterwards you should stop making stuff up just to suit your own views.

  6. e:


    Cmon. Use your head. Bubble is a something that, oh, about 1/3rd makes up for the light armor and lack of health, so instead of looking at it like Iceblock, which it is not...imagine that your Marauder's armor and extra health could only be maintained by you clicking a button and watching the cooldown constantly.


    C'mon use your head. The ability to attack from the safety of range makes up the other 2/3rds of that equation. How many seconds does it take me to close 30m on foot to a ranged attacker. How many seconds of free attacks is that. I could waste my force leap right away of course, but just get instantly knocked back.


    During the duration of any WZ, I'd be willing to bet that any ranged class has more total free time of being untouched while attacking than the total time of using UR from any single marauder.

  7. :rak_02:


    It's still a ridiculous ability. The chance of you having a CC ability NOT in cooldown when fighting a Marauder who can burst you down in 5-10 seconds is extremely low, unless you just joined the fight, and for the 6 seconds the ability lasts the Marauder is practically invincible unless the whole enemy team drops a 5k (50) crit on him. If Undying Rage would also lower the Marauder's movement speed or DPS, that would make it an ability, not an I-Win-A-Duel-button.


    Oh, so the chance of having a CC ability ready to go is low, even though this game is filled with them....but the chance of UR being ready is 100%. Your just another example of only seeing things from your side. All of our abilities have cooldowns as well, nothing in pvp is guaranteed. Sometimes your CD's will be ready to go other times they won't be. Same rules apply to me and every other marauder. The main point is, is that there is a chance to counter it, and there are many ways to go about doing it. It makes the ability weaker than hard stun abilities given to other classes. And it lasts five secs not six.

  8. What he's saying makes absolute sense. If you don't see that in his analogy you are a MORON.


    The problem with using undying rage is that it costs 50 percent of your CURRENT life. So every SMART marauder just waits til 15 / 10 percent health and pops it, receiving the invincibility without the real health loss.


    Good analogy is good. It's a good point. My marauder does this too, then my bro heals me. #winning


    It's a bad analogy because yes even though any marauder will use it at a certain point in health when it won't be a big hit to himself, this will also make the ability telegraphed making it even easier to counter. If you are fighting a marauder and don't see this coming then you are a MORON. The skill was designed to be used at a certain point in the fight, the 50% health hit ensures this.

  9. Sad that nearly all of these statements have been implemented in their own way in past mmo's. I thought the whole idea of video games in general is that they are supposed to evolve and build upon what came before them. In a few ways SWTOR did make advances, but in many many more ways it took big steps back.
  10. 1. Redesign Undeying Rage / Guarded By The Force:

    • Deflect Either White -OR- Yellow damage abilities for the duration, Not Both[/u].
    • Reduce Damage Done by 50% for it's duration


    2. Redesign rage cost of interrupt and duration of 20% healing debuff

    • Make Marauders interrupt ability cost 2 rage & decrease the duration of the 20% heal debuff. As it stands now, these 2 abilities are far to easy to use and don't require any skill to coordinate. You can keep the 20% heal debuff on a player indefinitely, instead of timing it precisely when you need to burn your target down. The interrupt feels like a free lol @ casters ability and costs no talent points or rage to use, which means a Mara can just hit any buttons they want and not have to worry about having enough resources to be able to lockout another class.




    Is this really what you have come up with? Asking for 99% healing reduction while using UR is as dumb as me saying heals of healers being guarded should be reduced in effectiveness by 50%. I mean after all, they are immune to all that damage so there healing effectiveness should be reduced...it's only fair right? It's a 5 second ability, it is easily countered. l2p


    As far as interrupt goes, casters have more than one castable spell, Ive only got one interrupt. Additionally it is only used in melee range. I'm not interrupting them when Im sitting 20m away rooted and they are hitting me with whatever they got. If a caster is doing what they are supposed to, then I would never even get to use it. Even against an average player I should still only be able to use it one or twice. You stand there and go face to face with me, then its your own fault. Let me guess...kiting is impossible in this game correct? Why do I see good players do it all the time. l2p

  11. No, just a normal WZ. The poster apparently has to use a cooldown to get 'a kill' if you read his comment (which he qualifies by when focused, which is nice because at least Marauders cooldowns allow them to survive when focused as opposed to everyone else who just die outright). Here's 640k damage, 0 deaths 59 kills. Obviously had a lot of cooldowns. :cool:


    PS. Quite a lot of archtypes cannot get the 5k hit medal.


    Yea cause it was all cooldowns that allowed that damage and not the incredibly large amount of healing going on...on both sides. Matches like that will always have high dps numbers, especially from the pure dps classes. Go figure huh.

  12. No pvp killed pvp. I like the WZ's, but is 4 wz's and nothing else really going to sustain those players that want to mainly pvp. I enjoyed SWTOR and am still rooting for it, but when it comes down to it, I really feel like this is the most lackluster pvp I've ever experienced in an mmo. I just don't see anything that will keep a solid amount of hardcore pvp'rs coming back, and even most casuals will be turned off by it.
  13. If the populations were healthier then I could see that being a viable option. As it stands now though I think you just have to take what you can get. Que times are so long as it is, imagine if you started adding filters to your que options and how much those times would be extended.
  14. No, it is not a defensive CD. This is a failed logic that most people can't seem to understand. GBTF/UR is an offensive CD for us. We don't have a stun, this is our version of a stun, except you can still stun us, you can still root us, you can still knock us away.


    You guys want something to complain about? Take away GBTF and give me a hardstun so you can't move while I beat on you. At the point you guys would be begging for GBTF to be brought back. Or would you all rather a pure dps class have nothing and just jump in and die instantly? Sentinels are a pure dps class, where they stand now is exactly where they should be.


    Absolutely true. I would gladly take a stun over UR any day. Bonus would be that I could use it at any point in the fight and you wouldn't know when it was coming...unlike UR which can only be used when my health is low so you know exactly when it's coming and you can already prepare to counter it.

  15. Valor lvl 80, mix of WH and BM. Unsubbed because even though I enjoy the WZ's, 4 WZ's is just not worth 15 a month in my opinion. Not to mention the half hour wait to play one, and the fact that the population is so low you are always playing against the same people. I'd prob log in every now and then to play em if it was f2p, but like I said, for 15 a month I can find better things to do. Lot of good games out now, and more coming in the near future.


    With that being said, I am still hopeful that BW can turn this around. I don't realistically see that happening, but it would be great if they did.

  16. I guess my point is if people play swtor for PvP why would they switch to a game that won't have PvP? I only PvP, no FPs for me. Going to D3 just wouldn't be logical for a player like myself free or not.


    BW needs to get their act together, but I've seen videos of GW2, D3, and Tera and they all seem lackluster. GW2 just looks horrible. D3 is not a PvP game. Tera is run by Koreans.


    I've been attached to these forums for a long time now and the same issues are spoken on time and time again. Fixing these issues would greatly improve the game quality: too much CC, TTK is too short, cross server queuing is a must, and some kind of open world PvP. Fix these issues and this game would be untouchable compared to other MMOs.


    Because SWTOR doesn't have any pvp either, so if your gonna play a single player game, might as well be a good one. I truly do wish the state of SWTOR was better right now, but lets face it, for the majority of servers, you log in and spend 80 percent of your time standing around waiting for a que. Populations are so low that you face off against the same people day in and day out. There is nothing new and fresh. The same 4 WZ's against the same handful of people. I hate to say it, but I feel that there is no real recovery for swtor. Right now D3 and other games will provide a nice filler until the next MMO is out. GW2 pvp is way way ahead of anything swtor has to offer by the way.

  17. 100 bucks says this guy plays a marauder LOL


    its probably that bloodline guy with an alt account


    He's a powertech...give me a hundred dollars.


    Oh yea, snipers in no way need a nerf.

  18. Seems like these posts are becoming increasingly common. On my server, there is a small window of about two hours a day when there is enough players to get some war zones done. Any other time of day though and you stand around like a fool forever, and if your lucky you may get into a WZ with an uneven number of players.
  19. To be honest, I haven't seen any hardcore PvPers or PvEers leave yet.


    Just the elitist ones.


    On my server most of the hard core pvp'rs are gone, most of the entire population is gone. Some are left, most of the ones I talk to have said the same thing that Ive done as well. Have already un-subbed and are just waiting for their time to run out. You know, the warzones are fun, to me at least, that's why I still sign in with my remaining time. But when the only form of pvp exists in 4 WZ's, I cant really justify the monthly expense, and I think that's how a lot of others feel as well. If it was f2p, I would still log in on a regular basis to play the WZ's.

  20. And this is why all the top teams (yes, ALL of them) are buildling their teams around Marauders and Assassins? Because they know how easily these classes are countered so they choose to use them? Lol good logic there buddy.


    Wow, all of them? I didn't realize you had such an extensive insight to every single pvp team in the game. I just didn't realize that since all the pvp teams on my server may include a marauder, but they are def not built around one or more. They are mostly built around sorcs in one form or another. I understand though, like you said in that other thread, your just giving your un-biased opinion. Or do you save that only when your defending your PT in the PT is OP thread? They are perfectly balanced though right because even though they have huge burst they are squishy according to you. So that makes them balanced. A marauder on the other hand that has strong defensive CD's is OP and not balanced even though they can be easily countered and therefore voided. Nope, not biased at all.

  21. First of all, I didn't say "say", I said "imply", but let me refresh your memory:




    I think it's pretty clear what you're saying, but back to the subject.


    I know how they work, and I have played one. It is not more complicated than any other class in the game, but they have excessive damage and too many get out of jail free cards. An OP class is one that has high output, and easily applied output, Sents/Mara’s have both, and I’m clearly not the only one who’s noticed it.


    Do you think it’s a coincidence that every low-level WZ has 6-8 of them? I’ve even seen 12 on one occasion.


    Do you think it’s a coincidence that there’s a thread about them popping up on here several times a day?


    Of course not, it’s just a conspiracy by baddies to get you nerfed, amirite?


    I don't care what sub 50 WZ's are doing. A lot of those players who listen to people like you, actually think it is an easy class to play. They will see different after playing it and drop it soon enough. PVP should not be balanced on sub 50 wz's anyways so why even factor that in. It is a good place to try out new classes and learn their play style though.


    Third how is it an high output class that is also easy output. Sorcs put up higher numbers than marauders consistently and they just stand in the back away from everyone. BH's put up higher numbers consistently as well with a fewer number of skills. Are they OP as well.....well I'm sure you think they are, unless of course it is one of the classes you play. You can put up ok numbers without really trying, but if you want the full potential of the class it requires a lot of situational awareness and management.


    Lastly, no I don't think it is a coincidence that threads like this are on the forums. There are people like you that play this game. No conspiracy, just people who don't understand the concept of PVP. The concept of different roles in fights. Using abilities and countering others. People who fail to see other classes past their own. It is sad, because those are the people that ruin MMO's.

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