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Everything posted by Slurmez

  1. Its not just that, the literal STATE of the game post patch is a joke, the amount of bugs that came with it is unacceptable, they are treating live as if it is a test server with pages of bugs and "known issues" and thats on TOP of taking an extra month before release.
  2. Sadly what generally happens in this situation is the muppet concerned bunkers down because they are emotionally invested in their "vision" and they believe the complainants are stupid and just dont see things the way they should. Its why instead of taking all the proven and good parts of a game you will get "lead developers" trying to reinvent the wheel, developers should have nothing to do with direction, it should be in the hands of a project manager because they should be completely detached from the project emotionally and focus on making things work. Strangely though MMOs and computer games in general dont run like that, its an anachronism of the back room wonders who churned out gold on their little PCs in their spare time and hasnt gone away in spite of the monstrous budgets games have these days.
  3. Im assuming someone got promoted and is putting their stamp on things because they think they know best, its a pretty common and idiot practice when it happens.
  4. Its a couple of hours on rails story, which wasnt that interesting followed by some daily grind missions that are mostly bugged, oh and a destroyed crafting system.....
  5. every design aspect of 6.0 is terrible, its indicative of some muppet getting a promotion and thinking he knows best and forcing it on everyone else because they are dumb compared to him.
  6. [DAILY] Combing the Wreckage - final datapad does NOT respawn. It DOES spawn initially but doesnt come back. Either its set with an ungodly respawn timer or its completely broken, regardless, clickies with an ICD is a TERRIBLE design choice
  7. This is why you dont have clickies with ICDs, you did away with most of them a long time back, why on gods green earth would you bring them back with an "expansion" which brought more bugs than ever before? If you luck out and get a new instance where its not been taken then whoo hoo, you win, for everyone else you are screwed because its not respawning, completely avoidable issue and a terrible design choice, theres NO NEED for ICD clickies.
  8. This, it isnt like a normal cooldown, I use numbers but with interloper it doesnt give a number for the cd but has a clock like effect spinning on the icon. Some idiot has applied the wrong flag to the ability, literally a 5 second fix which means it will be bugged for 6 months +
  9. Before I start I am not making a rage post neither am I stamping my feet, Im just a firm believer in leaving feedback regardless of whether it is ignored or not, Im just jotting down thoughts. Firstly a couple of hours of on rails content which takes you straight to the level cap is NOT an "expansion", yes this can be doubled if you factor in the operation but thats essentially plus content which the majority of players wont even visit. Makeb was an expansion, this wasnt even close to Rishi. The story was ok, nothing special but there was nothing to do between cutscenes, by which I mean in the real game, the game that was built before everything revolved around the cartel shop, the game revolved around the planets and there was a myriad of missions and things to do AS WELL as the main storylines, This expansion just stuck you on rails and drove you through the story which will become a spacebar pressing affair when running the multiple characters you have through it and the dailies after finishing the on rails affair just dont cut it. "Play it your way"? Sounds pretty hollow really. Planets were tiny and a joke, nothing to explore, nothing to see, nothing to do, even getting around on them was a joke as there are no mobs on the main paths but it doesnt matter anyway because you can just take a speeder (incidently - Taxis have been added to the Fleet which will take you between each quarter. - really? how lazy are people.....) Yeah you played with the engine and interface, cool but not a big deal, at no point ever has someone ever come to play on the basis of those aspects. Nautolans look terrible, clip terribly and look like garbage. (Incidently I would pay money to run around as a jawa) I think the biggest issue that SWTOR has is they lock out feedback from the majority of players because they wont allow people who are not subscribers to post on the forums, how are they supposed to know what would make a non subscriber become a subscriber if they dont give them a platform to tell them? What they just guess? Sorry SWTOR, your guesses have you chasing your tails and flip flopping between the same old stuff, look at set bonuses, now it back on the shells, like it used to be, before it got put onto the armouring. Theres not even any attractive armour appearances to grind for, they all look like butt because anything half interesting goes into the cartel market. I ran through the content yesterday then unsubbed, huge disappointment.
  10. As it says, I cant send off any other gatherers once one is away, this is during onderon crap but with access to my full crew. *edit* seems you have to shut and reopen the crew skills window every time you send off a person, awesome....
  11. Right? Even after pushing it back a month they still cant stick to a deadline, I cant recall a significant patch going live at the allotted time.
  12. A fix to ranged companions which have been broken for months?
  13. What happened to fixing ranged companion AI? Thats been borked a ridiculous amount of time
  14. Patch 5.10.2 ranged companions still broken, wouldnt be so bad if Bioware didnt change all the old melee companions like Scorpio and Torian to ranged for no good reason.
  15. Being worked on? It wasnt broken for years, someone pissed about with it and now its been trashed for ranged comps for months, NPC AI is fine, melee companion AI is fine
  16. Pretty much this, Battlemaster, War Hero, Elite War Hero, Rakata etc etc all gleefully collected just to be rendered junk.
  17. its actually a little more complimentary than an alternative, which is hes too stupid to realise that when you have angry, mostly irrational players lurking on forums that giving stuff to a tiny percentage of people will enrage the others. This isnt a chill out stream or a count down to a launch of a great expansion where such codes would be a nice little side effect, its a fustercluck and as a result the idiotic one time use codes are just antagonizing people.
  18. How on earth can a company think that pleasing 25 people with fluff codes and pissing off hundreds to thousands more by the same action is a good thing?
  19. You could have tried testing patch 5.4a in the first place.... at this point you may as well declare beta and throw stuff up to see if it works.....
  20. Aside from the OPs every part of oricon is soloable just the heroic area requires thought to navigate
  21. Didnt you know every invasion in history started because the guy in charge managed to pack his house full of chairs..... More seriously though its a way of forcing content and generating sales to people who wouldnt normally be interested, same reason we got garbage arenas in regular warzone queues, to pad their use so a finger couldnt be directly pointed and said "these resources are underused" Smoke and mirrors....
  22. Haha, they said the CE store would get things in it, everything goes to cartel coins, you know that, expect to see the stronghold cap increased for 4000 cartel coins soon.....
  23. Its too big not to be an error, reported it day 1, expected it to be hotfixed as is literally a 5 minute job but nothing happening so still running dailies.
  24. My gosh, what a huge conundrum without hope of resolution...... its not like you can cap whatever you deem 'acceptable' towards crappy conquests is it..... oh wait..... you could exactly do that and allow those who are interested in strongholds to add to their collection. I have no need for more than one stronghold but this is a completely retarded state of affairs oh and conquests are crap
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