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Posts posted by brokentelevision

  1. Face the fact Bioware, your physics engine in this game cannot handle plateform jumping. Remove datacrons or remove the stat bonus from them. They're a forced thing and not a fun thing at all. Give everyone the stat gain from them and just make them give lore only.
  2. Haha must be your first MMO.


    It's not, whats you don't realize you overzealous fan boy. Is that this game had a quite bad launch, and still has no real sense of direction to it. It will fail unless they start giving it some direction. The story lines are great and all, but once you're done you lose most of interest.




    Rift launch wasn't this bad.


    WoW launch wasn't this bad.


    Warhammer launch wasn't this bad, it really wasn't.


    AoC, had issues but none I had (didn't get very far to be honest)


    Vanguard was a good launch (though was too everquesty)




    The fanboys in this game are worse then wow fanboys. At least wowfanboys will admit when the game is screwed up. You just pass everything off like Bioware can do no wrong and absolutely nothing is wrong and you're all wrong for thinking things are wrong.

  3. Tank companions are completely worthless after they nerfed them in beta.



    Tank companions used to be good enough to tank stuff. They used to be just below player tanks. However, healers would use a tank companion and were soloing heroic content. So they nerfed tank companions to the point of worthlessness. They're now so bad, they don't have that great of threat, they don't live that much longer at all, and do half the damage.




    I'd be happy if companions just moved a bit in combat, like out of AoE :mad: Seriously once combat starts they freeze and never move till it ends. They're turrets and require way too much micromanagement.

  4. I know what you mean OP, the issue is that a lot of people won't even start a new character until they KNOW what legacy is. All we know is what you can read on the front of the box. Which isn't telling you much at all, Bioware loves to tell you next to nothing about everything until the day before it goes live.



    So honestly expect to know nothing about legacy levels, how many there even are, what the perks are, what levels you get them, what race options open up until about early march about a week before the patch hits.

  5. Hahaha. What? How do you report bugs if there is no bug reporting system?


    There are -always- bugs in live software. Not having a bug reporting system is like sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting LALALALALA.


    I like the fact that we are given a direct (although one way) channel to the devs so we can at least be sure they have heard our complaints.


    No that is why you have a BUG TESTING PERIOD! So you can gather a bunch of people to sit and go and find bugs, so you can fix them and get as good as a product as you can.



    The bugs that came from instances at launch was so downright bad, it makes me question their skills as programmers and developers. I expect occasional bugs, I don't expect completely obvious bugs that is noticed outright and are repeated problems.




    The truth is, Bioware spent most of beta testing trying to figure out if lip sync matched up to dialog :(

  6. That was a lot of reasons why people don't play republic. Sage armor just looks terrible. JK armor looks bad too.


    The armor I've noticed is very, well everquestish. In the sense of it's bland and boring. Which is funny cause you'd expect it to be more wowish in the sake that it's high fantasy and looks awesome and has 0 purpose to it.



    I've about given up on MMO's entirely, which sadly means I've almost given up on PC games.

  7. I've ran into a bit of the same issue, I'm cybertech and I can craft my own mods, limited ones.


    Problem is, green mods are almost worthless. You get blue mods on planets that are way higher and better then any green I can make for world gathering appropriate level items.


    I've tried DEing them (yeah don't care use the lingo I know) and honestly the rate at discovering blue items is garbage. It's so low, it's a waste of time and mats to even hit DE.

  8. I hope that all mercs take the same attitude and it never gets fixed because the technical teams never hear about it. :D


    That would make me feel pretty good about your apathy.


    This is why you have beta testing.





    There should not ever under any circumstance be a need to have /bug in live. This is a common thing that should never have made it past beta. The problem was bioware being retarded and wanting to keep everything a secret till launch. Beta didn't get nearly enough focus, since NDA was up pretty much all beta long. Nobody could really talk about anything. So nothing was shown, nothing was talked, nothing was done.


    PTR is a fail here, nobody goes on it. Nobody is going to sit through cut scenes for the 5th time for the same damn planet they've done over and over.



    If I have to do nar shadaa one more time :mad:

  9. yeah CC is too abundant in this game. It's to the point where PvP is just about CC and nothing else. Why do you think Huttball is pretty much seen as terrible by actual people who pvp?


    I honestly thought knockbacks were the very worst thing ever introduced to PvP. It was bad in warhammer, bad in WoW, and bad here too.


    Honestly knockbacks and knockdowns need to be changed to only affect weak npc mobs.

  10. The only thing I hate, is whoever is in charge of forum moderation. I swear we have Indian workforces moderating our forums. Because the mods just seem to be so out of touch with things. And constantly deleting threads is a bit annoying. Hell I fully expect this thread to be deleted by the time I finish this post.



    For the most part I stopped posted because more then half the time the thread ends up deleted before I finish posting.

  11. You can't say legacy is a timesink or not. Why? Because we still don't know a damn thing about it.



    All we know is we are getting meaningless levels for starting other characters, and a last name.


    We don't know what those levels mean, what they reward, or anything. Hell they could scrap half the levels when they release this legacy system anyway.



    Ignore legacy, it's a not implemented feature. It's best to believe it's never going to be in game till it's announced anyway.

  12. and then all the lv 50 reps will go imperial, faction change is not that hard to implement (mirrior classes/replay the classstory) but does nothing for anyone at all. Unless BW decides to give huge advantaged for rep players it will stay this way.. however, if they give them these advantages imps will be pissed and quit.. yeah faction balance would be restored shortly.. then change to reps. benefit and then everything will go to hell.. the players choose what they want to play, nothing BW can do about it.


    I could have sworn they already did give incentive to playing republic. They made Commando's overpowered as all hell. Don't believe me? Go play a commando, easiest class to level in the game. DPS rocks, and you get your healing companion at like level 20.

  13. In past games, I always had a hard time saving cash to buy the things I wanted. I was always amazed at how people were able to amass large amounts of cash. Here in SWTOR, I have not had that problem. By the time I was level 5, I had over 5k just from mob kills and selling junk. By the time I hit 25, I had more than 60k on two separate occasions..


    If a derp like me can save enough cash for a speeder at 25, and say its easy, then I know you can too.


    Good luck!!




    I found I had significantly more credits on my Empire characters for some reason. All of my Republic characters seem to be broke all the time, and I'm not doing a thing differently between them. It's just I tend to get more money for whatever reason on empire.

  14. So from what I can read, the only way repeat the ONLY way to make any decent money at a low level these days is to pvp. Warzones are single handedly the best source of income right now.


    Slicing used to make money, not anymore. The GTN on my server isn't that good and nothing sells. I have tons of crafting mats and nothing sells. Not mats, not items, not schematics, nothing. The GTN is useless and might as well be removed if you play republic :(


    My trooper just hit 20 and I haven't bought a single bag upgrade, nothing off the GTN, and haven't done any crafting missions (just world gathering) and I only have about 28k cred.


    When I had slicing pre-nerf I had around 110 to 150k by level 20. Granted I was already 400 slicing and doing max yield max rank mission at that point, which I should be making that much at that point.

  15. I've decided on The Ebon Hawk server. I like Role Playing and always thought it was interesting.


    I'm going to play a Jedi Knight Guardian. A Jedi with a somewhat troubled past, who has sense developed a rather distant and neutral view. One that neither cares for helping or hurting. A troubled knight that just does whatever he's told or paid to do. One that believes he's no holier then the sith and has no duty to tell people what they're doing is wrong. One that doesn't care to see the world burn or grow.


    It'll be interesting to say the least I'm sure.

  16. I apologize for the long thread, and know that most will look past it without even reading.


    At the very least read part of it, I'm not trolling this time. I know I did extensively in the past, I won't lie look at posting history.



    I'm a broken television, and I'm a forum troll.



    Step 1 is admitting you have a problem.

  17. So I find myself keep coming back here, to the forums, after telling myself that I'm not coming back to the game. I told myself, even after buying collector's edition, that the game was gonna fail. I played it, and found reasons to not like it. Clearly overlooking or under valuing the reasons to like it. After deciding to stop playing and canceling, I kept returning here, maybe to troll maybe to try to find reasons to keep playing I don't know.


    After a fairly lengthy argument, argument yes...discussion sadly no, I went forth to other venues to find people with like mind. I found myself brought to 4chan, to /v/ the video game page. There was a very long thread about The Old Republic on there. I sat and read every single response. What I found was people that were worse then me. People that ignored every plus and over shinned the flaws to levels of absurdity. It then dawned on me.


    I'm becoming one of them, without even knowing it.


    So I went out and bought a time card, I bought it to prove to myself that I'm not like them. I bought it to reaffirm that I can be better then cliche forum going hate breeder. I can find things to like, and glorify them. I know I can be tolerant of the wrong things. I'll try to play with a more non-biased outlook.


    I know that Bioware has done some questionable things with the game. We don't know what alternatives they had, so with that reason who am I to judge them?


    So now, I'm going to play on a server I want to play and not where I know a few people on. I'm going to play how I want to play, find people who play like me. Try to make friends, and be patient with those the know less then me. I'll spread what knowledge I know, and seek what I don't.


    This is my story, of how I over came my troll nature.

  18. It happens ALL THE TIME!



    I swear every single black talon run I do somebody who can't use the gear needs every single item. Every item has one person who can't use need. Half the time there is only one sin in the group and he loses the double light saber (only person who an use it) to a warrior who sees lightsaber and his mind clicks to upgrade I use lightsabers!

  19. So because certain players are less skilled than others at playing the level you believe they should play at we need to avoid this feature all together?



    Thats what they did with high texture armor graphics, doesn't surprise me that did it with everything else.


    It's almost like Bioware only expects ******* to keep subscribing. They didn't want stupid people who can't figure out how to turn graphics down to complain so they force low graphics on everyone.


    Just like they don't want people to complain about bad tanks and bad healers who don't know what they're doing so they'll scrap dual spec.



    I myself, would gladly tank or heal. I'm honestly not a bad player and fairly good one to boot. However I refuse to level as a tank or healer. I just don't like it and can't do it. So I am dps. It's too expensive to switch so I dps.

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