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Posts posted by winterjane

  1. Last straw. This has clearly been being reported as broken in multiple ways and above all zero fun since *last November* and still nothing has been done to fix any of it. Like an earlier poster, I run on Story mode due to physical and visual impairments - there's just no way I can handle this (half the time I can't even make out what is happening on the screen as it is too 'busy' and messed-up.


    If fixing something as bad as this isn't a priority (and, clearly, it isn't - even though just the trivial act of removing the timer would make a huge difference) no wonder we are losing so many players that server merges need to be forced again. I've been a subscriber since Beta, but I see no reason at all to continue as the game company seems to equate 'person who gives us money' as 'idiot who should be screwed over'.

  2. The anticipation of this frustrating speedbump is preventing me from running two characters through KotET. Actually it's even killed my desire to finish KotFE with one of them, and she's on chapter 15.


    This mission is not fun, it's not challenging, it's not even interesting. Missions with timers need to have some kind of unique appeal or they just become nothing but frustrating speedbumps. This mission is just plain bad with the timer and can be completely fixed by simply removing the timer. It adds nothing but frustration to an already buggy mission.


    The *invisible* timer, no less :(


    This is where I (and my two servers full of characters) quit. Clearly this disaster area of a quest is never going to get fixed (I'm seeing it reported all the way back to January), and the only reason it isn't being sorted out that I can think of is 'we can't be bothered, we get your money anyway'.

  3. One follow-up question, with apologies in advance if I am again being thick. The game already tracks the number of decoration *unlocks*, which is displayed as 'you have unlocked X/100' of any given decoration. I'm unclear why the number of unlocks cannot be used to easily show how many items you 'should' possess. Unless the game doesn't distinguish between unlocking an item (clicking on an unbound one) and 'copying it'?
  4. Today , 02:32 PM | #26


    OP here - just wanted to thank everyone who has taken the time and trouble to reply. I do understand better now that there is some rhyme and reason involved, whereas before I didn't (the only server transfer I ever experienced up to now was when Trask Ulgo was forced to merge with Progenitor, and Strongholds were not ofc an issue back in those ancient days!).


    Although I still feel that the effect being forced on people is unfun and unfair, - and definitely agree with others that Bioware could have been a lot clearer about this - at least it no longer feels like a rather random bit of meanness/thoughtlessness - and I find that helpful. So thanks all

  5. OP here - just wanted to thank everyone who has taken the time and trouble to reply. I do understand better now that there is some rhyme and reason involved, whereas before I didn't (the only server transfer I ever experienced up to now was when Trask Ulgo was forced to merge with Progenitor, and Strongholds were not ofc an issue back in those ancient days!).


    Although I still feel that the effect being forced on people is unfun and unfair, at least it no longer feels like a rather random bit of meanness/thoughtlessness - and I find that helpful. So thanks all :)

  6. But we *haven't* chosen to move anything anywhere - it's being forced on us. It isn't a case of 'move if you want, but it will cost you some of your stuff' - it's a case of 'we are moving you and taking some of your stuff'. I'm still confused as to how taking items away can in any way be described as 'not impacted'. I'm not obsessed with the number 15 any more than I am obsessed with Basic Metal Chairs, I promise. I just want to know how it is fair to *force* me to give up items I actually paid for and seriously wonder why there isn't a different way to handle this - it feels kinda like being punished for having spent money, time and efffort on the game - 'thanks for your efforts, here's a kick in the teeth just to rub salt into the wound of forcing a server merge on you'.
  7. Decorations are not impacted by the United Forces update. If you have more than one Legacy which are combined as part of the update, you will have access to each decoration equal to the highest decoration among your Legacies. Ex: On the “Skywalker” Legacy you have 4 Basic Metal Chairs, on the Organa Legacy you have 15 Basic Metal Chairs. After the update, you will have a combined Legacy with 15 Basic Metal Chairs. It is possible that you may end up with more decorations placed than you own after the update. If this happens, you cannot place any more of that decoration until you go below your owned value.


    So in fact they ARE affected, because using your own example someone who previously owned 19 of an item will now own only 15 - this seems very unfair to me. We pay for those decorations, sometimes on the AH and sometimes with actual real money on the Cartel Market. We craft for some of them too. And you think it's OK to just take some of them away?


    I think it would be fairer to add them together, as long as that would not exceed the 'maximum allowed out of 100' that most decs have. Otherwise you seem to be saying to me "Hey, we just took away those expensive 2 [whatevers] you bought on Red Eclipse, because you had 3 of them on Progenitor. If you want to have 5 again, you can just spend those Cartel Coins or credits all over again." Not very friendly, is it?


    I do understand that I can 'keep' them all if I put them down and never ever move them again, but that seems pretty harsh also as they are then not available in any really useful way (eg, I couldn't take them out of one stronghold and put them down again in a new one).

  8. Both sides who want different looking armor have valid issues that need resolution. I, for one, have faith in Joveth, but this thread is no longer serving any valid purpose as it has devolved into pointless back-and-forthing about who is right or wrong.


    That is NOT the point here. The point is that all of us had certain expectations of the armor and it was changed from whichever you had to something else, or from something that didn't match your expectations into something you did. Neither side is invalid at all and I hope Bioware will be able to give those of us who liked the previous look back the sets we loved.


    That said, I will take my leave and urge you all to a little more respect and courtesy of each other's viewpoints.


    And I will agree with you and stop posting also. If a 60+ page thread hasn't alerted BW to the fact that their communication on this issue was a massive fail, and that many customers (on both 'sides' of the old/new divide) are very unhappy with the way this has been handled, I'm not sure what else we can do.


    The utterly simple suggestion of offering a choice of 'look' to those people who already have altered/corrected items bound to them, given that programming for both looks already exists, has been made many times and in several threads. The looks could then be sold as different sets in the future. I for one hope that will happen (and BW ought to realise it could give them happy customers AND make them MORE money for very little effort), but I'm going to go away now, have a cup of tea and wait to see what happens.

  9. It would be nice if they were not trying to have their cake an eat it. We are being told 'well it's your fault, you should have relied on box promo art not the actual items/previews.' Buuuuuuut. Then they say 'Um, yes, well, Dancer's/Reveller's outfit mix up. You see, we ... um... sort of accidentally put the picture of one of those on the promo art of the Cartel Pack it isn't included in....and included the other one...but yes, you should always rely on our box promo art....'.


    Pick one, please.

  10. Those of us who were perfectly happy with the look of our purchased items have been told off in more than one thread today along the lines of "well you never posted saying you had no problems, so this is your own fault".


    That just might have something to do with the current noise levels you are seeing from usually quiet people.

  11. The changes to the Trailblazer set are minor at best. I have my Shadow's Nadia in that outfit and the changes are small and don't detract from the look. The shoulder piece is barely noticiable compared to so many other chest pieces. It's nothing to complain about.


    With respect, that is your personal opinion, based purely on your personal taste. Other purchasers have the right to differ.


    The boots have completely changed in look from sleek and simple to 'daft-looking mini-rockets on the side'. No offence to anyone who likes mini-rockets, but they are now not even remotely what I paid for.

  12. I'd like to request you go back to the original design of the Trailblazer chest & boots It used to have a sleek look and now it looks atrocious with giant test tubes hanging off the side of the boots and the chest piece has a giant shoulder pad and neck line that looks like a giant goldfish bowl should sit on it. Completely ruined the PVP and PVE look I was going for with all this extra mumbo jumbo.



  13. I am bewildered by the people saying "Look, it's your fault for buying Cartel items, even if you bought them on the GTN and so only saw the item preview." No one makes anyone buy Cartel items, but BW certainly WANT us to. They want our money. And they also want an in-game economy to flourish. Which means showing us some consideration, unless they are confident new buyers are going to be pouring in every month. Unless you are confident your company can **** money, it's quite a good idea not to **** on your customers.


    Is the suggestion that no one should buy anything?


    I think what's been coming over in several threads is, yes, BW can change the appearance and performance of anything they darn well please, whenever it pleases them. A separate question for them to consider is: is that good practice? Good marketing? Is it likely to persuade people to buy more stuff/have confidence in the game economy if they keep doing it due to simple mistakes?

  14. And a lot of posters in that thread appear to be saying 'no, please, I like what I have bought just the way it is'. And that's the only thread being cited as The Reason For The Changes. So who exactly is BW aiming to please/be fair to here?


    This isn't some abstract "I spotted a mismatch between promo art and executed product. so fix it to make things aesthetically correct" thing. That sort of mismatch is one that should have been caught in development, way before anyone bought anything.


    It is such a basic mistake, it should never have made it into gameplay.


    But it did. And once it did, things change. We aren't in the realm of 'what in isolation looks most likes X's idea of this thing?' any more once that happens. Because people begin to buy and trade.


    Once people have invested in items, the scope of the issue very much widens.

  15. Not really, forums represent a miniscule percentage of the population, more like 5%. They changed it because it would be false advertising to not deliver what promo artwork on the pack displayed and thee dev tracker details them stating it was incorrect a month ago.


    Forums represent exactly such a miniscule percentage of players, yet we are being told one small forum thread of complaints (people complaining the gear matched previews rather than artwork) was the reason for all these changes being implemented.


    We are given no information as to whether these complainants had bought the gear in question and were disappointed or merely disliked it and so would not purchase, and would like the 'artwork look' to be available.


    I think that is what has a lot of us baffled.


    It very much seems to suggest those of us who had been quietly bumbling along playing the game should start shouting on the forums instead.

  16. Considering the promo was the intended version, that's what they delivered on. It's false advertising to those who bought the packs before BW acknowledged they were incorrect if BW didn't fix it so they did.


    Responsible practice would have been to pull the affected items from sale as soon as a problem was flagged up and unspecified future changes decided upon, until they had been fixed.


    Having failed to do that, and so created this mess, BW should make more effort to sort it out to the satisfaction of everyone caught up in it.


    For mis-advertised items this means you have to give buyers the opportunity to either keep the version they have received, exchange it for the new version or obtain a refund. This is how things work in the real world and its how things need to work virtually. And if a games company can't work out how to do that, or can't be bothered, then they shouldn't be in the buisness of selling virtual items.


    This. EA/Bioware seem totally unaware of the obligations and expectations involved in introducing a real money aspect to the game. Which given that such an aspect features in many other games and could have been studied by them is..bewildering.

  18. And please offer this option where other changes have been made - Trailblazer, Spymaster...


    After all, the programming of both 'looks' has been done, so what reason would you have for not keeping ALL your paying customers happy?


    If you are in any doubt that your customers want this, have a glance at this (currently) 47-page thread





    They "made" people buy it? Are you ******** me? Those packs, and EVERYTHING, in the cartel market are OPTIONAL. Nobody MADE them buy anything. And anyone who bought the packs, got the chest piece and expected it to STAY that way are just...yeah no.


    Tough luck. Get over it, BW did what they said they were gonna do. Go cry in a corner somewhere else.


    No one has said anyone was MADE to buy anything.


    Many people, on the other hand, have said that people who bought something had a reasonable expectation (by reasonable, I mean 'at point of sale') that their purchase would not abruptly be re-modelled into something they would not have chosen to spend money on. A bit like if you bought a TV and a month later the vendor took it back and forced you to have a kettle.


    A much better idea would be to allow players to choose between which version they want to wear. Other games manage to provide multiple style options without any difficulty, this game should be able to do it as well.


    Yes, that would be a MUCH better idea. And simple to do, as programming for both looks has now been done. Still waiting for an explanation as to why they are not offering this.

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