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Posts posted by Axxtasy

  1. You have had a much different experience than my own. When I went to Ilum I sat on my mount and got my quests done by watching Republic and Imps flip nodes back and forth. I am horribly disappointed in the implementation of PvP in this game, but I do agree that the map looks well laid out, is good looking and has not caused me lag issues.
  2. I started playing MMO's with DAoC, and have been constantly looking for that great RvR experience ever since. WaR came close, but there were too many other influences keeping that game from being great.


    I was absolutely stoked to find out that SWTOR was going to have an RvR planet. As soon as I hit 50, I rushed out to it ready to get in some action. When I arrived though, it was an odd series of events.


    1. I came across a lone repub firing a missle. I attacked, she /sighed and just stood there. After killing her I moved on.


    2. I ran into an entire group of repub standing next to a group of imperials. I charged in, and was instantly bombarded with tells telling me not to attack, that they were flipping.


    3. I stood there and completed my daily and weekly PvP requirements without once getting off my mount.


    To say that I am disappointed would be an understatement. Not only was there no incentive to actually fight...there was a strong incentive to not fight.


    This is a huge issue. If you do not have some sort of coherent PvP system in place, you will lose subscribers. It looks like this game will just be another warfront grind.

  3. Topped many leaderboards below 50, it's not hard, it requires skill and a positive mindset.


    It's a rarity it seems.




    Yup, and you didn't have geared lvl 50's in there either. This is a very gear centric game and it makes a substantial difference.

  4. I went through the first couple pages and saw a lot of QQ about Huttball, but nothing about my particular QQ.


    I actually like Huttball and I think its a great way to help deal with faction imbalance. That said, it should count towards completing your PvP daily even when up against the same faction as it is extremely difficult to get into any other type of game.



  5. Try reading the dev tracking and or community blog, also theres a few twitter accounts you can follow, plus patch notes. Reading is good. Btw, nice colorful, pointless thread.


    Actually it was a nice, polite and constructive thread that is already being attacked by slack-jawed fanboys before it makes it to page 2. btw, nice rude, pointless response.

  6. Im so sick of these tired threads. Give it a reast already. If the game plays just fine without dual specs then it doesnt NEED it. That YOU want it, is a whole other issue. I see the same people starting these threads or posting in them. Give it a rest already. I can appreciate that you feel strongly about the issue but so do those that are against dual speccing.


    As it stands right now there is no lack of tanks or healers. The companion system made them easy to lvl and the players have responded. There are more tanks/healers in this game (and at an early stage) then there were in many other MMOs(at least on my server).


    There is no arena-type PvP in this game...and as far as ive seen a dedicated PvP spec is not really NEEDED to do competitive level PvP...there are literally only a handfull of talents that you would choose diferently from your PvE spec and the difference is really not that big. Those who are dedicated PvP-ers will choose them anyway. You dont NEED the exact optimum spec for every situation.


    Also, you dont NEED to be able to fill multiple roles. The fact that you WANT to have that feature doesnt make it a necessity. So far i havent experienced problems with grouping. Actually ive seen tanks/healers looking for DPSers for groups...which seldom happened in other games...just goes to show you there are in fact enough people filling those roles.


    Anyway...i dont know when/if this feature will come...its up to the devs...but saying its NEEDED is a gross overstatement. Theres a big difference between WANT and NEED...


    This is a valid response, although I think you are underplaying how important PvP specs will be when the RvR starts and guild groups really start rolling.

  7. Dual spec is not needed if you want to use another spec , re-spec and that's it. Sure you have to pay for it but that what choices are all about. I hate this whining about not being able to fill both roles for 1 class at the same time. Guess what, your not supposed to.


    Again, reading comprehension is an important part of not looking slow. Enjoying PvE AND PvP combat in a game that contains both in abundance, but only being able to do one effectively is is not "what choices are all about", it's quite simply inane and stupid. If the respec costs are reasonable then sure, but they are not in this game. They climb to the point of absurdity and make it IMPOSSIBLE for someone to both raid and pvp effectively.


    One more time for the cheap seat and nervous hospitals: Do you honestly think that people are going to roll 2 of the exact same class simply so they can PvE and PvP?


    If so I simply do not know what to tell you except wake up.

  8. wrong, you can play every single aspect of the game. EVERY SINGLE ONE. It's called playing multiple characters, which they allow (innovative, I know) !!!!


    People want it because they are lazy.


    Let me go out on a limb here and guess that you are from the FPS community that has no clue about MMOs.


    Nope. All the way since DAoC. Nice job again not addressing the PvP/PvE comment I directed at you earlier.


    Only an idiot would suggest that you need 2 characters of the same class, or pay excessive respec costs to play PvE and PvP in this game. That is if they want to see the game last more than 6 months.


    You don't even have a reason for not wanting this, you are just argumentative and since you don't PvE and PvP you don't care and therefor just enjoy watching people "pay the consequences".


    Edit: After seeing your string of posts it is clear you are trolling. Almost got me.

  9. A big resounding NO from me on dual speccing.


    Reason is you can't be good at everything. If you want to PvP then use the PvP tree if you want to do PvE content and not suck then go that route. If you want to change spec pay the price and change but a big no to dual speccs. There should be consequences to a choice in game and having two speccs defeats that consequence.


    If you want an example at how bad an idea this is look at Rift. If you want dual speccs go play that game.


    Here is intellect. Your basic premise is that you should only be able to enjoy one aspect of the game, or pay excessive penalties.


    Why? Who knows, you give nothing to back up your argument, just some vague reference to Rift (which had a wonderful class system btw). You have no logic, no sound reasoning, only some odd wish for players to have to suffer the "consequences" of daring to want to PvP and PvE?


    I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are not a serious raider and pvper?

  10. I do not feel that dual spec is something that we need. There is plenty of content to see if you roll a different class to make that "healer" or "tank" that you want to constantly flip back and forth on.


    Do people like you even read the threads you post in?


    Tell me how a DPS Warrior (sentinal/marauder) can benefit from going through the same story twice so that they can have a PvP specced and PvE specced toon.


    It helps to read.


    I've raided end game content in a few games, for extended periods of time. .


    When I was pointing to the lack of experience, what I meant was that you obviously have not raided endgame WHILE PvPing competitively. I should have made that more clear. For all I know you were in the top WoW guild in the world or one of the most active PvPers around, but clearly not at the same time.


    I was. I was on a 4 night raid schedule, and was also doing the warlord grind (yes old times lol). So I would have to pay for 2 respecs a day. With raiding and PvPing this didn't leave me any time to grind. My buddies were throwing me money to respec. The dual spec option saved me from that.


    Now it is a staple of the MMO genre and will continue to be. BW has already stated that it will be going into the game, but I enjoy having conversations about this sort of thing. Comments like the one a couple above just make my day, where the smart-*** says "just pay the respec it isnt hard" then the next guy talks about his logic, when both of them clearly have zero knowledge about it.


    Hey guys, just use the (upcoming) dual spec option. It isn't hard.

  12. and I don't' see the majority wanting it for PvP.


    Where exaclty are you looking? Go back through the thread. Most people want this for flipping between PvP and PvE.


    What you see as a pain in the ***** I see as an EZ mode option...



    Honestly? You truly, honestly believe that it somehow adds to the enjoyment of the gamers who are active PvPers and raiders to have to grind cash? I find that hard to believe. If so, we obviously have very different ideas about what is fun.


    Also, what are you talking about as far as a bandaid? Are you talking about the healer/tank issue? Well, sure it does help in that respect, so sounds like a decent bandaid to me. If you are talking about a bandaid to help with the respec costs that active players would incur...well thats not a bandaid, its a fix.


    and my comment about it being a null argument still stands. you will still have to re-roll, and you will still have respec options, whether dual spec exists or not.


    I guess I am just not understanding what you are saying here, please elaborate.


    And My option would resolve your issue with PvP. spec a PvP spec, and pick a companion that complements your weaknesses. does your DPS suffer because you chose PvP talents? pick a DPS companion..etc etc etc


    Here is where I think the divide is happening. Like I said earlier in this thread, a large part of this comes from people who do not raid and PvP. If you had done much PvP in this game you would know that you cannot use your companions in any of the instanced PvP. As far as RvR who knows?


    Edit: The only thing that my idea doesn't resolve is those that want to be able to PvP and then immediately hop into a PvE FP and be top DPS. But It bears repeating that my idea bridge both camps. I personally am perfectly happy with NOT having a respec option in the game, but i'm willing to try and tread middle ground. it seems you are reacting far more selfishly in these regards.


    Don't start with that crap. As stated above your idea has nothing to do with me or the countless other raiders who PvP. It would not help us in the slightest. You are blatantly incorrect. Even if you WERE right about companions in PvP, how in the hell would that make me selfish? I am not the one wanting to impose a grind on other players when it is not anything that would involve me anyway.


    I still stand on the idea that dual spec is a bandaid...and a poor one at that. keep in mind that it causes as many issues as it solves. one example is the "pure class deficit" with dual spec in existence, pure classes will be pushed to extinction because they are inferior in an environment where a hybrid can dps as well as them in a dps spec, then switch to a heal spec in the blnk of an eye. the pure class does not have that option, and they would be chosen less because of that. I currently see that occurring in other active MMO's as we speak.


    You obviously have very little experience with any sort of raid environment or pvp environment. Historically hybrid specs have almost ALWAYS been inferior to pure specs in regards to ANY role, whether it be tanking, dps or support. In every game that allows dual speccing, pure classes still thrive. I have no idea where you are getting your ideas, but they are completely groundless and without any sort of factual basis. Hell, look at Rift, where you can be up to 6 classes. Pure classes are still the norm for just about anything.


    I think you mean well, but you have very little idea what you are talking about. You have ideas, but they are based on groundless rhetoric instead of real facts.

  13. To me that is a much more effective solution then dual spec that satisfies both side of the argument.


    Except you are completely ignoring the other side of the argument.


    The majority of people want dual spec for a PvE/PvP build. Your whole idea does nothing for that. Why in the hell would you support being able to PAY for a respec so that you can PvP/PvE, but would not support a dual spec option? Simply to make it more of a pain in the ***? You call it "mcdonalds" MMO, but it is simply an innovation. Just because something is more convenient and easier does not mean it is dumbed down or EZmode, it simply means that it isn't a major pain in the ***. Does no one remember the EQ grindfest? Putting in more questing in later MMOs was probably looked at by some as "EZmode", but thank god they were the insane vocal minority, since the genre was improved. Just like it was with dual speccing. I am going to flip PvP build and raid build anyway, along with every single other end game raider who enjoys pvp on the weekends, this will just eliminate the stupid cash grind to do so.

  14. I agree to all your points, but offer this:


    Let me begin at the end by saying that min-maxing is, in fact, a product originally of tabletop gaming. In my opinion, min-maxing is the bane of tabletop gaming and is one of the reasons why I refuse to play several systems (most notably 4e). I''ve spent my entire tabletop gaming career trying to find people who won''t min-max because it destroys the fun for me. The same is true in online gaming - min-maxers destroy the fun for me.


    I agree that removing dual-spec will not stop people who want to min-max, which is why it won''t slow down "hardcore" people, but it will stop the spread of the play style. A minority of players min-maxing is manageable, I can simply not play with them, but when the majority (overwhelming) of players adopt this play style (I believe because it is convenient) it ruins the game for me.


    Perhaps I am in the minority in this opinion (not liking min-maxers), so perhaps it is a better business option to ignore me and appease others - and I can accept that - but I can''t stop arguing my point because it is what I believe is correct and fun.


    "Optimized" builds will always exist, all I want is to not cater towards them or rather, not cater towards them being widespread and "cookie-cutter".


    Great post. As a min-maxxer I don't see eye to eye with you, but I really appreciate hearing a valid argument from someone who makes sense and isn't just frothing at the mouth. This is the first time I have heard an actual reason for being anti-dual spec, and while I disagree that it is important enough to limit the majorities gaming style over, I cannot honestly say that I think you are wrong. Well said.

  15. While I appreciate hearing a rational argument, I still have to disagree.


    What happens in a scenario without dual specs is not less min-maxing. You will still have optimized raid builds and optimized PvP builds. This does not eliminate a cookie cutter build. All it does is force more griding for the players that have time, or a pigeon-holing of characters, ie: the top raiding guilds will be made up of players with optimal PvE builds, same with PvP, with players that will not be able to compete in the other without spending inordinate amounts of cash, or leveling 2 toons.


    Again, this does nothing except drive off players to other games. You can blame wow for whatever you want, but the reality is min-maxing has been around since tabletop games, log parsing (meters) since EQ, and PvP/PvE specs since the beginning of gaming. The only thing that has changed is that the games help cater to this with dual spec now, after all the complaining about having to pay extreme respec prices.

  16. Not necessary at all.


    If you're specced as DPS, you want to be DPS, and your guild is short on healers, RECRUIT PEOPLE! Stop being reclusive shut-ins who only want to play with the same 4 people all the time! You need healers? Recruit healers! Need a tank? Recruit a tank!


    It's retarded to think that people NEED to be able to have two specs just so people don't have to bother playing with other people. "I can be DPS OR a healer, depending on what we need! We don't need any more DPS or healers cause I can do both!" is NOT a mentality that should be forming.


    People like you need to stop reading what you want to read, and start paying attention to the rest. Most of the posters in this thread are not asking to change AC's, only allowing a PvP/PvE spec without an insanely high cost.


    I would love to see how many of these posters are:


    1. Not PvPers

    2. Not progression raiders


    Because the whole thing stinks of "I don't like it, so it shouldn't be in here!" Probably because you will never use it anyway since you don't raid end game and PvP in the same week.

  17. It is not outrageous to think there's nothing wrong with the idea that people can build a character a certain way without some crutch to change their minds on a whim. It's not outrageous to think replaying to build a new character is a viable option. You're welcome to disagree with me, but we can have alts for a reason. If I were to overreact as much as you just did, I could say it's outrageous to want to build a character that can fulfill the functions of two other players. I'm apparently not nearly as into overblown drama as you are, though, so I won't.


    And it's a game. It's not "100 hours of your life," like someone's sitting there forcing you to do something. It's a game. You're making a far bigger deal out of those 100 hours than they deserve.




    So don't. Play your character the way you built it.




    I won't argue that dual speccing isn't a convenience feature, but that's all it is. It's nowhere near, as the OP claims, a necessity.




    As opposed to your "artificial thought" they should not? I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, but if it's "my opinion is more important than yours," I humbly disagree.


    Look, I get that you want this. That doesn't mean people don't have perfectly valid reasons for not wanting it. My biggest? I think it caters to the lazy, who want everything right now. I don't happen to think that's a good part of the population to start kissing up to.



    Can you back out of your own ankle deep rhetoric for one second and answer the question you have glossed over in your zeal to be "right"?


    How in the hell can you advocate and champion a DPS Sith Marauder having to play through the same storyline 2 times so that he can have 2 separate toons for PvP/PvE? We are talking about the same AC, only different point allocation for CC/DPS/Escape purposes? All for what? Some peoples "immersion"? Christ that is the most inane and circular argument I have ever heard and I truly think at this point you are just being deliberately obtuse for the sake of being "right" in an internet argument.


    There is NO logical reason to force a player to level the same character twice so that they can enjoy both aspects of the game. And before you say "You can already do that by respeccing", you are only partially correct, as the cost quickly becomes exorbitant and unattainable for the average player, hence why it was implemented in WoW to begin with.

  18. Yeh I was blown away by how polished Rift was at launch but lets be honest, the game was retarded for many reasons. This game was astronomically expensive, I can live with getting the bare bones at launch. They just need to patch fast and furiously and I feel they will do just that.


    Oh yessir, not disagreeing at all. I didn't like Rift's end game, and their PvP system was useless, but no one can argue just how great the game was at launch. Just pointing it out to the people using the "all games are borked at launch" argument.

  19. Pffft... These servers are stable as the pyramids were at creation. Seems many are looking at WoW launch with rose tinted glasses. Here's a small reminder.




    Very old, but VERY true. WoW launchers should remember it well.


    You must have missed Rift's launch. I didn't enjoy the game much, but the launch was certainly smoother and the game much more polished.

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