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Posts posted by _DaGreat

  1. If you want to solo queue go back to regular WZs. Ranked should be about premade vs premade, not pugs fighting pugs and getting best gear in game.



    Uh... I must have missed the CCRs on ranked WZ but why again is this?

  2. Been suggesting this myself for a long time. Could also be used to challenge other guilds since guild vs guild warring in this game is not really feasible. Private WZs with no rewards could be very fun and not hard to implement.
  3. I have a valor 78 merc pyro that has been on the shelf for over 2 months while I worked up my now valor 65 PT pyro. Yesterday I decided to start playing my merc pyro again to speed up my WH gear grind (moving items from merc pyro to PT pyro via legacy gear). All I can say is WOW. I had forgot how limited merc pyros are in WZs. They have probably the least utility, little survivability with mid-range DPS. Maybe a F, D and B- respectively. Made me remember quickly why I shelved the merc in the first place.
  4. Players that makes statements like "merc dps is as good as Tech pyros" or "Merc healers is a viable option" simply doesnt play ranked wzs.


    We r the only class that dropps in performance the better gear we get...or rather as soon as the opposition passes 1100 exp we r fkked.


    I 2nd the starter of this thread...let us switch to powertechs (or even better) let us swapp class from silly arse mercs alltogether.


    If u say u can heal pvp as a mercs u r right...u will avarage 1/3 of a ungeared sorc or half that of a similar geared operative...u will heal allright...ull suck at it but it IS healing...poor healing.

    Pvp was allright in 1.1...got worse in 1.2...and since 1.3 its horrible for a merc.


    U can dps ...but why do i have to work my butt off to c the same results as a Powertech pyro doing facepalms?

    In ranked Mercs have no function anymore...no function that another class can not do aswell and do it better with far less grief. Gonna get my last WH piece on my merc then park it till BioW sorts this here class out. (Pve is just lame so donn even tell me to go there....if there were tactics instead of mecanics and enragetimer races on each and every boss i might enjoy the Pve but as is...naaah....)


    PVE in this game is like the pvp in wow....retarded...and they way they r doing the patches the pvp is going the same way.


    i love my merc...2 bad BioW hates him.


    just my 2 cents


    Completely disagree on this one. Not sure who you are PVPing against but against a team that knows what they are doing a sorc and op healer can be completely shut down (interrupt, interrupt, interrupt). Merc healers are the best PVP healers against GOOD teams. Ops and sorcs may be better against BAD teams who don't target healers effectively.

  5. Merc is the best PVP healer in the game. Unfortunately when I think of a merc BH I don't think of 'healing' and didn't think of healing when I rolled my main. As many others have pointed out merc DPS brings good (but not great) DPS to the table and little to no utility or to put it another way lots of other classes bring the same or better DPS to a WZ with lots of additional utility.


    So on my main I will probably end up going heals for ranked WZs even though I did not roll the toon to play a healer.

  6. i play a Merc/PT, and i agree that Merc healers are the most challenging healers to kill.


    as far as tanking, PT is really a melee class with a couple 30m abilities, but VERY powerful in PvP. their ability to spam FB, their DoT, and RS in DPS spec is nasty.


    Yep I agree they are very powerful at a 10 meter or so range and a great PVP class. No complaints what so ever. But I was just pointing out as far as being a 'tank' they are not as survivable as several others classes. I think they may be the best PVP DPS class (specced right) in the game just not the best tank. Where as, merc healers are the best PVP healers (against teams that know what they doing anyhow).

  7. Are you focusing on PVE or PVP?


    I mostly PVP and would say that the merc healer is the best PVP healer because the lack if interruptability. I have a PT pyro and I can burn down sorc and op healers pretty easily, mercs are quite challenging. As far as tanking in PVP PT does not have the survivability of a few other classes. There are probably at least 4 classes with better PVP survivability than PT.

  8. I've re-subbed to the game and now I'm re-rolling on a new PvP server (you guessed it, Fatman, sorry) . I've never played BH before and have reached 10 and now I have to make the decision between Merc and PT. Between the two, which one is the most fun to play and most useful class on a PVP server. Thanks for any feed back I appreciate it!


    I have both, a valor 78 merc pyro and a valor 35 vanguard assault (basically a PT pyro). TBH the vanguard is way more fun to play currently and feels way more useful in PVP. My merc pyro, my main, just seems to be very ineffective in most WZs other then providing DPS (a lot of which is the non-bursty kind). And any time someone looks at me funny I have to kite.

  9. The biggest problem with Huttball is that most people think it involves strat. It does not. About 95% of the time the team with an obvious superior edge in deathmatching capability will win assuming there isn't a gross mismatch in class composition (i.e. they have a Jugg and you don't). Unless you have a move that can instantly take out the ball carrier (i.e. pull him into fire), you still approach Huttball the same way as any other WZ, i.e. work on the healers first because you're almost certainly never killing the ball carrier while his healers are still alive. Focus fire on the ball carrier is almost a sure way to lose Huttball in an equal match, because anyone who is guarded and supported by 2 healers will probably never die, and certainly any tank in that situation indeed will never die.


    All the fancy strat in Huttball is only meaningful if you know brute force will definitely fail. Controlling the middle is a deathmatch strategy. There isn't some magic that convinces your enemy to give up the valuable territory. The only way you can pull it off is by better at killing them than they're at killing you. If you can't control middle then you got no choice but to rely on fancy passing or whatever, but strategy is never the first thing you try in Huttball unless you're sure your team stands no chance in a direct assault.


    You can basically think of Huttball like American Football. The rushing game is brute force (kill everyone you see on the way to run the ball in) and passing game is finesse, and just like American Football, if you can't stop the enemy rushing game at all, all the fancy passing on your side is unlikely to do any good. Passing is only meaningful if you can stop their rushing game, just like strategy is only meaningful in Huttball if you can kill their ball carrier (which is actually very hard without using a trap against strong teams).


    Yep. A huge mistake teams make while following the ball train on defense is focusing everything on the ball carrier. Healers need to be culled first (like every WZ). Very frustrating to see 4 players working on the tank ball carrier and making no progress as 2 trailing healers are healing.

  10. Mercenary, Arsenal Tree. Full battlemaster, in my opinion is the most powerful class.


    Unload, tracer tracer tracer (unload) HEATSEEKER rail shot. Tracer tracer tracer until dead.


    I get like 50 kills 1 death most PvP games.


    50 kills and 1 death in most games huh? LOL ok.

  11. The universal call for a pass sign is jumping up and down repeatedly.


    ^^^ This and it is relatively effective as picking up on screen movement is much easier and quicker then reading ops where "Name of Player" yells pass and then having to find "Name of Player" on the playing field.

  12. Pick Powertech if you:

    1) like mid to close range

    2) want ALOT of utility

    3) want good synergy with all of your trees

    4) want to be a beast in pvp

    5) like gadgets

    6) have an interest in tanking


    Pick Merc if you:

    1) want to be frustrated

    2) want to heal, but for some reason don't want to level an Operative instead


    My main is a merc pyro 78 valor. I have been leveling a vanguard assault (basically a PT pyro). The VA is level 25 and I can tell you the for PVP it is an absolute world of difference. On my merc pyro I run around, try to do as much damage as possible and hope that I am not noticed. If I am noticed I make an effort to kite. I can not fight on the nodes, I can not burn down a healer, I can not run with the ball in huttball etc. On the VA I feel that I am contributing so much more in WZs. Fighting on the node, yanking a healers with harpoon and taking him out solo, yanking a potential scorer in huttball into the bottom pit etc. Sadly, VA (PT pyro) just brings so much more to a WZ then a merc pyro.

  13. Are you saying you want access to the flashpoints to be in an open world pvp area where both factions would access the same spot for the flashpoint?


    Yes. If you sign up on a PvP server then you might be forced to open world pvp on the way to your instance. PvE you would not.

  14. Open world needs one or several focal points and the best way to get people to these focal points is a reward system. Let players compete over central locations on certain planets. Which ever faction owns the location gets rewards or access to certain resources. Rewards/resources could scale up based on the amount of time a faction controls the location.


    Also, a big mistake was instancing all the OPs and FPs from the fleet. If the EV load in was as a centralized location on Belsavis there would be open world pvp as OP groups from different factions arrived at the instance location. Fleet in general is a huge detriment from open world PVP for a number of reasons. Mostly because once you hit 50 you don't really have a lot of reasons to leave it.

  15. For instance, get your Imp guild to all go to Tatoonie, Hoth, etc. Have someone with a character on the Pub side go to fleet and various other planets and talk in general chat about how all of these Imps are congregating on Hoth and something's about to go down. Pubs show up (especially if they're starved for PVP too) and all hizell breaks lose.



    People want world PVP and they also want player driven content. Well, there you go. :)


    How about allow us to send whispers to members of the opposing side?


    How about put some important resource/reward node in the center of Tat or Hoth that can be competed for by both sides. The longer a side holds the node the better the resource/reward is.


    Also, on my PVP wish list. X server queues and private invite only WZs. No comms, valor etc would be rewarded for private WZs for obvious reasons but it would be fun to be able to tee up against your own guild or another guild you enjoy playing with/against.

  16. Huttball is not the problem. It is by far the funnest WZ for me. We need more huttball likes WZs. The problem is the at certain classes (merc for example) bring almost no utility to the WZ. The problem is with class balance not the WZ.
  17. I'm not even sure who that guy is tbh, he has probably been in around 1% of my games since 1.2. If I've only done 250k damage, it will be because it's a short game and the next closest person will be on like 150k.




    Those screenshots are all from the past week or 2, maybe a little earlier but all after 1.2.


    We can still do as much damage as ever, I did 500k 3 times last night alone.


    They are not old or altered. You are quite clearly bad and don't want to believe it's possible to do higher numbers with our class, instead crying about nerfs and how broken we are whilst burying your head in the sand.


    Next embarrassing comment?


    I think it might depend on what server you play on. In the last week (prob 40 games for me) I have seen one 500K damage game from ALL of the players combined. So a sample size of over 600 and just one player with 500K damage. There are some servers where those types of crazy numbers just do not happen on.

  18. As a pyro merc (valor 82, BM + 4 pcs WH), my average is around 275k single target. Games rarely last the full length. If full length, damage is anywhere from 350 to 450k. The difference between me and other mercs is that I don't use AoEs as often or DOT random people up. Dotting random people doesn't really help your team because it saturates your damage. I usually go after targets that have low expertise or healers. I stick on them like glue even if they are being cross healed w.


    Very similar to how I play. (although I also target enemies that a melee class is working on as well), you have similar gear as well and I find my numbers to be about the same. Average about 250 to 300. Full length average about 400. My highest damage total was 585K in a full length viodstar.

  19. I get what you're saying, and to the guy above you, I amend my original post (Yes, a War Hero Pyrotech can probably be as successful as a War Hero tankassin in doing whatever they want).


    But the problem is...a lot of times, those two guys you're keeping 'occupied' on a node, would 90% of the time, still have been there with noone attacking them.


    And great, if you catch one idiot there napping, and cap it. That's awesome. But don't go back, again and again and again into the same 2 or 3 on 1. Cause usually, your team has 2 guys on your defended node, and in the main brawl, it's 6 to 5.


    This is where communication is important. If you know that the other team has 2 defending their node and 6 in the main brawl you may be able to pull 1 (or even both if things are desperate) of your node defenders and commit them to the main action. If 1 guy on your team can occupy 3 at their node then they should probably continue to do it even if they continue to die. If they are occupying 3 then you can almost certainly leave just 1 at your node and have a 6 on 5 situation at the main brawl.

  20. Totally depends on circumstances.


    If one player can keep 2-3 players busy then their team has numbers elsewhere. I had 13 deaths in one Civil War zerging middle where I was keeping 3 Reps occupied while our team captured the other nodes. I think I contributed a lot to our win in that game. In other games where we have been losing we have risked leaving a node completely unguarded to get numbers and capture another node. Point is it all depends on the circumstances. It could be a perfectly good strategy.

  21. Only reason to play Merc Pyro is that you selected the AC at a time when you didn't understand the massive class imbalance. Then you leveled up your Merc Pyro and have too much time invested in it to give it up. This is the situation with most people continuing to play Merc Pyro. The others have departed the subclass long ago. The problem is that this survivor cohort has more game experience and more gear than those who left. So the Merc Pyro meta averages ingame are skewed higher which just increases the chance they get further nerfed.


    Great post. That sums up my situation nicely.


    Guess we all need to roll merc pyro alts and suck in WZs so we can get some love form BW.

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