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Posts posted by ShakesFistAtSky

  1. Another worthless post and ridiculous opinion. star trek online lasted 2 years as p2p and was one of the worst MMOs in history. I played at launch was terribly let down. This game has the most subs at launch in history, is very well polished, has to work on things of course yes. This game will be p2p for years and will continue to grow. The asians will love this game too, your prediction is pathetically awful.


    Ahhh...STO...I still have a Lifer sub to that pile of steaming bantha poodoo. Considering that Cryptic STILL hasn't implemented a real Klingon faction campaign that they promised before launch I would say you are correct in calling that the one of the worst MMO's ever made.


    SWTOR is nothing like STO was/is...if this goes F2P then something has gone terribly wrong with the universe.

  2. Insulting people for their choice to not read your wall of text actually says more about you than about them. If you want people to appreciate your opinion, start by appreciating theirs.


    Me thinks you don't take feedback very well.


    That may be true but sadly, he's right. Most people want the Reader's Digest breakdown on everything. The Staple's "Easy" button version of life. They spend hours upon hours prepping for a raid but reading a few paragraphs is "too complicated."


    It hurts my head...

  3. I love the doom and gloom types that flood forums right at launch. It's happened in every MMO I've played. While in some cases they are right (Star Trek being the prime example) they're usually not.


    Not every game is for every player. I'm a huge LoTR fan...and I mean HUGE. The MMO however was merely "ok". I played it for a few months and then moved on. Granted I never made max level but it didn't hold my interest enough for me to even get there.


    Go find something more you're style...it will make everyone much happier I think.

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