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Posts posted by Freezzo

  1. Sure glad i never played WoW, it really created some weird thoughts on what makes an mmo.


    Its about the people you play with and social interaction more than the next shiney or level cap.


    WoW has really created alot of just gaming addicts.


    Actually WoW does have a persistent open world, capitals and stuff to explore just for the sake of exploration. That's more than SWTOR gives us. Not saying I'm a huge fan as it's now, but WoW, aside from the endgame (which I don't support. I hate PvE/PvP geargrinds) is a solid game with tons of stuff to do and a lot of content.

  2. This just in: The Sacking of BioWare Austin has occurred! 100s of BioWare employees have been laid off, with many of its top representatives held captive by EA Lords.


    To the tricycles! Bring the pacifier spears!

  3. I guess this is all part of that "constructive criticism" people are commonly talking about.



    Anyway, chat bubbles is a frequently requested feature. We may hope that BioWare will implement them in the future. It's an aspect which won't be hard to implement, however it was a design choice initially not to do so.


    Allow me to inform you that chat bubbles were in a beta build, however they were disabled for causing huge performance issues. It was a necessity to take them out.

  4. SWTOR, in all videos and dev posts, gets promoted as a game where you can group. Outside of the swtor forums it has the image of a glorified COOP single player game. I asked myself why?

    I think it has to do with the combination of story and levels. Once you hit 50 the story ends and you hit a brick wall. What to do? HM FPs, Ops, PvP, dailies. Ok fine, but what if I want to help out or even just play with a friend of mine who's lv 35? I can go there on my 50, limit his xp, or make another toon and level it to 45, where he'll be if I play a lot and he doesn't, so we can meet up there. Why go through all this hassle?

    I was wondering why SWTOR doesn't have a mentoring system. Even something where I can see his cinematics/conversations in the way I see class-cinematics. This means I don't interact with his story experience, but do get to see it and feel involved whilst playing with him. Or even better make a checkbox where he can pick and allow me to join or not to join in picking conversation options.

    Now realising I totally forgot to tell what a mentoring system is: Basically you select a level to put yourself at and your stats get artificially lower, as does your level. This allows people to experience content they have already past. Also this would remove the level barrier between some people and allow you to repeat the story if you don't want to make an alt or just enjoy playing with others who are in certain areas of the game and not having to do all the content again.

    Possible bonuses that could come with it are getting regular social points (yes, grinding Hutta is an option then :p) and/or a legacy xp bonus maybe.


    So my question to the community is: What are your opinions on a mentoring system and how would you like to see it implemented?

  5. I agree with the OP. Maybe I got 'spoiled' by RIFT, but this is what they did:

    February 2011: Beta to Head Start

    March 30, 2011: Patch 1.1

    May 10, 2011: Patch 1.2

    June 22, 2011: Patch 1.3

    August 3, 2011: Patch 1.4

    September 28, 2011: Patch 1.5

    November 16, 2011: Patch 1.6

    February 1, 2012: Patch 1.7

    April 18, 2012: Patch 1.8


    If updates (with good content) were coming out at this pace we'd be at 1.4 now instead of awaiting 1.3. And those first 4 patches contained: raid content (2x 10 man +- 4 bosses, 1x 20 man with 11 bosses, 10-man shorter content) , world event each update, LFG, wardrobes, guild banks, transfers.

    Most features have been added to swtor (or are close), but the fact that, other than quality of life features, there are no new ops, warzones, flaspoints, planets or anything means there's nothing new to do. All we get is see more of the old content and dailies. Progression has halted.

  6. Have you ever thought about some sort of mentoring system? I really like playing with others and you seem to encourage people to do so, but there is no way I'm having fun helping out someone on Balmorra with my level 50. It would be great if there's being thought about the ability to level-down and join in the other persons quest and also see the story, possibly in the way I see their class stories.

    Sorry, this turned out to be more of a suggestion. The question was: Is there anything in the making that lets people level down and join on quests with friends?

  7. You know what you are?


    You are the biggest jelly roll flubber head of the giant cracker face GOBLIN in the world! I mean..you are a son of a bread basket!! Seriously go hide in a hole you jam sticker!! better than that....go jump off the cliff on Tython. You are soooo annoying you conflounded doobopper!


    See ? It doesn't have to be mean :);)


    Why yare you saying all this, you annoying drop of Hutt-slime!

  8. One must capture a tauntaun, fresh out of its mothers womb. This tauntaun has to be washed with the finest of Alderanian wines. After this has been done, one must travel into the deepest of deep tombs on Korriban and there, in a place where the sun has never risen, one must behead the tauntaun with the weapon of a long-dead dark lord, who has dimmed the lights in over one thousand eyes that faced him in battle.

    Once this is done, one must hope for the gods to roll the dice in your favor.


    I hope it helped and may the force be with you when you embark on this epic quest.

  9. I would pay about 5 euros probably to see awesome races unlocked. But it just has to be available in-game as well. As a completionist I want to be able to do everything and get everything without paying RL money. The addition of unlocking stuff with real money is just for people who have less time. Want to get it without paying? Farm credits and invest time. That's the only fair system.
  10. You are paying for access to SWTOR. What somone else does with their money is their business. While it may be wise for them to disclose what projects will be coming in the future so you can feel you are getting a good value for the money you spend, it really is none of your business how BW spends their money.


    I know that and that's my major concern. I may have outed it wrong, but that's exactly what's happening. I don't feel I'm getting a good return on my money.

  11. None of your business, no more or less then it is their business where your money goes. You pay for something, you get that something. The end.


    Really people, this board is becoming epic. You pay the price of a pizza and a beer for a month's worth of game time and people are complaining? If fifteen dollars a month even raises a thought in your head you should not be playing video games, but using that time to either find a better job, or working a second one. Even a kid with a paper route could afford that.


    It's not about the quantity. It's about not getting that pizza and that beer for my money. EAWare seems to be satisfied with people standing around on the fleet waiting for something to do. That's a total lack of knowing what the playerbase wants.

    I want this game to succeed and I want to have fun in the game on other parts than chatting and roleplaying, things I don't need this game for. I love star wars and the first time through leveling was awesome, but after that it declined. Rapidly.

    People like you making fun of people who are concious on where they spend their money and what they spend it on are the problem of the gaming industry.

  12. You have got to be kidding?

    Ok, ill play along that you are ignorant.

    1. they have to pay the electric bills

    2. they have to pay the staff

    3 they need to pay the isp

    4 etc, etc....


    It's as cheap as ordering a pizza. And that lasts how long?


    If you can't afford a monthly fee, I'm guessing your from some 3rd world country??


    And it will go free to play to a degree ( up to lvl 15) which is comparable to the 800lb gorilla's plan.


    This game is not made is some back room or someones garage.

    There are games which are free, but you still need to pay to really play them....


    Yes and? Your argument brings that they need money in the short term and don't focus on the long term to eventually gain a constant and overall (10-year plan) higher return on their investment. Aside from direct costs I think that with the sub drops and low content output they are screwing themselves over.

    I'm not saying that I want their whole budget, I just wonder what happens to my money, as I never see any of it. And the paying of the staff should lead to more content :rolleyes:

  13. are you a shareholder of ea? because then and only then do you deserve to know where they spent the money.. if you dont believe the development of the game is worth the money you are giving them to play..then that is a different matter.. but bioware unless you invest with them is under no need to tell you what they spent their money on


    that being said ... they have a huge staff.. still one of the biggest in the industry ( as confirmed yesterday at e3) and then they lay people off, and people complain that development will suffer...yet you are complaining cost AND development are problems.. sadly people need to pick one


    I was talking about the relation between them. Either keep a full staff, roll out content and I'm happily paying or don't and let me pay less. That's not about picking one.

    Other than that, it's my good right to ask where they're spending my money on whilst threatening them with not giving them any more. For most companies other than EA it's a valid reason to inform you they are working on getting me my money's worth and how they plan to do it.


    Just the lack of communication and saying 'we're working on stuff' isn't worth anything to me. Saying they plan to roll out content between months x and y and proving themselves trustworthy by actually doing so, then I will be satisfied with paying.

  14. obvious troll is obvious....


    I'm sorry, but I'm not trolling. I want to know where all that money goes. The additions to this game have been utterly crappy and all I can do is pay to play the same thing over and over? At the beginning of the game they had 2 million subs. That's, written out, 30.000.000$ a month. Don't tell me they even spent 1/3rd of that reinvesting in the game.

  15. I've been playing since launch. This game costs subscription money, box price, digital edition items (I know :rolleyes:). Where does all that money go? I pay monthly to get:

    - 1.1: erm... a new ops I've not seen? And a flashpoint that I did see! Dailies?

    - 1.2: another ops I haven't seen? A flashpoint I saw. Pets I collected. Rakghoul plague that I did. Mounts. Dailies? Oh, and legacy, something that's not worth that much as it's just another extra feature.

    - 1.3: group finder? Seriously? Legacy updates? More dailies?

    - In between: Bugfixes. That should be a free service!


    Where does my sub go to and when do I get the content back for it? Stop putting my money in your pockets, stop laying off the team and make some content! I like this game, but I also pay for it and on a certain moment the liking gets lower and the value of my money gets higher and my sub will stop.



    You are paying for access to SWTOR. What somone else does with their money is their business. While it may be wise for them to disclose what projects will be coming in the future so you can feel you are getting a good value for the money you spend, it really is none of your business how BW spends their money.

    This is a much better way to say what I tried to.

  16. You just described every MMORPG. Even in a game like Rift that updates a lot what do you do? Log in and grind dailies. Either you makes alts to pass the time or you take a break or you tough it out. There's only so much a developer can reasonably do in a given amount of time.


    Actually RIFT has tons of pets, fishing + survival, gathering rare mats is fun because you have to go out and look, it has shinies (artifacts) which are collectibles and give fancy vanity rewards. What I didn't do in RIFT is grind dailies, as I don't like it.

    And before people say go play RIFT: I have done that, but I don't like the direction they took to just increase the grind (PA and more PvP ranks). I will check out the expansion which brings: Player housing/slivers and the same for guilds (instanced housing) and triple the world size (exploration). I think BW should look to trion and wonder why RIFT keeps growing (after the launch hype and such).

  17. I've been checking RIFT out again lately, because SWTOR feels like a rut. All I do when I get on is: grind dailies, perhaps a flashpoint, maybe a pvp match and stand around, maybe get some RP.

    SWTOR in general lacks stuff to do. I've collected all pets (except for the CE ones), most mounts, but the rest is just unexciting reskins, explored almost all planets, can't get into exploring Corellia. Killed almost all world bosses. What's there to do? Grind ops? Grind PvP? Grind dailies/space missions?


    I get it, this MMO is 'new' with just half a year on the market, but it misses certain things I, and looking at the forums, more people love to do. Exploring is a huge one. Who hasn't dreamed of visiting the Star Wars planets? And I mean something bigger than the hills of Balmorra and a very tiny speck of Alderaan/Tatooine. I don't need missions and monsters everywhere I go. And if there are some, an [AREA] quest will do. That'd give a nice incentive to exploration.

    What about vanity pets? There are a few of them, but getting them was mostly hoping for a certain spawn to be up, and there's just too few of them.

    Achievements? The achievements in SWTOR are about seeing content, that's it. There's no challenge in getting them, nor is it a timesink.

    Housing is also an option asked for tons of times, just because it's a huge timesink.

    Crafting costs no time. Click click click and wait 20 minutes. Another timesink gone to waste.

    Alts? Quests really are a bore. There's no replayability there at all. I'm just not buying it.


    The only thing I find myself logging in for is the chat, which will only last for so long. I've been playing since headstart and I don't know how much longer I can and want to hold on. I liked the game a lot at the start and want it to succeed, but I don't think it will. And no stupid group finder will fix this, because I've seen the content tons of times already!

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