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Posts posted by ZUZiK

  1. 2. Laceration's secondary attack, Collateral strike, used to re-grant Tactical Advantage upon crits. This was nerfed. Crits from Collateral Strike now only re-grant TA every 6 seconds. Effectively reducing the number of TA one can get, and thus the number of Lacerations we can use. Your only reliable source of TA in-combat is now Shiv, which also has a Six Second Cooldown. I know this is complicated for a Lethality player, so let's simplify it more and put it in all caps. LESS TACTICAL ADVANTAGES MEANS LESS LACERATION. LESS LACERATION MEANS LESS DAMAGE.


    Do you even play the game?

  2. orly? so... the buff is not new? cause before it only gave armor pen to the target acid blade was on?


    Buff on self I mean after you apply acid blade to the target. not your weapons.


    Yeah, it's always been this way. They only changed buff icons, they used to be the same for acid blade and armor penetration buff.

  3. Is my point. The buff it triggers *isn't* Dodge, it's called "Slippery Devil" (as the new talent is - mouseover when it activates if you want to check), and it's description only refers to "immunity" from ranged and melee attacks rather than cleansing.


    It may well cleanse too, I'd just like to confirm it. The difference in name makes me worry that it works differently, specifically that they've only buffed defence rating and not included the cleanse element. I am probably worrying about nothing.


    Don't worry mate. It cleanses, I've tested it on my operative. So I'm pretty sure it should work for scoundrels too ;)

  4. That's what we've been told, but that assumes the brief description we've seen takes into account Dodge's cleanse effect. Would be nice to have in-game confirmation but it's tough to spot with the 1s duration, so I guess it's down to checking logs.


    The buff you get when the roll-dodge triggers is "Slippery Devil" rather than Dodge, the text with it says something like "Immune to melee and ranged attacks" but doesn't mention cleanses. Don't get me wrong, it may cleanse, I'm just hedging my bets until I'm sure.


    If the roll triggers dodge, it does cleanse all removable negative effects. Which can be pretty useful considering the number of lethality/DF snipers/gunslingers on the PTS :p However it has 50% chance to be triggered and 15 sec internal CD.

  5. Question for those of you on the test server: I know everything is still subject to change, but does it seem likely that either concealment or lethality will produce dps on-par with other classes during operation boss fights? What have they done to mitigate previous issues the specs had in pve?


    There were 2 issues with operative dps in pve: mobility and energy management. Both are resolved. Concealment and lethality dps are now pretty much on par with the other classes.

  6. I've heard mixed opinions. Some say the talent and companion alone are good enough because tech is 8% accuracy and we can get 4% boost from talents. Others say still go for it. So not sure.


    I tend to not run accuracy, take the 4%, and settle with having a 4% miss chance, but waiting for more hard numbers before I decide.


    If your basic attack misses, it's not a big deal. But you really don't want your Backblast / Backstab to miss. That's a huge DPS drop, because in this case you lose Flechette Round / Acid Blade as well.


    So for PvE - 110% accuracy.

  7. Accuracy. I noticed the new accuracy boost on Browbeater (Imperial Brew mirror). IMO you take the talent as DPS anyway, for the increase to Flechette Round damage plus the nice boost to Vital Shot. You've then got all the accuracy you'll ever need (3% +1% from companion = 4%) for reasons given above by Miyke.


    Upshot: no reason for any accuracy on scrapper gear.


    That's right, for pvp you don't need any more accuracy. But this skill is pretty useful for pve, because bosses will have a chance to resist our tech attacks as well, not only ranged ones. I think I saw somewhere on the forums that it's 8% chance. I tried hitting the level 55 operation dummy on the fleet, and had my tech attacks miss 3-5% of the time.

  8. Scenario 1: (from stealth) So you get the drop on the mara, hidden strike shiv he pops up, debillitate, cover probe, sidestep backstab. At this point he has full resolve, he is going to push you, and jump to gore then ravage you. so when you stand up from the push and he jumps to you, (since you know what the rotation is), He will gore you, then he will start ravage. Since ravage is 3 secs channeled, and if you have the enforcer armorings from pvp your evasion is then 4 secs long. Watch him ravage after blowing evasion and shiv him again or shoot him in his fool head.



    Scenario 2: (caught out of stealth): debillitate, cover probe, sidestep backstab. Two options here before he pushes you: A) .hit him with sever tendon and start kiting him or los him.) Or Option B) you let him push you and save your next attack( and some energy regen) (since you know what the rotation is), He will gore you, then he will start ravage. Since ravage is 3 secs channeled, and if you have the enforcer armorings from pvp your evasion is then 4 secs long. Watch him ravage after blowing evasion and shiv him again or shoot him in his fool head.


    I love the part when you say a marauder PUSHES you. Brilliant :D

  9. Hmm, now i know why some stealth idiots try to cap doors/nodes paying no attention to other team members around. Probably they are idiots indeed but maybe they hope for the bug just. Sad.


    You even can't imagine how many times I capped a door in VS by being a "stealth idiot" and just planting behind the defenders' backs. People of course would gladly call hax rather than say they were complete morons and not watching the doors. That's why no one can show any evidence either. :p

  10. It does help against low slash, ive seen it done/did it myself. So either that's broken as well meaning that FS is seriously messed up.


    I was thinking that it might be the server lag creating the problems - after all, 5/3 seconds isn't very long but I don't think it is that causing the problem.


    Low slash is a weapon attack, force shroud doesn't defend you against weapon attacks. If your melee/ranged defence is high enough (deflection helps), low slash can miss. It has nothing to do with force shroud.

  11. You make no mention of ever having played a Sentinel, neither do tatatan nor zuzik, yet you're all very quick to execrate my experiences. Play a Sentinel--and not the Focus specification. Play Combat/Carnage or Watchman/Annihilation and compare. Or, continue your excoriation of my opinions at your leisure. I think you will find Sentinels a challenge and you might perform well. You will never know without playing one to 50. I, at least, have the perspective of having both a Combat Sentinel at 50 and a Concealment Operative at 50.

    Yeah, I've got a Carnage Marauder at level 50. That's why I find your comment ridiculous. If you think that mara/sent is hard to play you must really terrible.

  12. I have never played the Focus or Rage specification. Sentinels have three specification trees. All classes have three specification trees. I play the Combat/Carnage specification tree (the middle one). :rolleyes:


    Yes, it is my informed opinion that Operatives are rather simpler to play than Combat/Carnage or Watchman/Annihilation Sentinels.

    What was this... I don't even...


    On a serious note though: LOOOOL

  13. As a scrapper since all of our main abilities are instant (no cast time so alacrity is useless), and are tech (100% base accuracy), is it worth stacking up to 110% tech accuracy so our attacks breach the ops boss's 10% parry?

    That 10% parry chance you're talking about is against weapon attacks, not tech ones. So it only affects hit chance of your flurry of bolts, and quick shot if you use it.

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