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Everything posted by OgNomak

  1. I submitted an app on your guild website. Have a 60 marauder, and a 60 Sorcerer healer.
  2. Hi im looking for an imperial guild i can join so i can finally be able to run the new ops, haven't been able to because i don't have any cheevos but don't have those because cant run the ops. so i would like to find a place where i would get the opportunity to do them. I have 2 60's a sorc healer, and a marauder both in 186 with some 192, and im pretty sure each have one 198 piece, all comm gear no token gear. So if any guild would like to help me out i would appreciate it.
  3. I think a good idea for the game and devs to consider would be to make the class story missions hard mode or just scale them to the level cap, and allow it to be repeatable. For people who really liked their class quest they can go through it enjoy it again but also have a challenge doing it, and can go through it several times.
  4. I think Bioware should implement something like wow's paid character boost to 90 let us be able to buy a boost to like level 50. Some people like the story but hate the leveling process and how long it takes, we just want to get to the point where we can just sort of jump into end game content. Say someone wants a new character or needs a tank/healer/dps to add to their list of characters for their guild or group of friends they play with but don't want to go through the whole leveling process because of how long it takes. Maybe their schedule doesn't give them enough consistent time to play to level said character and want a quick way to get there. Bioware i think this could be something that could help the game and give you a reason to make more endgame content since players would want to do the content with their new boosted characters.
  5. Hi i have played solo for awhile only doing pvp mostly looking to get into pve have 3 55 (sorc, jugg, mara, and leveling a merc) would like a guild that would help me out with learning raids so i can get into hard mode ops and with gearing up for 3.0
  6. My sorc is wicked damage at madness,just got back into SWTOR already 1700 expertise and 30k hp on the madness sorc,willing to spec heals if the guild is a good match. Whisper me or mail me in game Main character: TheLastEmperor
  7. Hey everyone, I recently resubbed after taking about half a year off and I gotta say im enjoying lots of the changes this game has gone through. Anyway, I have a level 55 Sorcerer that im having lots of trouble with in PvP. Im currently using a 0/30/16 build with a basic 5 skill rotation + stuns and its not working out so well for me. I tried checking dulfy and several other sites but there doesn't seem to be any concrete advice about a solid build after the 2.5 patch. If anyone could help me out and give some advice on a good/preferred DPS build and rotation for a Sorcerer I would definitely appreciate it!
  8. Same here, just recently returned from a couple months off and my old sorc. pvp spec aint cutting it. I tried this build but my rotation is a bit out of whack. Any advice on the ideal rotation would be appreciated!
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