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Posts posted by Basreia

  1. Hey there Andryah! :) Nice to see you again. I hope all of you really read it. They are my true thoughts and I'm not a really pessimistic person nor do I look at things irrationally and burst out raging. Everything has a reason behind it, remember that :) Star Wars: The Old Republic is among the greats and if they continue what they have been doing with the community, overall ideas and implementation of them, it's going to get even better!


    The Cartel Market is a seperate set of people. So no need to worry about developers taking time of the rest of the game content for the Market. They have said before "we have entirely two different groups to work on ideas for the Cartel Market, and to work on ideas, get feedback and implement them in our game."


    So, judging from what they have said in the past during videos, interviews, dev posts, one can only assume that no people will be pulled off either. HOWEVER, it would be wiser if they focused on all as a whole, not just one team do more than they other. Because isn't Star Wars all about balance? :p

  2. I can see what you mean. The Cartel Market is great!! But don't ONLY focus on that, focus on content more along with the Cartel content.


    Maybe say like every other 2 patches is a Cartel one and every other is a content one and then the other ones in there are just quality of life! I think that would go well :)

  3. Hello everyone. I have not made a post on the forums in a LONG time. I usually stay away from the forums and just have fun on the game. However, lately it seems there are many angry, misinformed or just lots of haters on these parts and I feel it is time to make an optimistic post and see what the game is, how it was a where it is heading. Without further ado, here we go.




    I feel that launch was actually very good for an mmorpg despite what they ones with their expectations to high. Yes some people could not get in, but there wasn't a mass panic by the developers and servers did NOT go down right when launch night hit. The game, judging by what I have seen, delivered it's promise of a traditional mmo with voice over quests with my own story. That is what everybody got. Yes, there have been LOTS of criticizing going on, on how it was handled, the game should have had more at launch, more pvp stuff, more pve stuff and on and on. But you have to look at it from the standpoint of a freshly released game.


    A game does not build itself up overnight. It takes months and years to do that in an mmorpg. You can't have it all from the beginning then expect them to suddenly magically pull everything out of where the sun don't shine just because YOU want it right away. It takes time to design it, see what people want, then test it and implement it. I felt the content we had at launch was very good for what an mmo has when it comes out. Overall I say the game felt finished and was the BEST leveling experience ever in an mmo.


    Although, I could see why some felt the "end game" was lacking because you went through this amazing galaxy, doing these amazing things and it was different than any other mmorpg, but then.....you were left with the same old thing at end game. It was a letdown I can imagine for some. But that's how mmos go sometimes. You can't have it all at the first day. You just have to be patient ;)




    Even though 2012 was really rocky for TOR. Let's be honest...we were all getting a little worried there with how many people were leaving. This game has really made a great turnaround from the direction it was heading. With it's implementation of Free To Play, and tons more players joining and playing, I feel the studio has more money to get us the things we want. I know sometimes it can be a bit underwhelming or dissatisfying, but you have to remember, things are coming, even IF slowly. The game now represents a great model. You can subscribe to get it all, or you can play free/preferred and not pay a subscription so you don't feel like you are bogged down by anything. I know many do not like a payment system and I am glad they took that into consideration.


    Lots of things I have seen change recently in the game. They have fixed lots more bugs, they have made graphics look better and have seemed to really make the game flow more than it was in the past. I really value the way they are communicating with us more and more. More flashpoints and operations are coming in, those are always fun. And we are seeing more things happening with the galaxy as a whole. The servers are more occupied, there are more people doing things, and more roleplaying happening. It is really feeling awesome! I love it.


    Now this is where some of you might not agree. I really like the Cartel Market. It allows you to do so many things with your character and dress them up really good looking. I also LOVE the packs and I hope the continue with those a lot. However, they could raise the rate at which some of those super rares drop. Sometimes I get the same stuff :( I like the way it is implemented. The Market has really raised the amount of things you can get in this game. It has opened the game to more revenue and that equals more content in game which in turn makes us all happy.


    The things they are adding to the game in the updates leave me very satisfied. Remember to not set your expectations TOO high to where you will be disappointed. Also remember to see the game for what it is. An MMORPG with fully voiced acted scenes that gives you stories you can try on 8 different characters. That's what it still is. I know many want more, and it seems to be coming, but for those who want even MORE all the time no matter what...that is just not rational. You have to remember to stay within the lines and be realistic to what gaming companies can do. This isn't a virtual reality table where they push a button and things are there the next second. ;) The way the game is going now is VERY well. Gaining a better reputation to by people from what I hear. In real life to.




    The future of Star Wars: The Old Republic looks to be a bright one if they keep up what they are doing with the great communication, giving people great choice together with great worlds. The mini expansions are a great idea because it pushes the content out faster rather than waiting 2 years for an expansion pack. I would rather wait a year and have a mini expansion than wait 2 or more for a big one. Content is what we all need and want.


    More people will keep joining the game and playing if the game keeps on track than it is. I believe it will really take off in the coming months and once that Space Project is announced, the game will just get even a lot better as it already is doing that anyway. 2.3 looks great! I LOVE LOVE the new palette change and JUST what SWTOR needed for that feeling of blandness or "somethings...off about this" to go away. It makes everything look fantastic in the game, which it needs more.


    Now, I can see why PvP people might get a little bent out of shape. There really hasn't been much content for them in the past patches and it seems 2.4 is looking great. But I can see why you guys would be mad. As Eric said, those are just the bullet points of what's to come for pvp in 2.4. They literally just announced what they are doing in 2.4, and that's not even all of it. There could be a big list of changes that haven't even been explained or put out yet. You just have to wait and see what they have in store. I am sure with the direction that this game is headed, that you will see they won't disappoint you. Take a step back, breathe, and just realize that it is not all they have announced. Eric said so to. Don't worry it will be fine and I am sure you guys who mainly PvP will have lots of fun in the upcoming patches :)


    I can't wait to see the overall changes the patches keep bringing. Hopefully in time they will let us decorate our ships with stuff we can buy from the Cartel Market. That would be a great addition. I would really welcome that an I'm sure others would to. So many possibilities will be realized with this game. It will take off yet again with the introduction of new ways to play and fun things. More people will continue to join and overall this game, for an mmorpg, is a great fun way to experience something different. I hope they keep adding the cool stuff they have been doing to this game. The communication will stay really great and we will see even more things happen with everywhere in the game.


    To end


    I have been an active community member on this game for a long long time. I have played for a long time but don't usually post on the forums. I just thought that I would start posting, to defend the game because it is a great one and maybe put some optimism and positives where there are so many negatives that don't need to be. It will all be fine guys I promise :) In the end, this is just a game. It is for our entertainment. It is very fun and I am glad so many, even dismal sometimes, are having fun to. I will always be a member on this game and will start posting more frequently to help the optimism in these forums. It's dreadful.


    Anyway, that is my assessment of the game. I like it alot and feel it does not deserve the bashing by some that it does. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves and have a great day. Hope you enjoyed the good read :)


    P.S. - Just want to say Hi! to especially Andryah, TUXs, BadOrb, TheBBBP for mostly making rational thought and input on things. Thanks for your efforts to the community. :) Always have fun and remember to smile and be optimistic and positive everyone!

  4. I read that you have better odds of getting the super rare stuff like the meditation chairs and stuff like that through the Crime Lords because of the chances you get. Is that true? Should I waste money on the Black Market? Or always do Crime Lord? Seems a lot of...dark stuff comes in Crime Lord :X
  5. I agree! I am loving the Cartel Market. I already got Nihilus Mask WITH a Throne AND crystals in just 8 packs. Consider me lucky? Idk...but the bugginess seamed to go away and lots of people are joining my guild and we are having a bang up time on Ebon Hawk!


    Game just keeps getting better and better!

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