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Posts posted by NomadLad

  1. So I got 8 medals, top heal/dmg did the absolute best I could.. but because I queued into a crappy team I lost and only got 4.3k XP at lvl 21


    thanks for making the crappiest anti-afk effort i've ever seen in any mmo.


    could've easily based XP off of dmg/healing/protection/objective points with a cap of normal XP you'd get pre-nerf... nah that makes sense.


    Yeah, took away any incentive to continue PvPing if you're rolling on a lop-sided server.


    That was my thought too, why not base PvP Bonuses on the individual's medals/accomplishments? :confused:


    If a player plays a full PvP match and can't get a single medal than more than likely it's an AFK player that deserves lower if not minus XP. Winning or Losing Team shouldn't matter, as an AFK player can just as easily camp a Winning match as a Losing one.


    I applaud them for trying to do something to discourage AFK camping in Warzones but this is not the way to do it, IMO.

  2. THIS IS AMATEURISH ********! I SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO BE ATTACKED BY OPPOSING PLAYERS AT MY RESPAWN BECAUSE WE SHARE THE SAME ******* RESPAWN! Why would you even remotely consider leaving a shared respawn as contested ground? In what drunken, deluded state of mind did that seem like a GOOD idea? I spent 5 minutes laid out dead on the ground waiting for the gang of opposing players to leave, JUST SO I COULD PLAY THE *********** GAME!



    I'm not currently rolling on a PvP server atm, but I understand your frustration. This same issue has plagued other games and other game genres as well. There's a certain newly released FPS (First Person Shooter) that went through several stages of Betas and YET still had poorly designed areas that made for easy spawn camping. Fortunately a patch was soon forthcoming.


    One thing to understand is, games are becoming more and more about the Technical Engineering than the end user experience. Every new game is trying to out Tech every other game, which makes for great graphics, environment sounds, voice acting, etc. but the game interface/style in certain areas is greatly lacking (glares at SWTOR AH/GTN). And it all comes down to the Engineering minds, they don't think in terms of user comfort, but in terms of will this game run as it was designed. Another-words, they take a very pragmatic approach to the game and all the nicey little things (hugely understated I know) that real world players have grown to love in their respected game genres tend to be incomplete or missing altogether with each new release. :confused:


    We are constantly seeing this across all game genres not just MMO's, very sharp looking/sounding games but lacking some VERY basic user interface/style elements, that leaves one feeling as though they just became a victim of a $40-$80 Beta program. Just search the Forums of ANY newly release game within the last 8 months and you'll see the same complaints about stuff that is just Facepalm why it wasn't addressed in their respective Betas. Some even resorted to Public apologies to their community members. Aaaah sorry we forgot this obvious fix but here it is.... please like us again, lolz.


    I do believe BioWare will fix this but as to why it was allowed to be in the first place, I can only surmise as stated above.

  3. After 17 losses in a row im finished with republic pvp

    i dont know whats wrong but we always lose

    maybe its because we have 11-30 and they have 3 50 SI assassins and healers

    maybe its because bio ware is to lazy to put brackets

    But i know for sure republic pvp is doomed.

    and sense they lowered the amount you get for participating the reward isnt worth the time

    Someday i hope they have brackets and maybe republic doesnt suck at pvp.


    Agreed, I have relegated my Trooper to PvE/FlashPoint duty now, at least on the current server, as I do realize that there are indeed servers where Repub PvP has a better win/loss ratio. But unfortunately I rolled on a VERY poor Repub PvP server.


    We do have a few lvl 50's Repubs that I've had the displeasure of PvPing with as they have all been absolute Fail. They usually go in and try to RAMBO style the match by running right into a Mob of enemies like a crazed Moth on Meth to a flame, fizzzzzz, burned down in 3 secs. Now the Repubs are easy pickings as our only hope to have some damage mitigation just went up in FLAMES!


    Well anyway I'll be re-rolling for Repub on another server as well as an Empire just to balance my chances of finding a better PvP experience. My money is still on the Empire Char that I am rolling, but we well see.

  4. Already did, but the quest "Stay Frosty" is still in my quest log, kindly get rid of it, as it is pretty irritating to the eye. Thank you.


    Yeah same here, and the funny thing is when you use the /bug command to report a bug guess where it refers you for additional support?..... Yeah that's right THE SWTOR FORUMS. LOL the good old customer support loop still lives, it just leveled up (DING!) from Phone support to the Internetz. ;)

  5. Not just the fact that level 50's have better gear, but also they have better ABILITIES that just wreck the lower levels.


    EXACTLY! Somehow people posting to stop the QQing about the Warzones don't speak about the ABILITIES difference between lower levels and higher levels. Those make a HUGE difference in stopping/CCing your enemy and avoidance of damage aka buffs.


    We had 4 players once beating on a lvl 50 for about 15 seconds and we only reduced it's health down to maybe 10% at best, then help arrived and it was all over for us in seconds.


    Lvl 50's are just ruining Warzones right now. Plus these 50's are helping the lower levels, on their team, to STAT Pad so they level faster and thus even more future 50's getting raised to widen the level pop difference that much more. :rolleyes:


    Just a Vicious cycle that really wont stop unless they place higher levels in their own Bracket/Warzones or whatever.

  6. It's annoying when this happens repeatedly ... once you level up it won't bother you that much.


    Yeah only problem with that is that those lower level Empire PvPers are getting double XP, Creds, Commendations, etc. off of farming the Repub. PvPers backed by their force of OP'd level 50's. Thus, they get leveled sooner and so the Pop difference in high levels just keeps getting worse.


    Not to mention the Repub players that get fed up with getting owned nearly every match and then start an Alt Char as an Empire for their PvP experience.


    I started playing SWTOR PvP heavily on Thurs., Dec. 22nd, as I was to busy enjoying my Char Story Line Quests prior to that. I can count the number of Wins the Repub side had on ONE hand, and I'd say I've played about 30 Warzone matches. And most of the Wins we did get was by the Skin of our teeth, with only 2 shutouts (both low scoring though) in Huttball for the Repubs. :(


    ON THE OTHER HAND, the Wins for the Empire were nearly always shutouts, if not a shutout, then certainly the outcome was never really in question for their team in nearly all of their Wins.


    The point is that if balancing doesn't happen within at least a month, then the Repubs are going to have a horrible time keeping PvPers.


    I know, I know, You still get a decent amount of XP, Creds and Commendations even in a loss but the matches are SO LOPSIDED, that even the best scoring player on the Repub team barely matches or passes the LOWEST player on the Empire team. SO when players start seeing all that XP, Creds. etc. going to the opposite team... like the saying goes; "if you can't beatem then...."

  7. EA's policy when it comes to games is "release it now and maybe fix it later"


    Exactly, the only real worry I had about SWTOR's future was when I saw EA was involved. Thank God they kept Origin away from the SWTOR launcher, that gives me some hope that BioWare isn't going to totally sell out to EA. If BioWare stands up and supports the game like they can, then maybe there's some hope for some good quality patches and upgrades in the future. But if EA says; yo BioWare stand back we gotz this from here on in, then SWTOR is in real trouble.

  8. Sorry EA and Bioware but you srsly need to work on the pvp. You have to put in a Lvl bracket in this pvp zone, like srsly really lvl 10 vs 50????? that's what i saw in the game, Hp and damage doesn't mean anything, lvl 50s have better talents/gear/spells plus this know there char rotations for pvp. pls make it so there a lvl breaket so people can do there dailys and have fun.


    Agreed, I'm on the Mind Trick server and the PvP matches are so imbalanced it's laughable (constantly getting SHUTOUT in Hutt Ball is getting old). The High levels on Empire side are just Farming the PvP for easy Creds, Commendations, etc. As many suspected prior to launch, the majority of HardCore PvPers went to the Empire side as did the SWTOR population in general.


    So yeah SOMETHING needs to be done! I think Level brackets would be a good start, but then all the Empire players that rushed to Lvl 50 will QQ cause there will be little to no PvPers available on the Repub side to start a match. :rolleyes:


    I've already decide to roll an Empire PvP Char at the end of this week and keep my Repub Char as PvE for Flashpoints and other Non-PvP activities. At least until I see more BALANCE in the PvP matches.

  9. Pretty sure you need to complete the Nar Shaddaa storyline before he'll give you his quest. I currently am on it and I've got less than 3k affection with him.


    On a side note the beginning areas where his quest takes you are lvl 30ish.


    That is correct, as I have just completed that quest. It has to occur once you complete a certain series of Nar Shaddaa Quest, because the main Character you talk to, to start the Aric Quest is a Character you run into earlier and help out. I don't want to spoil it, with to much info, but yeah Nar Shaddaa is the planet that will get you the Aric Quest.

  10. Honestly I feel this is the same argument with the LFG system thread. It's people looking for different things in a game. I feel anything that doesn't either reveal something story-relevant, or doesn't require a certain amount of interactivity (ie. more than click to go here...now click to go here) detracts from the game significantly. Scenery is nice and all, but it's only terribly interesting the first time for most people. There's a reason most modern games have implemented a version of fast travel. I'm fine with having to walk somewhere...the first time. After that it just gets tedious.


    Well said, "Tedious" is the key word.


    The really great thing about SWTOR is all the exciting classes to play for both factions. The down side is, as I'm leveling my Main Char I'm realizing that I'm going to have to go through this "Tedious" traveling all over AGAIN once I start the Story Line for my Atls.


    The first time through it isn't so bad since most everything is fresh and new to see, even though I believe it needs improvement, but having to repeat some of the same areas, with a different class Char., will be the epitome of "Tedious"ness. :(


    If the traveling in SWTOR isn't improved, I don't see myself playing beyond 3 to 6 months. The only thing that may keep me motivated to stay is if they keep Space Battle and Warzone content fresh, as those 2 features require very little travel time in order to participate.

  11. sweet, 11/28 pre order, still not in. great, thanks for stealing my 5 bucks bioscam. they are going to kill this game before it even gets going.


    REALLY TROLL??? You going to go there??? Why don't you contact Customer Support instead of QQing on the Forums?? BIG EYE ROLL :rolleyes:


    I bet your one of those that can't read instructions and you didn't put in your Pre-Order Code till just yesterday.

  12. More waves coming today.


    Yeah they should have everyone else in by today. I was in the next to last wave (7th I think it was) Yesterday and my Pre-Order was Dec 2nd, so they shouldn't have to many more waves to go.;)

  13. Yes im on by myself and i snuck onto your ship, i think pink is a good color for redecorations


    While he was on your ship, I jacked all your Avatar's gear and when you finally log-in your Avatar be nek'ed and your inventory slots ALL empty, except for some PINK Crystals that give minus Pew Pew pts for all your Ship weapons. :D

  14. Nope currently there is server maintenance so nobody is playing atm.


    Server Maint. or Server OVERHAUL! LOL, Just Kidding, Was hoping it'd be done by now since they implied 2 hours "or more". Looks like they had to cut into "or more" territory.


    SAD PANDA... :(

  15. If it links to the backup files correctly it should be able to fix any errors. Should significantly reduce on download time.


    Yeah exactly, back up as much of the client as you can then once you run it on your new install, there is an option in the SWTOR client to run a "Repair" which the Devs have already stated as being a quicker option than re-installing entire client if you're having problems with the game.;)

  16. No, the title is not meant to be sarcastic. I started play last night and noticed something. Because of the staggered access, the starting areas were not over populated and it was a pleasure to replay the area, as opposed to the testing weekends when the areas were just over run.


    The first day invites have moved on from the starting areas, which left a lot of "room" for the second day invites. The same will now happen for the day 3 invites today. After getting to level 10 after a few hours and moving on to the second planet, I looked back and realized how enjoyable that starting area was this time around.


    Point is, there is a method to the madness, and this is it. Ask yourself this; would you rather play a starting area that is almost unplayable, or would you rather be able to enjoy the start of your character's story. In my OPINION(note that I said opinion), BW was spot on with this staggered access.


    Absolutely agree! I have been a part of a few MMO launches myself in which there was NO staggering. If and when you where able to get in to play, the starting areas had so much traffic it was a real irritation to play them.


    I'll admit the wait is difficult, especially when I torture myself by watching streams of others already playing. BUT, I also understand that I ordered very late and due to that I am happy to have any kind of Early Access let alone the 4 or maybe 5 days of E.A. I will be getting.


    Great Idea BioWare! With the staggered release! :D

  17. No one is even sure if all of Nov will be getting in tomorrow.


    Expect to get in on friday and be pleasantly surprised if you get in tomorrow.


    I think it will mostly depend on Server behavior with each new wave added. They had a couple of servers with problems today and you notice NO bonus waves today. So same with tomorrow, if no server problems then a better possibility of more per wave or a bonus wave.


    But yeah, I'm Dec. 2nd and don't really expect anything but Friday for me.

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