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10 Good
  1. You can't compare lvl10-49 PvP with lvl50 endgame PvP. Right now, Gunslinger is broken in endgame. Speccing into DF doesn't change that. You just avoid the broken mechanics a little bit. Cover without Hunker Down is just useless and just says "here I am, gank me now!". Even if you have Hunker Down ready, it already takes you 2 clicks to set it up. In this time you are already CCed or got hitted several times. Pulse Detonation is still buggy and doesnt always work. Even if you manage to push your enemy a few meters away, he will close the gap in no time, due to force leap or vanish. Vanish... another joke. How many times do I see people vanish in front of my eyes with at least 2 dots on them? Another broken mechanic. Snare is utterly useless in SWTOR. Right now there are simply too many downsides. During the beta I played a lvl50 Scoundrel and he was so more effective in making damage and in avoiding damage. The Gunslinger has neither of that. Damage is ok, if you go DF and do lots of ae dmg, but in avoiding damage this class just sucks and need serious improvement.
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