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Posts posted by Karasuko

  1. The only other point I will raise is that we are more fortunate in actually having APAC servers, we should be counting our blessings that we currently have them. Calling for a reduction is not the wisest course of action.


    Actually EA should be glad they did it, not like they made no money out of doing it. Sure as hell wasn't out of the kindness of their black little hearts.

  2. But the fact EA is a business the above statement is true they need the numbers and one server alone is not commercially viable. The only long term hope is the population increases on at least 2 of the APAC servers or maybe they are happy with them and just monitoring at present. but calling for a server merge to one server is a nail in the coffin from a business perspective. Like i said if you want to believe one server is going to be viable as opposed to centralizing with the other servers by all means you have your right to believe that.


    Got some numbers to back up your theory?

    And If it is an issue keep all 3 open and disallow char creation there? I still dont understand how runnign 3 servers is cheaper than running 1.

  3. If you think it is commercially viable to run one server in a seperate location by all means keep believing that.

    How many other major MMOs do this ? Wow? league of Legends ?


    It is commericially viable if they get to shut down 2 inactive servers 1<3.

    Obviously they forgot to teach you basic maths with your degree in economics you seem to possess.

  4. I googled and found a few very old threads, but I didn't really get a black and white answer... so...


    I am very particular about how my characters look, and I don't mind taking a tiny stat reduction for the sake of appearance (such as putting mods in normal oranges and losing set bonuses, for example).


    I just rolled a guardian tank, my first ever guard--and I absolutely hate all of the heavy chests for her, but I am quite fond of a medium armor chest.


    So, my question is, will I be massively gimped if I put tanking mods in this single piece of medium armor and use heavy armor for all of the rest? I have seen some people say the loss in armor of *one* piece is negligible, and others say it will lessen your survivability massively. So I'm torn. lol


    I plan to use her for PVE--HMs and eventually ops, though she's still leveling. If the loss is really terrible I can suffer through wearing a heavy chest, but I'd love to use this one.


    I'd love opinions! :)


    100 armour won't break an encounter.

  5. Why would you want to know that?

    You don't care about this community on all other fronts besides milking us for more cash, so it's really mind-bogling why would you need us to tell you which threads to read.

    Instead of spending time to write this thread, you should spend ti by helping one (just one for start) question, cry for help, bug report or any other one of numerous threads that go unanswered.


    My following oppinion is going to come off horribly biodronish. Check my post history to see my oppinions on EA though.


    Leave the poor rep alone, she is only doing her job to the best of her ability within the constraints EA has placed on her.

  6. Well after how many months,countless ignored posts I finally came to the conclusion that we are just getting the finger from EA. It clicked that subbing has only encouraged them to delay our transfers/merges etc and the only solution I can see is cancelling my sub instead of paying the greedy *****s.


    The problem is 1 sub is pretty much worthless.

    If say a large portion of us gave EA the finger however it might actually make a slight difference.


    So are we going to put up? or shut up?

  7. So what you're saying is no other classes/specs get the same benefit as focus by having 5 extra talent points?

    I find that hard to believe.


    Another attempt at Focus is OP and going to get worse threads, Shouldnt you be more concerned with the following

    -Vanguards pulling 10k in 2 GCDs?

    -Sents/maras still not being anywhere near balanced in pvp?

    -Bubblestun. Do i Need to say more?

    -Operative healers being the FOTM in WZ's for the last 6 months?


    So many balance issues and you're worrying about the future?

  8. Because after trying my first time... I'm not sure the LR-5 Sentinel Droid can be pugged with a group in full Black Hole gear.


    Actually, it's not even a matter of gear. There are too many do-or-instantly-wipe mechanics.


    Yeah, we alt tabbed and read the guides.


    What should I be in before I go back as a healer?


    depends on the Following.

    -Can you execute mechanics?

    -Can you play your toon well?

    -Can the other 3 play their toons well?

    -Can the other 3 execute the mechanics well?


    If the answer to all 4 of those questions is yes then only the first mini-boss will be a struggle.

  9. yeah, i wasn't clear about it. i think what will happen is BW will eventually close out the AP servers, while providing a way for everyone to transfer their characters from AP to US. i think that is already a given. they can't do something less than that. i was just suggesting that you folks try to enjoy the game again by rolling some "alts" on the US as you wait for the transfers.


    Right.... cause re-rolling alts with zero legacy perks from scratch couldn't possibly bore us even more to tears?

    I logged into my sniper on the bastion last night, within 2 mins of loading into taris, I logged out again.Keep in mind my sniper is the 4th toon i've had on imperial taris and it really doesnt change alot from republic taris (which ive done 4+ times).


    I'd much rather watch episodes of Jerry Springer on the net between WZ and FP pops than go through that again.

  10. Is it me or is everyone with a Togruta pic a ******e?


    Just you.

    I've supported this game, I suffered through playing on an american server that ended up like mine is now. I had to have my copy shipped from the states due to not being able to get a copy here.

    I've supported their lack luster raid content, flawed class balancing issues,I patiently waited on Xfers so I could play at times appropriate to me.

    I've sat by and watched my server pop dwindle again, I've sat by and waited for a response to our plea's to provide us with the same quality playing experience the EU and US get.


    Now they want to get me to pay a pittance for a set of content I might not even get the chance to access in full due to lack of population to experience it with.


    Seems flawed that we both pay the same amount of money yet get 2 very very different playing experiences?

  11. Though I know it isn't Harbinger or Jedi Covenent. Those servers have no such population issues. Regardless, some folks will leave, others will join, most will buy the xpac and continue paying their 50¢ a day to keep playing.


    US servers= only ones in the world right?

    I'm looking for a reason from EA to buy this expac, nothing more.

  12. So during the discussion of which relic is BiS per spec the issue of the critical chance of Proc relics came up, namely that the Kinetic and Energy Relics are based off of Tech Crit chance and that the Internal and Elemental Relics are based off the Force Crit Chance. But everything I've found so far (and believe me, there's not much) says that Kinetic and Internal are Tech based and that Energy and Elemental are Force based.


    Can anyone confirm either way?


    Best bet would be to test them yourself (provided you have the toons available to do it with). SHouldnt take more than a couple of minutes per toon.

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