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Posts posted by Karasuko

  1. Just stick with what you ahve, leveling toons is easy, gearing them can be a pain in the rear.

    Vigi guardians are in a decent place atm in Pve and i have no problem sustaining solid numbers.

    Just get some practise in, mod your gear properly (if its not already) and tear it up.

  2. I have been playing a sorcerer healer for a while now, but I just got an operative to level 50 and have had a blast healing as an operative. However, as I have gotten into Hard Mode operations such as the Eternity Vault I have noticed that my sorcerer healer is almost required for some of the fights while my operative does not prove useful. A simple example would be the first boss in Eternity Vault that you meet right after taking down the turrets. In normal mode you are able to use the turrets to hide while he bombards the group with missles. In Hard Mode, due to the enrage timer, this is not really an option. You have to heal the dps through these parts and the AOE heal of the sorcerer seems to be the only way to really get through this section. I feel that most healers that aren't sorcerers or sages are being left out because of these sections that basically require at least 1 sorc/sage for 8 man HMs. Do other healers feel left out or do i just need to improve on my operative healing to match my sorcerer. Thanks for any help or comments.


    I''ve done HM EV with 2 smuggler heals, a Sorc isn't 100% needed.That being said some fights are easier with a sorc than without one, My personal Ideal healing comp for when i play my healing alt is smuggler and sage but thats cause we compliment each other nicely, not because sages are so amazingly good.I've healed HM EV/KP with every other type of healing backing me up and certain combinations on certain fights are easier or harder depending.


    How I handle missle barrage- Pre-hot the entire group, build up 3 stacks of UH and ensure that I have Cool head (sorry not sure of mirror names) ready. When we hit that final barrage, use my AOE heal on CD, and try to keep everyone alive but not nessecarily healed to full. focus on keeping everyone out of being dead in a tick range and spam UWH,kolto jolt and aoe heal on CD.


    Basically play to your classes strengths and don't be afraid to talk to the other healer/s and have a strat pow wow, split up healing responsibilties evenly and go for broke, Its remarkably easy to regen as a smuggler so factor that into your plans.


    Don't neglect your gear, you are one of the linchpins in your op, Make sure your gear is properly itemised, Just cause rakat has 58 mods in it doesnt necessarily mean its better, Some columi pieces are better itemised. Make sure you are rocking your Pvp 2 piece set bonus (with raid mods not pvp mods) It really makes a huge difference to our classes weakness (it beefs up the crit rate on our aoe heal) since our 4 piece set bonus is on a heal I rarely if ever use.Make sure your gear is fully augmented, after patch i managed to add another 150 per tick of my hots.

  3. Wow this really has my brain going. However much I love Hoth and Ilum I don't want to see another iceworld.

    If i had to chose something completely original Mon Calamari for a sea/underwater planet.

    If I had to go with something that has already been done probably Kashykk.

    Endor pre ewoks (dear god don't put them in) would be pretty neat.

    The planet Aayla Secura dies on would be quite different too,


    After alittle thought theres an awful lot of places that could open up for possibility.

  4. I understand that people love to pvp, I don't understand why they think they're effective without so many core talents.

    1. Costs of abilities. Everytthing is paying a premium at lvl 16, you ahve very few force management buttons and skills.

    2. UNless your balance you don't use mindcrush or TK throw (there are exceptions) .

    3. You have a very small toolkit at this point. No force slow, no stunning kick, only force stun.


    My advice, wait till lvl 21ish then try again. You will probably notice the difference.

  5. I loved 25 man raiding, I hated having to deal with the following.

    -Reliance on 25 people actually showing up.

    -Needing more than 25 people as "raiders"

    -Drama over loot

    -Having to do both 10 and 25's

    -Carrying 10-25% of the raid


    The benefits were massively outweighed by negatives.


    SHould they offer some incentive for larger groups? Yes.

    WIll it cause a storm in a teacup? Yes

    is there a solution to keep both sides of the fence happy? No

  6. All my alts regardless of class have slicing for 1-50.

    It is promptly dropped for something more useful later on.

    All my toons generally hit 50 with 1 million creds,max bags and full speeder training

    Slicing is still a great profession to have when out and about in the world

    If you see a star pick it up, its free credits.

  7. makes the matrix cube useless


    i hate how pvp'ers get everything handed to them for just pressing a button every 20 mins


    Source for the matrix cubes being useless? i heard they're getting a buff.


    If the WH relics are getting changed you can bet your bottom dollar that the pve ones are probably getting changed aswell. If not someone will ahve to do the math on the "clickies" to see whether or not theyre worth the effort.


    Just incase ill just go click my button every 20 mins till we get a definitive answer.

  8. When you choose to play an assassin/shadow you are choosing to play a DPS class. In almost every MMO an assassin is almost always a pure DPS class. Now I applaud Bioware for thinking outside the box and giving assassins/shadows options. Some people may be willing to give up DPS for more survivability hence they will choose tank spec. But as it stands assassins/shadows can tank just as well (if not better than the heavy armor tanks). This is just absurd! Not only am I for the changes in 1.3, I don't think it goes far enough. Assassins/shadows tanks should not even come close to be able to tank as well as the heavy armor tanks. To hear that some guilds run with assassin/shadow main and off tanks to do the HM/NM ops is just absurd. If anything my vote is to just remove the tank tree altogether.


    Oh look, another the sky is falling thread


  9. I am guilded so that puts a different spin on what I do. typically....

    1. I do my dailies on as mnay toons as i feel like.I have 3 @ 50

    2. I do a few WZ's trying for the daily or weekly.

    3. Look at getting into a Pug something with my alts.

    4.Peck away at my 4 lvl ~30 alts.

    5 Help out guildies with instances/Fp's etc.

    6.Ops/HM FP;s with the guild


    The game is what you make of it to be honest.

  10. Enraged Defense lets you tank a good deal of PT damage (namely their dots). Good use of enrage to sustain rage and force push is enough to shut down a lot of their initial damage. It's important to remember that PTs are VERY squishy and only have one real defensive CD, they're a lot easier to kill than most people make it out to be...


    As far as our DPS goes, we're one of the top DPS classes in the game (and if you don't think that's the case, then optimize your gear before you start running your mouth off about your personal situation). I'm not sure what you want out of a surge talent, but we pretty clearly do NOT need it.


    Here are my stats atm (fully buffed w/ a rakata stim):


    78.09% Surge

    611 Bonus Damage

    29% crit

    99.1% accuracy


    If our stats did not scale at the same rate as other DPS, I would agree that something is out of whack. But they don't. If you use the right mods and enhancements, you're going to be in a VERY good spot.


    what sort of numbers per strike are you pulling?

    My plasma brand=2100

    My sunder=1700

    Master strike Total=8k

    OHS =3k


    These are my generic crits without relic or adrenal.

  11. You dont use an axe to hammer in nails and you don't use a hammer to chop wood.

    Use the right tools for the job.


    I swap between 3 relics.

    Internal damage proc( we dont have enough sunder classes in our OP)

    Matrix cube

    On use power relic.


    The internal damage relic is always equipped.

    I swap between the matrix cube and the on use fight dependant.


    Cube fights.

    Toth and zorn




    On use Fights

    General V




    If im sitting on the boss most of the time and theres no hard burns needed I'll use the cube, If i need alot of burst at points I'll go with the on use.

  12. This quest is such bull crap for stealth class.


    Bioware gives the Jedi this ability to spot people in stealth and frankly that's bull. your taking away a operatives most basic ability and forcing us to fight toe to toe with 2 strong Jedi. Yet we cant even mez one cause we have to be in stealth in order to do it. why not take away the marauders Light saber see how he fairs with out it or a sorcerers lighting ability. The choices that this company makes in quest design are pointless and make no sense.



    The quest says to infiltrate this Jedi base, but yet every single strong Jedi can detect and break you out of stealth.


    Its the same on the pub side with imperial officers , slow your roll.I foudnt hat sneak and blackout work just fine for giving you a chance to get a sap off.

  13. The PTS itself.


    One daily for completing a random HM FP except Lost Island gives 5 BH commendations

    Another for completing HM LI gives 5 BH commendations

    Completing a random story mode operation gives 5 BH commendations


    This gives player 85 BH commendations a week plus what they're able to get now each week.


    Well if this goes through i guess the sky really is falling on raiding. Shame cause i really enjoyed it.

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