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Posts posted by Doreian

  1. Thing is Harbinger maybe a popular server on the American side but its always STANDARD server load.. Check out the euro tab and see the servers there often see servers with status VERY HEAVY or HEAVY. So why they can handle the load but not Harbinger is very odd and needs a serious look into.


    lol RIght now the Red Eclipse is Full and T3-M4 is very heavy.

  2. You are incorrect.. If do kofe you lose companions... tweek and HK suck after some used real money with no compensation... Most of the companions now are just copys with a different skin... that counts as a loss... we wont even go into how bad the custimization for them is now...



    IT has to be a bug with certain people. I got Pierce back as a warrior still at 10k. Treek, HK both still at 10k for me.

  3. Your influence with your companions is still at the 10k mark. They still perform at the 10k level(if not better now).


    All they did was change the affection name to influence and raised the cap. SO all your time and credits weren't wasted as all the work you did is still there. Now you just have 240k to go to get maxed with the new level.


    And as far as gearing your companions. You either A). Did a weekly and got a full set of legacy companion gear for an hours worth of time that could be shared across toons. Or B). you upgraded their gear with ops gear that was better.


    Either way with a new xpack you would of had to upgrade and gear them all out again anyway. So you really are complaining about gearing companions when you would not have had they left them alone.

  4. There are two major things that changed with level sync.


    You can't solo world bosses (oh no!! Now I have to find a group!! /sarcasm)


    And it takes a bit longer to get through things you were doing last week.


    Those two things are good things. And if you have a lowbie friend getting ganked.....you can still bring your 60 and fight the ganker I mean there isn't any difference. You will both be level sync'ed.

  5. it's probably just me, but I learned during the SOR early release, that it is just live beta testing for those that spent extra money, which feels like a sham, but we are the suckers who paid for it.


    I almost got boned 1/3 of the way through the storyline because I dared to leave at the end of chapter 3 to *gasp* do something different. Not all of us wants to ******** through all 9 chapters.






    You do realize you can leave and then just hit the play button when you want to resume the chapters right?


    I mean you aren't forced to do all 9 chapters.

  6. A lot of people are upset about not getting into early access, either because of a bug, because their subscription was dropped for a few days since July, or because they misinterpreted subscribing from July to October as subscribe between July to October.


    I think it'd be generous to give all current subscribers early access. Active subscribers are left with nothing to do because the PvE content has been raised to 65, but they aren't 65 and can't level to 65.


    If you don't have sympathy for those who weren't subscribed for a while or are in the "learn 2 read" club for those who misinterpreted the early access requirements, that's fair. All I'm asking is for BioWare to throw a bone to a lot of us who made a mistake. Personally, I wouldn't have subscribed until later had I comprehended the requirements correctly.





    But the end game content in GF is now 50-65...so you get synched.

  7. I have played since launch. I too started school about two months before F2P went live. I did not get the jawa or the lucky swoop or even the next speeder. I still play. Regrettable but my Real Life choices superceded the game. I do not feel betrayed at all.


    I kept up with my account but felt at the time I felt schoolwork demanded more attention. It happens its a choice you made.

  8. If a stack of items is for sale on GTN there is no option to buy individual items. Just spent 1.5 hours listing items from two hyper crates just to find out that all the stacks of furniture I put up for sale wont get looked at because they're stacks of 8 and 12 and people can only buy the entire stacks. No I have to wait 2 days to get my stuff back and relist them again individually with 8 times as many auctions.. and time.. cant wait :|



    Also I have noticed people mistakenly listing stacks of items for the individual price.. So they are getting screwed out of a lot of credits. There is no visible calculation between typing in the individual cost per item and the total cost of the stack. You have to sit here with a calculator on your lap to figure out how much your stack is worth versus the individual cost.


    Well the good thing is they will automatically end on Tuesday during maintenance. So everything will be sent back to you with the deposit in the mail.

  9. I did a Lightside Jaesa just to see the companion quests because I never did lightside sith. Other than that just using the last bit of 12x to get some of my alts to 55.


    Been a fun ride. Will be nice to start a fresh character and see the planet arcs again or in the case of Republic see them for the first time as I did not do any planet arcs during the 12x for pub side.

  10. This doesn't make it right honestly....the way it was worded lead me to believe I could use it on all my characters.


    Sitting here and whiteknighting a blatant money grab is not going to help at all.


    Yeah and your failure to actually understand what you read is laughable. Nowhere does it say in the tooltip you can use it on all your characters for the initial price.


    I don't see how you got confused by "this armor can be worn by any class" to "this armor can be worn on all characters you have just by buying the set one time"


    Very different statements.

  11. Maybe people are opening a ton of them? I know the majority of items themselves have take a huge dive in prices to the point I've almost given up on my usual GTN activities for awhile until a more stable market emerges.


    Also how do bots and crates work? They still need to be purchased with real money don't they or is it via fraudulent credit cards?

    Even if bought for credits there is no point in selling for cheaper than what you bought it for.


    Most use fraudulent credit cards then post a bunch for cheap to amass the credits.

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