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Everything posted by ddot

  1. Ive still never used this ability, but Im wondering if anyone could sugest when to use this. Predation : Requires and converts 30 stacks of Fury to issue Predation to you and your party, increasing movement speed by 50% and melee and ranged defense by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds. I hate to waste 30 Fury for an ability that doesent seem that good, when I can get a major DPS boost From my respective Beserk. In a flashpoint, or Heroic, is there anytime I would use this?, It seems like a run away fast and live ability for the group if something goes south, but not THAT great. (If the group has a oh $#!+ moment, an extra 10% Defense isnt enough to save eveyone, and getting everyone to run at the same time would never happen) Is this a PVP ability? (havent done it yet)
  2. Im a 35, so I dont have all the high lvl abilities. I starting this thread because we marauders are bloated with abilities, and sometimes I get stuck using the same abilities because im overwhelmed by how many there are and maybe overlook great ones that if i tossed in my rotation would make a big difference. I know everythings situational, but heres may basic rotation I use (Im CARNAGE spec btw): Force Charge > Smash > Assault x 2 > Gore > Ravage > Force Choke > Force Scream > Assault/Vicious Slash in cycle untill i have enough for: > Beserk (if up) > Vicious Slash x6 > assault x2 > Force Scream - if they are still alive after this I do the Assault/Vicious Slash cycle untill Gore and Ravage come back from cooldown, and then repeat the cycle from there. Ill toss a retaliate if it comes up and i have the rage, and obviously ill pommel strike if a force scream incapacitates someone. Any sugestions to put in from other Carnage specs? Would you add anything? What rotation do you use if you are the other Specs?
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