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Everything posted by Starchyld

  1. So If I am wrong BW have been pushing out waves of invites until 2 right? And they have been doing invites today every hour right? And they are going to submit more waves today then previous days right? And the word is that we are up to November 26th right?
  2. Im currently having an asthma attack due to unrelated reasons, I support this thread
  3. I just got a message from your blood pressure. Your blood pressure thanks you.
  4. I sit there stroking my awesome beard and smoking a large german pipe
  5. Finally someone speaking some god damn sense. Props to the OP
  6. Basically what it means is that invites will go out to people who preorder in a larger time frame for example Day 1 Invites: July Week 1- Week2 Day2 Invites July Week 3 - August Week 3 Day three August Week for -> Octorber Week1 Understand? The timeframe increases, not everybody gets invites The numbers above are just for use as an example, take them seriously you will be cursed to sit on a catus and play Sit n Spin.
  7. Dont worry guys! I know how to make helmets that will keep the CIA from reading your minds! I charge extra for the ones that arent still covered in my urine.
  8. You do realize the extra 90 bucks you are spending buys you the statue, art book, CDs, ingame items, etc, etc, and NOT special treatment?
  9. You started your statement with a double negative. Your argument is invalid.
  10. I find your lack of tangible proof disturbing.
  11. And I am the one who preordered. And I am not going to get upset unless I am not able to play until after 12:10AM CST on the 20th
  12. The game officially releases the 20th. Discuss
  13. People really dont know what happens when so many people access the same server at the same time. Too many conspiracy theories and silly "Im more important then everyone else outthere" Accept the early access time and be happy, you could however wait until the 20th to play
  14. Sinku, Xil, Digital, I guess I have to bake you a cake huh? Dont worry, it will be a special cake filled with nutritions and stuff.
  15. Im so angry right now! I preordered MONTHS ago and I didnt get the first lunch access! Bioware really needs to get off their asses and fix this lunch issue right away. I was really hoping to share this lunch with old old old old wow buddies but they will be 50 before can even touch my lunch. Damn Im hungry, I guess Ill just have to settle for a ham sandvich.
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