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Everything posted by phlowbies

  1. No. Our healer had maybe three days worth of PVP gear, had 0 trouble with the boss. Ranged spread out over his AE heal, and just nuked everything. No one moved once.
  2. It's not hard at all. Your dps is undergeared or your healer can't handle the damage put out yet. Destroy the medic, keep her interrupted, destroy shield dude, nuke him. But stop complaining about "OMG ITS TOO HARD CAUSE I CAN'T DO IT" because I assure you, there's a TON of people that can. Get more gear, or bang your heads against the wall until it falls over. All of this will be trivial in a week or two with more gear.
  3. Don't transition him when he's channeling his ****.
  4. How is boarding party THAT difficult for people? The only thing that sucks is the bug chest. Pretty sure this is what you need damage meters for.
  5. I'd like to extend a warm welcome to all the WoW LFR raiders who have migrated over to the greener pastures of SWTOR. Enjoy your content.
  6. Negative, pretty sure you're wrong. What the other dude said is entirely right.
  7. EV normal mode is equivalent, or even more derp-friendlier than WoW's LFR system. Do nightmare modes.
  8. I've made a thread in the CS forums about this, hopefully we get a response. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=689390#post689390 Go post up there and keep it bumped.
  9. Yeah, they just escalated my ticket too. I think, or deleted it, I don't even know. Can't do anything worthwhile, guess it's alt time.
  10. How do you even know if a ticket's been escalated? I was under the impression it was bugged and wouldnt show a ticket after being submitted.
  11. Another guildie just hit the same thing. Would be real nice if this issue got some coverage, since it's kinda crappy.
  12. Stuck here as well. Sucks. Chose dark side.
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