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Posts posted by Kleve

  1. Squishy soft questioning, and answers that sounded like they were written by a political adviser. I am glad, though, that Ohlen is at least accessible. So many other higher-ups in previous games simply were not. Ohlen, while seems eager to answer questions about his game.


    Correction: He seemed eager to point out how they've answered these questions multiple times before and the users aren't satisfied with the answers. But NOT eager to discuss the 25% decrease in subscriptions recently admitted to that he flat out denied 2 weeks prior. And apparently sees absolutely NO connection to user dissatisfaction and declining subscriptions. *boggle*



    This is good news (re: Sorc/Sage healers). I'm glad BioWare isn't backing down, despite all the QQ about how hard the healer nerf was. Prior to 1.2, there was really no point in taking any other healing class into a warzone or flashpoint.




    This worries me. BioWare seems to be taking a metric-driven approach to balance and fixes, by examining spreadsheets and crunching numbers. This has been an ongoing issue since beta, where player feedback, especially at level 50, has been greatly diminished. Yes, I imagine it's difficult to sift through all the crap...but there are a lot of good suggestions tossed around by players as well.


    Mr. Ohlen, you may not be pulling your hair out and screaming, but many of your players are. Why? Because they're actually playing the game. They're not reading an email about imbalance over a morning latte at the office, or watching a slideshow presentation in a cushy office meeting and discussing it over cream-filled donuts.


    They very clearly do NOT play their own game. And it's not just Mr Ohlen not playing the game. Mr. Zoeller's infamous 'what sort of unusual huttball games are you guys playing where you never leave combat?' remark speaks VOLUMES to me and a lot of people

  2. Did anyone notice his attitude towards the community? It was obvious that he has a dislike for the customers paying for this game and giving their own recommendations. He was darn right condesending.


    WHAT YOU SAY!?!?!?!?! BW seems to have a dismissive if not downright condescending attitude to it's paying customers?!?!?!?!?!



  3. It's not up to players to stick with a game in order to see fixes.

    It's up to the the game to implement fixes to keep players around.


    Server population, lack of game features, breaking of previously unbroken elements, lack of fix for other broken elements and so on - all will directly influence the entertainment value, even for the people who like the game, to the degree where they'd rather spend time and money on something else - for a while or permanently.

    It's not up to these people to 'stick it out'. It's the other way around.


    So while the game does not look to do a Warhammer Online dive - it is being hit now that subscriptions are running out and not being renewed. Casual player claims aside and despite lofty statements about how many the game needs to 'break even', the game still need a healthy population or otherwise even those that like it will move on simply due to the game being empty and content being impossible to do.


    This 18 million times over. Especially the last paragraph.

  4. Welcome to the wonderful world of dead servers. Bioware does it again. I'm SURE you are willing to wait another month or 2 to transfer right? Classic "Bioware fail" again.


    The 'free' transfers will be to low pop servers. Anywhere else you want to go, $$$.


    What has two thumbs and isn't going to reward BW's continued ineptitude with more money?


    *THIS GUY*

  5. Yeah im now falling into the group that is beginning to wonder what the point of me playing the game is anymore, iqueue for ages to get into a pvp and most of the time only have 6 players o the team, or get in and get the good old message telling you there are not enough players and the game will end, its not good enough servers have to be merged or this game is gonna go down the tubes and die ..........fast



    The two previously high-pop servers I play on (Corellian Run/Wall of Light) have turned into ghost towns. Previously Fleet levels of 150+ have dropped to 50 during 'peak' times. The guilds I joined on the respective servers previously averaged 30-40 people on during same peak times. Now, 10, maybe 15.

  6. completely agree. I get huttball but coming across other reps in voidstar cheapens any immersive feeling I have with this game regardless if they call it a 'training simulation'. I HATE having a sense of comraderie with the same group queing and doing wz's and then BAM, you are having to kill these same people.


    SO....WHEN is the absolutely requried server merge and/or cross server queing going in? I saw nothing in the 1.3 update.


    BW: Seriously, the embarrasement of recognizing that your game is dying but supporting your existing playing base by making it somewhat endurable while we see what you can come up with is NOTHING compared to the embarrasement of losing millions of dollars on the game because we are simply going to leave if you don't fix this and won't hang on to our subs in the hopes of the future


    I have a simple, 3-step solution that BW could do to fix the problem:


    1) Buy vaseline @ your local neighborhood grocery or drugstore

    2) Apply liberally around the neck and ears region

    3) Pull.

  7. Why put the terrible grind in to begin with? For what reason? It doesn't make the game fun it just makes it long.


    I wish they'd have gone the GW route. Normalize all gear and stats, let strategy, coordination and skill determine the outcome of matches.

  8. I agree, I'm tired of playing against Karma (my servers jiveturkey apparently)....I understand where these people are coming from saying they like to know the names of everyone they pvp with but when you know your enemies names by heart from having fallen victim to their premades path of destruction it gets old real quick. Will I still face premades from other servers? Sure, but atleast it won't be those **** from karma.


    There are several on my server (Correllian Run), but I can't think of a single person who inspires such hopelessness and JiveTurkey. I've been in CW's where the /op channel chatter was "OMG, JiveTurkey is in this match with his pre-made. Someone cap something so we can soak defender points because we're going to lose" and THEN he and his pre-made 3cap.


    The man is just that good.

  9. 1) Learn from mistakes of the past - Cataclysmic changes, NGE fails, and 1.2. Overhauling classes less than 6 months into a launch is a terrible idea. Folks chose classes based on beta experience and levelling experience, just to have (Operative and BH) dps nerfed repeatedly. These and the healer changes were clearly reactionary and not well considered given the drastic shift they caused from the product your launch audience bought.


    2) Underpromise and overdeliver - basic service 101. "We'll have ranked warzones in 1.2." Oops. My guild is gone to Tera due to this, once again short sighted and reactionary decision, to install part of the PvP changes (expertise/gear) but not the ranked warzones.


    3) The Legacy system is a wonderful idea and provides some great tools for altaholics. Unfortunately I don't know what class you're going to completely alter next so I'm afraid to level another character to 50.


    4) Are you selling a product or a service? If you said a product you're wrong. You marketed this game as being groundbreaking for immersive, story driven, fully voiced PvE content. You threw in a little PvP as well because that's expected in MMOs.


    The game has been live for nearly 5 months and we've seen minimal new content. All we've really seen is some (but not all) bugs fixed and wildly overreactionary "math" changes. This game will survive and thrive only by delivering on the content (service) promise in return for the $15/month fee. Again - underpromise and overdeliver.


    5) Class balance changes and gear griding are no substitute for content. While $15 is a bargain for the entertainment value, paying customers have vastly higher expectations than their f2p comrades. Show more business sense than SOE (who still employees Smedley last I checked) and make appropriate staffing changes to get your product back to the experience your customers paid for. I quit WoW because I refuse to pay a subscription to repeat dailies ad nauseum to get gear you will then obsolete in 30-60 days. Fool me once, shame on you . . .


    Epic post, bro. Constructively critical, no malice, bitterness. Exactly the sort of thing BW needs to see and take to heart.


    I don't think they WILL, but kudos all the same.

  10. This class has no challenge and can kill anything if they "really" want to.



    Yes, but many are the times when I que for a WZ, get in, target an opponent and think 'Meh' and /dance instead of melting his face off.

  11. We are the ones that keep MMO's alive.not the part-timers that play for 2 hours a night and PVE. I hope Bioware is seeing this in its subscripttion cancelations.


    Right, because a certain OTHER MMO's success is TOTALLY dependent on pvp. :rolleyes:

  12. Im not seeing people not trying,been in maybe 10 or so WZ's,just havent seen it yet.


    Clearly, sir, you did not get the memo. We're all upset about this. VERY UPSET SIR! How can we talk smack about how awesome we are at pvp and how everyone else are baddies and need to l2p if they have the same gear as us? Why, if everyone had the same gear, it would be down to skill, strategy, etc. And I'm the best at pvp there is sir. My having Warhero gear and you not having warhero gear is proof of that, sir.

  13. - Because WH Premades are queuing round the clock 24/7

    - Because it is insanely hard to be in full BM, which is about 1.7% less PvP bonus.

    - Because it is insanely hard to also get 3 others to play with and get on vent.

    - Because it is insanely fun for premades to just stomp on a team that doesnt try. Because no one likes competition.


    A) Yeah, they sometimes do. On the two servers I play on, my two friends and I can tell when the Warhero premades are out and about, stomping around in the kiddie pool

    B) For someone who didn't pvp 10-49 and only got into it at 50, starting out with recruit gear, while better than nothing, IS still painful.

    C) Let go of the 'get some friends and get in vent. I DO play with 2 people I regularly game with and I'll concede I'm not God's gift to pvp and neither are they. 3 of us with 5 random team mates against a 4 man pre-made/4 others (possibly pre-made as well) all wearing warhero isn't 'competitive'

    D) Oh, I can't entirely blame the Warhero guys who put in the time and effort to get the best gear and who desperately want to get ranked WZ's. That's BW's fault, not theirs.


    But, you're so quick to point out the competition rule.... if gear DOESN'T matter so much and skill DOES, why are you and all Battlemaster/Warhero gear wearing pvpr's SO UPSET the rest of us peons might get the same gear as you?


    Afraid of competition?

  14. So this new "March Them Down play 6 matches" is a great way for completely fail people to get gear...SO all of us people who put in effort to get gear etc etc can now be surrounded by geared unskilled people.


    I can see the logic in it but i don't agree with it, Spoon Fed players in SWTOR.


    Hey, all of you l337 pvpr's complain gear doesn't matter, skill does. Suddenly, those of us 'l2p n00b!' people might get a couple steps closer to getting geared and you cry foul? What about wanting competitive matches where you can stroke your ego by beating an equally geared player because you got mad skillz?

  15. i completely agree with you, There's no more incentive to win if all you have to do is play. no one will actually try to win, they will just coast it.


    Complete and utter BS. This change allows those of us getting roflstomped by bored, WarHero geared pre-mades to get at least SOMETHING out of it.

  16. Heh yeah I guess that's a way to look at it... But really, most WZs are completely puggable if the other players aren't completely brain dead... I mean, most of the things they have to understand are left, right, middle, beat on the guy with a big glowing mark over his head.


    Huttball is much more complex than that, and while capable players are able to win even when pugging, it remains a much more random experience than other wzs, due to the complexity and difficulty in communication.


    Then again, playing huttball in a premade with TS against another premade is probably the most fun you can have in a wz (though you may get some epic fights in other wzs too)


    You had me until you said 'if the other players aren't completely brain dead'. :D


    But I concede the point that huttball is the most difficult to pug. It requires a lot of coordination.

  17. Remove voidstar please. That is the worst warzone by far. I'd love it if huttball had it's own queue that would be all I'd play.


    Now *THIS* I could get behind. Of all the WZ's, this is the one that requires THE LEAST strategy/skill/whatever. It's a zerg fest. Even when I queue as a pre-made, you can easily defend by simply throwing bodies at the doors.

  18. I used to think it would be a good thing, but I like knowing the other players. Cross Server PVP is what made WoW not fun anymore. The answer is not Cross Server. The Answer is merging servers.


    And also fix the gear grind, 220+ hours to get War Hero is ludicrous.


    I strongly favor cross server wz's for no other reason than why should JiveTurkey's reign of terror be isolated to *MY* server.

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