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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Duskrequim

  1. Funerals for in game friends whose characters have passed away are something that happens alot in all games. After 911 and for soldiers these memorials that take place are a huge deal. Many games have even created permanent memorials to these people so that their lives will go on in the digital world.


    To go and disrupt these events because you dont "feel" like they should interfere with your fantasy world is a pretty lame choice. There is a special place in the afterlife for people who find enjoyment out of others sadness.

  2. Ok I really think that we should be able to purchase special release pets through the market... the list I think we should be able to get are.


    J9-BH Mercenary

    LU-20 Builder

    2C-TA Commander

    BF-4F Warrior

    Taun Fawn

    Minimech CE

    Arctic Manka Lynx


    Forest Nekarr Cat

    Umbral Blurrg

    F5-SC Fighter Battle Droid

    Glided Flutterplume

    Model S-12 Blackbolt

    Forest Nekarr Cat


    I think to help those of us OCD people... that collect everything.. it would be nice if there was alternative way to get these specific pets.. and Paying for them in Market just makes sense.

  3. Rakata gear could only be gotten in HM and NM mode ops. Columni you got from SM and HM.,. each boss in HM would drop 1 piece of Rakata usally... I got lucky on my first ever Guild Ops raid and wallked away with 5 pieces of Rakata... I was such a ******... I never felt more powerful.
  4. I actually like the way the game goes.. I wish everquest the other game I play allowed you to have an alternative way to get gear like raid gear through quests or group content. The idea that the best gear be locked behind only specific content that must only be done through Raids.. in SWTOR case that would be Nightmare Ops.. is somewhat a bad policy.. however even the casual players can reach a point to be able to join in on HM and Nightmare Ops... if they work hard at it. This is a good kind of easy.. as it allows people to meet all sorts of new people.
  5. That would qualify as pay 2 win and probably won`t happen. But I like things made easier.


    I repeat - this is not and never has been a hardcore game and I expect to play it as it is - easy peasy.


    I played Lineage 2 and while fun at that time, I won`t go back to that style of play.


    never liked the idea of calling something Pay to Win....... especially in an MMO where there is no "WIN" to do. You cant buy progress in this game... even if they sold a fully geared (180) level 55 with full augments etc.... you still would have to play the FP's and OP's. You cant just declare you won the game. This is something I wish would stop being used. Call it what it really is... Pay to Skip.... not Pay to win..... because paying for said character would skip you to the end.. but you will still have to play the game.

  6. Easy is relative... Most FP's etc are now easy, not so much because of gear but because we have done them so many times that we know the shortcuts and how to best beat them. New content is hard because we dont know them yet. This happens to any content later in game... I am glad they changed the system of how they do rewards because it helps the players not get stuck doing same old missions over and over. Just imagine if they didnt do this. Try getting someone new to come back to a game where by the time he gets level 50 he is way behind in gear and the next level of content will rip him a new one. With the attitude of some players seeing peoples gear he would eventually quit from frustration or require some handme outs. Redoing the system the way they did gives these players the ability to self gear up and I think is a great thing.. .I cant always raid but the missions and grouping allowed me to gear up to Raid level without the need to raid which helps the raid because they do not have to carry me if I join.
  7. I try to skip as much as possible when it comes to certain planets. For instance.. I skip most of Taris because that quest chain is way to long and too much running. I however love Hoth.. and do all of it typically. This allows me to skip most of Voss which I again dislike because of the amount you have to spend in speeder bikes.


    You really should experience each classes story line at least once though. Including all the side quests...

  8. Well, they may have mistaken the Unit of a Parsec as a measurement of Time. And so wrongly used Parsec as a unit to measure the distance from Hutta to its Moon Narshada. Its a mistake... as a Parsec is a unit of distance. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Parsec But we also have the possibility that the Unit we know as Parsec, can be used to measure both. Or has a meaning when calculating Distance that is both small and large... But that would be confusing as heck. I would just argue that the game designers used it as way to judge time incorrectly.
  9. I should require no introduction, However as you may be a desk worker in Human Resources working in some underground bunker on some long forgotten world, then I shall do so. I am Lilithine Sizhran, destroyer of worlds. All who come before my presence cower in fear as they look upon me. You may ask yourself, Why and How can a member of the Republic become so feared? The answer is simple, Power!

    I have the power to destroy whoever I wish, and I do not care about the morals of the petty Republic or the Empire. I stand for Power and I will do what it takes no matter the cost. My greatest accomplishments if you really want a full list then I will have to kill you. However I will be obliged to list a few. I would say the ones I enjoy the most was freeing the World Razer from his Prison on Belsavis. A dismal world filled with the very scum this universe could think of. The Republic for all its glory, borrowed this ancient prison and did not even bother to learn what it was that was being imprisoned there. So I did what I felt this universe deserves, A parting gift to the Republic that while may be years away, within my scheme this act will surely be a showstopper. I have also learned how to Craft some of the strongest Biochemical Substances in the Universe, using some of the rarest and most powerful ingredients known and unknown. These substances have helped procure me much, and I will be all the more willing to share some of the secrets I have learned as well as those I will discover working with you on my endeavor to find even stronger ones. lastly I would say the destruction of some of the greatest powers in the Universe really is testament to my power, as none have stood before me and survived. The Republic, the Empire and even the Cartel have thrown every manner of creature and leader at me. I have destroyed or claimed then all. I have destroyed Sith Lords, and emperor wannabes, I have laid wastes to planets seized by greedy Hutts, and I have made soldiers and whole armies bow to their knees at the sight of me.

    Success is only determined by power. Those with enough money and power can succeed on anything. With the resources at my disposal I accomplish my tasks with precision and focus, driven by the rage of power I do what ever it takes to see my goal is accomplished. If a World must be sacrificed to achieve my goal then I will destroy 3. Your last enquiry I find amusing, as I would ignore the situation for he would only be an esteemed colleague if he could take care of his own experiment. If he does not have the power to stop what he has created, then he does not deserve pity or help. If I returned to find his creation has run amuck and damaged the place and killed him, I would destroy the creature take his work and give it to someone who can do it better. I would then track down his family for compesation if any of my experiments was damaged. If he survived his ordeal, then I would watch to make sure he does not become a threat, ready to strike him down if he becomes one. I have seen what the Czerka corporation can do, and I am intrigued. I think we could work together as great partners. I bring about Power and Control, you have unlimited resources and the man power to do the work needed to control not just the Republic but all of the Empire and Outer worlds combined. I will be expecting your correspondence to formally welcome me onto the team. --Lilithine

  10. We need a Return to Fleet option at character select screen. It would be great for when you go to log into the game if you could also hit return to fleet and be back on the fleet without having to log into an area that may or may not be safe (like during disconnect) or when cant remember where you are. It should have a timer as well, like 45 minutes since last played the character to keep people from using it to quick travel. But this type of option I think is well needed.
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