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Posts posted by Duskrequim

  1. I have found that you only get flagged PVP... for targeting the player while doing an AOE. You can AOE your hearts content but as soon as you target them you will get flagged if you drop an aoe while they are targeted. Now what I hate is that you cant REZ a person that is flagged without yourself becoming flagged. THIS is a bug and should be considered a bug. I did this to a player who we had grouped with that got destroyed by some level 55's imps while we were only level 40..... I was not flagged because I do not PVP... but when I rez'd him after they left.. I got flagged.. and of course they destroyed me... cause I guess it feels big taking down a player that is low level and not a pvp'er. It was my mistake but I still think its stupid.
  2. I have my own system... I run Belsavis Dailies.. followed by black hole and then Czerka then Oricon. I can run those all in about hour to hour and a half If im lazy. I solo all of them. I also sometimes toss in section x. Doing those and selling all loot to vender I make about 300k to 400k. Thats 1 character. I have 3 55's I do that on all 3 and I make about 1 mil. Its easy and I have no issue. My guild has started doing this and we have over 10mil saved up. Its easy.
  3. They have to bring it back..... we have Eyeless in the lockouts.. we have Thorn reputation still waiting and we have pets etc that we have not finished getting. Why go through the trouble of lockout timers and reputation if it is not coming back? The original Rakghoul event had none of those features... this one did. SO come on.. I need the vender so I can get my pets.
  4. I have noticed that getting Kingpin chips is pretty random... you have to win... but you do not need a jackpot with the smuggler machines. However the smuggler machine however does not always grant a jackpot... you can hit jackpot line up perfectly multiple times and not win a single gold certificate. Seen same thing with the kingpins... the jackpot is not always 100%.. I have hit it multiple times and got nothing but the chip back.. so I think that while I can get my kingpin chips easy... getting the actual jackpot is random...
  5. look at the mods and enhancements in the armor... they pieces you have may be lacking.. sometimes you have to spend little extra to get like more than 1 helm or glove etc to tear out the mods and enhancement to replace another piece of gears mod and enhancement that is not that great. Even in best gear sometimes the mods or enhancement needs to be replaced with a better one.
  6. bought 15 Kingpin tokens using the cartel certificates then bought almost 1 mil in kingpin tokens.. and nothing.. I thought it was rip off then I learned and spent 100k on 100 smuggler coins.. got the lucky buff and then with 5 kingpins I got my Rancor... I with I would have learned before I wasted all those creds...
  7. Just for your own enlightenment, google "swtor credits," then go visit some of those sites. Until you've done that you should probably refrain from suggesting how gold spammers should be dealt with. :)


    I still think they are majority outside the US>.... But like I suggested.. block people from making multiple accounts on a computer... that and with blocking chat channels in F2P accounts for first week would go along way to limiting spam.. it will not stop it.. But you would see a decline.

  8. You don't think people who have the tech savvy to create sophisticated bots don't have the smarts to use proxies?


    Waiting periods? You don't think the same people can't create 100 new accounts every day and simply push them along day after day like a virtual peristalsis process?



    I think that the majority of Spammers are too lazy to create proxies... and for those who create 100's of accounts.. you should be able to limit how many a person makes... There has to be a way to limit a persons access to the website for account creation.. Like some kind of cookie etc that once on computer that if you try to access site to make an account more than 5 times it blocks attempts and you have to contact support to unlock it.. like when you enter PW's too many times. This should be easy to implement....

  9. Right... cause we don't care 'bout dem aisians playin' tha game... amirite? :rolleyes:



    Im not going to answer that... :p But I will say that aggressivly going after ISP's and closing down the locations of those people by blocking their areas from being able to make new accounts would go along way in making people have a better time.


    Another step that would be better and would help would be to block all Communication channels on F2P accounts untill so many days have passed. This would slow down the chat spam... and still let those who legitimitly create accounts be able to chat once they have spent the time needed to get past the trial account chat limit.

  10. I still see people stacking Fortitude augments so perhaps I missed it... Maybe some obscure Cult-like Guild practiced such obscenity.



    I still dont see why people who stack endurance stat get so much slack... If done properlly.. you can use Advanced Weighted Mod 34b and Advanced Vigilant Enhancement 34 and with those and Fortitude Augments you get 15%def and Absorb 39.35% and Shield at 39.24%.... So technically you are not horrible at stats.. You are very close to what most people would want you at. With the higher level 36 versions of the same augments you jump up to 16% defense and same absorb and 40.45% shield... I just wonder.. if doing it this way and having 52k health or 55k if you have the 36's would not be better than having higher shield/absorb but less health...


    From what I see I would love someone who can get the augments to test it out... go with these augments and see if they are worse then having Aborb/shield stacked for a Vanguard.. and if the 42%shield 43%aborb makes up for loss of 5K in health. From what I see in number crunching the 4% increases to shield and absorb do not seem to be enough of a jump.... but I suck at math and sometimes the number crunching confuses me.

  11. sounds like he was just randomly clicking the machine and thought that there was no actual "way" to play. I can take 99 smuggler coins and walk away with 4-5 gold certificates easy. The game is not random. The only thing that is random is what happens if you line up the arrows... So far I can line up the arrows and 3 out of 4 times I get nothing... and every now and then something happens like jackpot.. so the arrows are not always a jackpot.
  12. If they would would do some research on where these free accounts are being made that might help... like if they can see that those accounts are being mass generated in foreign country.. then work to block all accounts in those regions of the country... people can hide ISP's etc.. but for what they are doing they are not going to that much trouble to do that...
  13. A long time ago, I joined a small 2 person guild run by a couple from the same country as me.


    They were very nice and friendly and helpful and we had a great time.


    But then I became unemployed and couldn't afford to sub any more so I left the game (before it went F2P).


    I came back again a few months later and found that I was the guild leader now.


    There was no MOTD and checking the logs I could see that the other members had not been online for several months.

    So I waited a week, logging on as often as I could, to see if they showed up.


    Sent their characters an e-mail in-game asking where they were.


    Waited a few more weeks.



    So, I looked in the guild bank, and there was no cash but a tab full of mats and some gear. (Now 1½ months after I started playing and 3-4 months after they last were online)

    So I sold the stuff and disbanded the guild.

    Wasn't much there, like I said, so I made maby 200k off it.


    TWO DAYS LATER I get an e-mail from one of them asking why all their characters were kicked from the guild.

    I explained the situation and told them I was very sorry and willing to pay them back or get their gear back by buying it off the GTN.


    But, they just accused me on doing it on purpose to ruin them and told me they were never going to play the game again.


    I never heard from them again :(


    LOL...... Thats great.... I would have been like "Im sorry but being Guild Leader I found it in the best interest of the guild to remove those who have not been playing"

  14. I have found that I can with 99 smuggler coins... get about 20 kingpin coins and several gold certificates. i found that if you wait till the arrow is pointing at the left end part of the larger win line that the spin will typically line up to a win and either get back my smuggler coin or I get buffs and or kingpin (the kingpin coin is random and does not matter where in win space it is) I have had the arrows line up multiple times and not get a jackpot and gold certificate.. leaving me to believe that the jackpot is what is random.


    as for the Kingpin machines.. I have just not played around enough to get the pattern.. I did win my Rancor.. but now im trying for another so I keep trying to play... I have gotten around 20-30 gold certficates and those I have used for all kinds of things..

  15. I lol..... too anyone who complains about a broken patch... and one that gets fixed fast.... I lived through the Everquest "PATCH"... the one that took servers down for estimated couple hours that ended up like 12... then caused crashed that had to be patched that broke some thing else that had to be patched that had to be patched to fix the previous patch that had to be patched cause that broke another patch... on and on.. for almost 7 straight days of patches... and maybe 1 or 2 hours of play time... yeah that was unaccceptable.. but we as players got over it. WHY?... because the game was the only thing worth playing.... These issues.. they happen... at least its not like it used to be.
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