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Posts posted by HeawiNobal

  1. My patience ran out about a week ago, and I don't play since then. My account will run out in a week, and I may be willing to resub, if I get a transfer to a high pop server NOW. Once my time is up, it's not very likely I will ever come back.


    After seeing this post... Im sure they will put your server on the next list. :rolleyes:

  2. +1 internets to you!


    This is what I am thinking as well sir.


    I rerolled to another server as everyone was saying to do and now I cant use my REROLL!!! That is not fair guys. I am tired of putting time into toons to only be left behind again... already been down this road.


    I just spent 2 months on another toon only to be left behind again!!! ***!!


    Say it aint so.

    I only have 1 level 50 toon and another level 29 on a different server... I stopped playing the 29 when the population issues started because I knew there would be a fix coming somehow. Common sense would tell you that it would effect legacy as well. So the only toon I play is the 50. If I lose the 29, no biggie... just reroll him on the server that all my chars will be on.

  3. I hope so... I guess that would make sense because update 1.3 is called "allies"...


    I think 1.3 is called Allies because of the LFG tool and the transfers...


    I seem to remember a QA where someone said 1.3 is gonig to focus mainly on the LFG and transfers and not much else new in that.


    I doubt the HK and everything announced at E3 will be in 1.3

  4. I too think it might be too late to save the game... BUT... im still holding out hope as I loved this game when the servers were populated. Im keeping my subscription active and will wait and see what happens...


    Things sound promising, transfers sound great, but everyday there are less and less people to transfer... I just hope things work out and we can continue playing the game on populated servers.

  5. I think one of the greatest advances the genre we could see in the future would be the removal of the the "character" from the "server". Break this connection. Setup Characters so that once we log in, we select a character then a server to play on. There would, of course, be new challanges to over come but the end result would allow people to play on whatever server they wished and change on the fly (like changing chat rooms).


    Sure populations would fluxuate but commuities would be formed by the players themselves, and if they need to, they can relocate. Sometimes it's good to play on a dead server if you are looking for a named mob but other times you want to have a ton of people around if you are trying to sell something. Allow people the freedon to fluxuate between servers at will and communities will be formed regardless.


    It's 2012, the chains that bind "a character" to "a server" should be broken.


    Anyway, just a thought. :)

    I like this idea...

  6. At this point it's not only about retaining subscriptions, they are going to need new ones. They want... need it to get bigger. I'm sure that played a part in the layoffs. Im asusming BW/EA did what they thought was necessary and the fact that it is now public knowledge like it is so quickly means they want the community to know they are doing something about it.


    They are gambling... rolling the dice. Hoping the the community hangs out and sees that they are attempting to make changes for the better. Frankly I dont like there side of the gamble. A ton of players have already left. The ones with subscriptions still are mainly on light servers and arent really playing either... just waiting out the population problems until fixed.


    Fix the population issues... that will keep the current subsciption holders happy as it will be easier to find groups... then the more likely they will be to tell their friends how much fun they are having and try to get them into the game as well... right now, the exact opposite is going on.

  7. I was having a blast until population became an issue. Now I log in... assign my crew some tasks, look for a group for about an hour and not get in one, assign my crew more tasks and sign off.


    pathetic really how they let population problems get this out of control for so long. Really alienated a lot of subscriptions that way.


    the LFG tool sounds great, but will be useless with Low population.


    I mwas debating re-rolling but I want to see how the transfers will be handled. I dont want to waste time leveling up a new toon just to still be stuck on the same server and transfers not solve the population problem.

  8. Hi everyone,




    In the upcoming weeks, we’re going to be making a few changes and working on new initiatives in order to enhance our relationship with you, the fans, and with our developers. We’ll also be reintroducing the team so that you can get to know us a bit more.


    That sounds promising. Thank you.

  9. I cant believe how poorly things are being handled by Bioware. I had a heavy server. I logged in yesterday around noon and there were 7 people in fleet.


    Hell I stopped playing too mainly because there is no one to play with. I'm keeping my sub active in hopes of them correcting the population issues with he transfers. Im sure it will correct some but at this point I feel like the damage is done. Transfers will only hold off people from leaving just a little bit longer. I dont think fixing the population issue now is going to get any new subsciptions and IMO that is what they need now.


    Sucks, this was my first MMO and I it's horrible how I see Bioware handling it. Will definitely keep all this in mind for future bioware purchases.

  10. So.... where is nightmare mode Explosive Conflict? Where are Rated Warzones?

    Without this update we wont be able to play rated warzones or nightmare EC.


    Im happy they are finally going to handle the population problem... I just hope they are successful... this game was sooo much fun... but it's been kinda miserable recently.


    Stated playing diablo3 :o

  11. Tarro Blood does OK with population... at peak time we are about 100 people in fleet... still very difficult to find a group for a random HM at times.


    Would love transfers to open up and have out server be one of the choices to transfer too.

  12. I want to start grinding up another 50.. but I dont want it to feel like a waste of time either. Like sure, I could roll an alt on fatman, but when transfers open up, what if it gets filled too quick for me to move my other toons to it???


    I'm just gonna hang out where I am and not start building another char until the transfer/merge thing starts occuring to see what my options are... just wish it would happen soon. Hate paying for something I struggle playing...

  13. just logged in after about a month away, there were 4 people on fleet so i went to hoth and sadly,i was the only one there.


    Sub cancelled,might as well be playing this on x-box to be totally honest.

    ugh... what server are you on?

  14. M biggest problem is the lack of population. I dont want to continue to play a game where it is hard as hell to get a 4 man group together to do anything... let alone a 2 man group for a heroic. Servers need to be merged or transfers need to start occuring. Something needs to happen to populate servers more.


    I complete understand more core mmo players staying and others who gave it a whirl for a few months leaving. The amount of server we had a launch was fantastic and kept the queue times to a minimum... well it's not launch anymore and more the a quarter of the population as left and left most servers at Standard population at best during peak times.


    An example, we were standard last night on the peak time on Tarro Blood server... well, Ilum... was had a high of 13 people between 7:30 and 10:30PM Est. That 13 is on the high side of what it normally is.


    I think Bioware needs to bite the bullet and start merging and shutting down servers. The easier it is to group, the more fun it will be. The more fun it will be the more people are going to want their friends to play too.

  15. Waaaay to many servers out there. Need to combine 5 lights or 3 standards and start making heavies.


    I joined a heavy at launch.. now it's standard at best during peak time. If they open up transfers soon I will try to move to a heavier server, but I think transfers are gonna do nothing but shift people around. Need to grab chunks and move them.

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