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Everything posted by asmodyus

  1. Yes you have it all down pat we are an amzing class thatg does awsome DPS. But what your like the 10% out there that belives this? Have you seen the forums, and the public out cry on this class and it lack off DPS for pure DPS Class, and your are right with our cool down if we have a really good healer we can off tank done it myself but are cool downs are long and once we bloew them we are squsihy really fast. Yes We are a hard class to play and have alot of cool mechanics that played in full are great but the issue is other classes are easier and bring more to the table than we do. And I have already seen sentinals getting shafted for flashpionts. Just saying this is my opinion I think the class needs more work and it would be an amazing class.
  2. Yes we have a quick interupt shared with are guardian friends. And I have seen full spec'd tank vanguards outputing just as much dps as a full DPS sentinel. This is not wow were hyrbid classes suck. Shadows Amazing DPS as a tank, Vanguards amazing DPS as Tanks, Cammando Awsome DPS than can off heal on the spot. Guardian DPS than can of tank in a sec. Yes we have some gimicks like Trans, and inspiration but really don't do the DPS that we should, or have the CC that we should as a DPS Class. And we have 2 trees and a shared one with guardians.
  3. OP has a point what do we really bring to the table more so in OPS?/PVE DPS okay so we can DPS just along the lines of all classes don't really seem do more damage than a fully spec'd Tank. Crowd Control Driods..................... Squsihy we are so squishy in always in front of everybodys face that we need or own healer. That it folks nothing else oh wait we get to do a 15% DPS & healing buff every so often. Everything else is very short 3 to 4o second cool downs All other Classes DPS, Healer, Tank, Off tank, Healer, Off Healer CC... So If I have 1 slot left what would I bring DPS,DPS or some other variant that can multi task and output the same DPS. I love the play style of our class I mean Honestly we get 2 glowing sticks how can you not like it. But we really don't offer much than okay DPS.
  4. I know more people who did not preorder, and or picking up on the 20th i think it a good measure. But there will be way more people who will pick it up on the 20th and remeber christmas is 5 days after launch who knows many people will be getting as a gift.
  5. You could be an idiot like me and preoder the game 7 am on july 21st and forgot the register the code until Aug 30th.
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