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Posts posted by Mckor

  1. Day 18. Considering it's Friday we can add 19 and 20. Three quarters of a sub.


    I can afford to subscribe to one game. For years it's been SWTOR. I'm sad that it won't be anymore, but when I can't play the game due to technical issues after the company states that they know how to fix the problem but won't until some nebulous future date, well, it's time to move on. I can't support a game that doesn't support its players by actually allowing them to play the game.


    Frankly at this point SWTOR is starting to look like some Kickstarter game, promising results if we will only keep putting our money in, while never delivering the actual ability to play the game.

  2. Well it is tuesday. I dont see a patch triggering.... So i assume no update. Few more weeks of limited to no play.


    Just came here to check, and nope, don't see a patch announced for today.


    This is Day 15. One day playable out of 15, which means half a monthly sub. Beyond pathetic. I'm gonna hit the unsub button and wait for my time to run out. If things get fixed before then maybe I'll consider renewing.

  3. Btw, managed 3 separate logins yesterday between my post and 5:00 am. Even made a new character in the 2nd log in. Seemed alright, but at 12:30 am, tried and no servers....will keep trying and update in anyway. Cheers!


    I got in once this week with the web launcher. The Steam version will eventually get in, but might take 4 or 5 tries. I think Valve is proxying/buffering the connections, so maybe it responds faster and doesn't glitch. I'm probably going to uninstall the web version and just stick with Steam, but not until they patch this mess and I see if it works or not.

  4. Loot Crate still Dropping Empty Loot | 02.19.2022, 03:07 PM

    Hi all,


    A fix is being slowly rolled out through 11:59pm CT across all servers for the Tionese Requistion Caches not offering loot. While servers will not be brought down, some players may experience a momentary drop in-game but will be able to play immediately after.


    Thanks for your patience.


    Wait. They'll roll out a fix for operations loot boxes on a Saturday, but they won't fix the issue with a bunch of their paying customers being unable to play the game?

  5. There was no need for that latecomer crap.


    You're right, and I want to apologize. Like others here I'm disappointed and angry with Bioware for there poor response to these issues, so a cheerful post just struck a nerve.


    I've been tearing apart these problems for two weeks now to find a way to get around these serious issues, successfully with the launcher crash, unsuccessfully with the server list. I've tried to log in so many times I had to disable the security key to save time. I have both web and Steam versions installed, eating up disk space. I've applied every security and development tool I have. The only thing I haven't done is probe the Bioware servers directly to see how they are responding. I could, it's part of what I do professionally, but it would be illegal.


    Bioware has basically told us "we'll fix it when we fix it", and I'm angry, so when you posted a positive message that felt like it retraced old ground we've already been over I reacted badly. I got snarky, and I'm sorry.

  6. Hello all. Managed to just log in! dunno why. Probably random log in, since they have been occuring...but hadnt been enbale since the 15. Will update on any change! Keep on keepin on yall, this will get fixed!!


    Gotta love latecomers. Y'all really should read the whole thread.


    Yes, every once in a while it works. The Steam version has a better chance of getting a server list, seems to be around one in ten. Maybe a touch better.


    Yes, it will get fixed, with the next game patch, as stated by the moderator. However, she didn't say when that patch would be. I'm guessing next Tuesday at the regular patch time. Then we'll get to see if this mess continues for another week or not.

  7. unacceptable, this should be a hotfix. you broke the game twice for players before and after an expansion


    I agree with this. I'd also pretty much guessed this would be the answer. They'll roll it into Tuesday's patch. Which will make it:


    Feb 8-13: 6 Days. Unable to play due to launcher crashing after Feb 8 patch.

    Feb 14: 1 Day. Launcher patch issued, game playable.

    Feb 15-21: 7 Days. Unable to play because the server list won't populate after the Feb 15 patch.


    Making a grand total of 1 day playable out of 14. That's an uptime of 7%. For a paid service that's practically criminal.

  8. My sister is having the same issue on her laptop. Seems like it might be an issue specific to Zephyrus laptops.




    Um, I actually wrote that Reddit post. :rolleyes: I wanted to make sure non-subscribers, who can't post here, could provide feedback on the issue. We've known since around the 10th that it's a Zephyrus issue.

  9. Ok, while the web version remains pretty much completely broken, the Steam version seems to actually give you the server list about one in ten or so. Not sure what the difference is between the two, although it could be something like Steam proxying the list request.
  10. Exactly, I'd even let one of them remote onto my machine. I'm sure they'd find the issue in a heartbeat. It's not even customer service that drops in, it's a community manager, they know even less about tech...


    As long as they don't look at my browser history! I mean I'm a guy, and single, and live alone.... :D

  11. Got on for about an hour, had a full DC. Now no servers again. This is just a joke.


    It is. This is the 11th day, if you include the week of the crashing launcher. Since February 8th the game has only honestly been playable one day, the 14th.


    I wish I could actually talk to the dev(s) that have been assigned to this problem, so that I could provide them real-time testing, monitoring and feedback. Having customer service pop in every couple of days is not getting things fixed.

  12. After attempting to launch the game 5 times in a row, from Steam, I ended up having access to the servers and to my characters. I have been playing for about two hours now with no issues.

    I have no idea why it ended up working. I'll edit this post after I log out, to see whether I can access the servers again or it was just a fluke.


    Someone else mentioned being located in France - so am I. Don't know if this is relevant in any way, but if anyone can make any sense of this?


    If you launch it often enough it will eventually work. You might get lucky and get it on the first try or two, or you may end up trying for hours. That's the problem. It should work every time, and it doesn't. And no one can find a commonality for why it works one time and then not the next 20 or 30. Believe me, I'm trying.


    Regional differences could certainly make a difference. The various server addresses should be different between the US and Europe so that no one has to deal with Trans-Atlantic lag. You're in France? Likely connecting to a different server than the US is, and your server may be more responsive. More responsive server means more likely to provide a shard request in the time the game allows.

  13. Ok, this is what the list request looks like:	gamepad.lb.swtor.biowareonline.net	TCP	TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=50479, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=750810268, Ack=3300983376, Win=1026 (scale factor 0x8) = 262656	{TCP:209, IPv4:145}	gamepad.lb.swtor.biowareonline.net	TLS	TLS:TLS Rec Layer-1 SSL Application Data	{TLS:211, SSLVersionSelector:210, TCP:209, IPv4:145}
    gamepad.lb.swtor.biowareonline.net	TCP	TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=50479, PayloadLen=0, Seq=3300983376, Ack=750810449, Win=1082 (scale factor 0x5) = 34624	{TCP:209, IPv4:145}


    192.168.110 is my internal IP address, that's me. The other biowareonline address, that's the server that gives out the shard list. So the game sends a quick poke to wake the server up, then sends 221 bytes of "application data". Last line, the server says "yup, I heard you"... and then stops. This happens twice (maybe three times) while the splash screen is up. That little spinning thing bottom right? This is what's going on when that spins. When it freezes? That's when the request fails and it has to try again.


    Now, surprisingly enough I did actually connect the first time I tried this. I could see where the traffic switched over to the actual shard and started talking to the game server. Unfortunately I had to sacrifice that connection in order to get a good capture of what it looks like when it doesn't work :(

  14. Could it be DNS related?


    I'm living in France and it's now working almost everytime (still crashing but tied to proton/My distro not to the game), and as servers are tied to a Domain name, an adress translation error could be the cause.


    Have you tried to edit by hand your host file to reflect the IP adress of your server?


    It's not DNS. I can look at the network traffic, see it contacting the server and getting a reply.

  15. I can log (after a 6.5MB update on steam) but the games crashs quickly on the fleet


    I was able to get in using the web launcher this morning, spend a half hour or so trying to redo my hotkeys. Logged out normally, and now the server list is empty again.


    I was also able to get in once this morning using the Steam version. But quit the game and try again, empty list.


    Makes me wonder if it's a timing issue, if the game isn't properly waiting for the server list to be sent to it. If the server is under a light load it sends the response immediately and we get the shard list. If the server is delayed because it is getting a lot of requests, the game doesn't wait and assumes it got no response.


    Anyway, it's still down to luck if you get the list or not. Meaning this is NOT fixed.

  16. I probably should be clear: I am not in any way trying to access or modify the data stream, or alter gameplay in any way. I just want to be able to play the game. If that means I gotta poke it with a sharp stick to get to character select, so be it.
  17. Just waiting on the next basic online service isn’t working troubleshooting step… “have you tried rebooting your router?”


    And the answer is yes lol And DMZ on my computer. Didn't help. I could do some port forwarding, but that wouldn't help because the server list request is on 443. Using TLS 1.2. I'd have to go back and check to see if I could tell you which cipher :D

  18. You’ve scared them off.


    Kinda surprised they haven't told me to stop taking the game apart :)


    A lot of this is just me rambling, trying to keep the thread active so we get more information, both from other players and from the devs. I'm hoping we'll have an influx tomorrow afternoon/evening when working folk actually get a chance to play and find out that that long weekend of new SWTOR they've been looking forward to doesn't actually work.

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