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Everything posted by MK-ULTRA

  1. They are afraid to do ranked and get yelled at by all the tryhards. Does that make sense? They are afraid to do ranked cause their IR is only 269. Does that make sense? They queue unranked because ranked never pops. Does that make sense?
  2. Why is it kicking from server for being AFK while I am creating a character? I am not AFK I am making the perfect NAtuolon. I didn't save the numbers or anything, she's gone forever now
  3. You either pay and sub or you pay for CC's and use them to buy new saber. It's as simple as that.
  4. I like the reverse effect thing. Maybe add bleed and such to certain attacks. Darkness needs all the help she can get.
  5. Is that the wookie with the droid? Why don't I have him as a comp? Is he pubside only? I have some other wookie instead.
  6. Every single item ever listed should be sold on GTN. Rare expensive sets will still be rare and expensive, just not 300m expensive. I think Bioware likes the high prices and action that ultra rare items create. Probably helps credit farmers too and forces more people to spend CC instead of 300m credits. A win/win for EA.
  7. at 288 ur lucky to get one new/better item per flashpoint or equipment crate. Once I reached 300 though I was getting like 3 new good pieces per flashpoint. Black Talon ftw.
  8. stop doing dailies please. its the most laziest gameplay ever with horrible rewards that take weeks to get. I honestly can;t believe ya'll grind this stuff, daily lol.
  9. I doubt even 10 full time employees are dedicated to swtor.
  10. Lets hope they do the same for me. I put Outlaw's armor set on and then deleted it lmao. I can't dupe it. It's gone and worth a lot.
  11. behind every engineer is a pencil pusher, just like the soviet union
  12. They have all these huge planets and barely even use them. It's very simple. Put some rare pvp/pve equipment vendors out in the middle of a pvp zone. Put some cloners near by. Maybe a tree and a rock for comfort. PRESTO!
  13. I always thought I deserved 10/10 for getting these right.
  14. MK-ULTRA


    better late than never: I'm specifically referring to team balance. Too many games of huttball end in 6-0 and too many other matches end in 100-0. I have seen many, many games where 1 team is full of legendary players while the other is filled with f2p nubs. I have seen final kill counts, many many times, where it is 130 kill vs 1 kill. Or maybe zero kills. ZERO KILLS. That is not balanced. FYI there devs, this turns nubs off which is why ranked pvp and stuff is kinda dead. There is a direct correlation. I can help you for a minimal consolation fee.
  15. FYI we want this because it's fun. There doesn't need to be any backend rewards or anything. We want to have fun. That's all it's about. This means you do not need to develop more than an arena. No gear or ranks or renown or anything. Just good old fashioned fun, video game fun and friendly competition.
  16. Make a trap door like in Jabba's palace that drops us down into an arena. Make it sound proof so the Rpers don't complain.
  17. Bump, yes it needs it. Yesterday I talking to people by the gtn on fleet and were showing off our new sabers. Would have been really cool to be able to run down a hallway into an open arena for a quick duel. The other guys said the same thing. PLEASE
  18. It sucks cause I love this toon and have put in hundreds of millions of credits. I like the double bladed saber etc. Now I feel like I was fooled. Also I'm looking at tacs and sets for Sin darkness and they are suck. And most sets are only 4 piece instead of 6. Darkness needs love pronto.
  19. I am Darkness(306) atm and don't feel very strong. I'm reading how Immortal tank is super OP. Is it really that much better than Darkness? Am I wasting my time on Darkness? I see medics who are better tanks and do more damage.
  20. Darkness needs more dps and heals. Without teammates to help you are doomed.
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