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Posts posted by Fezra

  1. I rly want to know what will happen to this game when GW2 and Diablo 3 come out.I think people (i am playing) are playing this game only because its called Star Wars and there isn't any good mmo except wow.


    Youre making a mistake that all noob gamers make and thats in thinking that everyone else has the same playstyle and preferences that you do.


    GW2 and Diablo2 cater to a niche crowd at best.Im not downing either of the games at all but it is what it is.

  2. Level 42 here and have been playing since day one of head start.


    ANYTHING enjoyable in life is worth savoring.


    I cant help but laugh at the people who rushed to 50 and are complaining about no end game.


    I hope they dont do that with everything in life.


    Imagine eating a 50 dollar filet mignon from Ruth Chris in less than a minute (thats disgusting) or making love to a super model for 30 seconds (thats pathetic) or not taking the time to properly wipe ones bum (thats just gross)

  3. Funny how both of the posters above me are mentioning craptastic games that went F2P....voice chat is NOT needed....especially not when Ventrilo is very low cost and offer more control than any in-game voice chat Ive ever seen.


    Maybe if the developers of LoTRO and DDO had spent time actually developing useful aspects of their games they wouldnt have went F2P to start with.

  4. If youre mounting your speeder bike or land speeder then you have a bigger problem than we can help you with in these forums.seek a sexual therapist immediately.


    A mount is a term used for a live animal like in WoW.You dont mount a bike, you ride it.You dont mount a car either (see above) you drive one.

  5. Oddly I'm starting to see a correlation here.Seems like NICE people dont mind getting PMs while antisocial people have a problem with it.Its a win-win any way you look at it because some people insist on being miserable no matter what.You can see the difference in their replies.


    You know you can just turn the chat window off...that shouldnt be a problem for you since you dont want to be bothered anyway.

  6. It is entirely rude. You're using a feature that is intended for private conversations between two people that both know each other, and both consent to communicate with each other. You're directly imposing yourself on complete strangers for your personal gain. You're no different from the gold sellers that randomly PM people. That's why people get offended and put you on ignore. Most gold sellers are extremely polite in their PMs, so that makes it ok?


    No thats your personal opinion and youre clearly in the minority.Like someone else said this is a SOCIAL game and if the devs had followed your faulty logic you would only be able to pm those on your guild and friends list.


    I agree that spamming the same person over and over is wrong but a simple "No thanks Im not interested" or just ignoring is sufficient.You do have the option to turn the chat window off, trust me do it all the time when Im hunting.


    Gold sellers affect everyone in the game by damaging economies and sending the price for items thru the roof, being friendly and asking someone if they would like to join a group at the same level can hardly be compared to the damage theyve done.

  7. ding ding ding! we have a winner folks!


    Thats exactly what I do when Im getting together groups for flashpoints.IMO the problem comes in because people are either to stupid or lazy to do this because it really works.


    And Ive not once had anyone in this game catch an attitude because Ive Pm'ed them.Thats why we have the option to close the chat window and a lot of is how you word your message like the poster below me says.

  8. Server merges arent needed period.


    I can understand your frustration, trust me by now everyone on these forums knows as its been posted multiple times but I dont think youve given any thought at all to this beyond YOUR immediate wants.


    Whats going to happen IF server merges eventually do occur and two people share the same first name? Devs are going to have to devote at least a month and probably more to just that one problem.


    IMO thats time that could be better served fixing bugs and other more pressing problems with the game, especially when you could just suck it up and move to another server.Its not like it takes 500+ hours of gametime to get to level 50 and thats also one of the reasons why all accounts get multiple character slots and the choice to play on any server.


    This game also provides something that many MMOs out there dont have and thats companions.Its perfectly viable to solo without the help of any groups all the way up until level 50.If you cant then youve somehow managed to gimp your character or you really suck and thats no one elses fault but your own.


    There are other options out there but you refuse to take advantage of them.Last point I want to make is that if you'd devoted a tenth of the time starting a character as youve done lobbying on these forums you could be level 40 by now.

  9. Read your own post.You want to level restrict planets.


    I did read it...This isnt a sandbox game.Give me one good reason why a level 7 should be on a level 50 planet if isnt to goldfarm or powerlevel.


    Sightseeing? Common sense should preclude that.


    Your individual freedom? When it hurts almost everyone else in the game, then that means nothing.

  10. And there are twice as much east coast servers compared to west coast so it's obvious they overdid it. Perhaps an american can explain why they felt the need to make so many servers for that timezone?


    Because contrary to most gaming conventions and the media California is not the cultural center of The United States.80 percent of the U.S population lives within an 8 hour drive of the east coast.

  11. Actually there are more things to get hysterical over then a game.All this the sky is falling really sounds pretty silly.Botters have been on online games for years.D2,GW and I sure you find a long list of games.What bothers me is those that want to control parts of this game to stop them.So they penalize how many people just to stop them?I swear this forum would of been great for my paper in Abnormal Psyc class.


    I think you have that backwards...if they werent farming to start with then no one would need to penalized or have restrictions.


    Those who advocate anarchy are just as guilty as those who take advantage of it.

  12. Seems like the smartest and easiest way to do this would be to level restrict planets...when you go to the galaxy map there is already a level range listed.


    If youre level 7 trying to enter Ilum then a security droid politely explains that you dont have enough Republic or Imperial security level.....City of Heroes has been doing this in its instanced zones for years for this very reason.

  13. NOT NEEDED...... end of story.


    What is needed are customization options for our spaceships as they were intended to be our home-away-from-home when were off-planet anyways.


    I also think they should expand the galaxy map...maybe add a far outer ring where we can purchase guild ships and decorate in the same manner.

  14. Yes it has...you act like youre surprised.


    Every new MMO experiences a drop-off after the first month.I guarantee you Bioware fully anticipated this.


    There always a certain segment of the population who's content to pay 60 bucks for a game, play it for the first 30 days and then let it collect dust.Some people will NEVER be satisfied with ANY game that comes out and constantly jump ship waiting for the next big thing in MMO's.


    Lower server population isnt necessarily a bad thing, short-to-no que times, much less server lag and less trolling on the forums are some huge benefits I can think of right away.


    SWTOR isnt going anywhere anytime soon and theres no need for server mergers (and the whole slew of problems that entails, like two different players having the same name on different servers) in the immediate future.

  15. Those who are complaining about "now is not the time fix X " you do realize that at any given time Bioware has multiple teams working on multiples fixes and additions to the game dont you?


    If you watch the latest video you get a big clue to that when James Ohlen says "we have a UI team devoted exclusively to working on fixes and adding more functionality to the UI"


    Thats all they do.


    By dividing their studio up into teams that focus exclusively on PvP, UI customization, Characters, Bugs, Exploits etc, they can accomplish far more than if everyone works on everything and it only makes sense that SOME THINGS WILL BE FIXED OR IMPROVED UPON THAT YOU DONT CONSIDER A PRIORITY....in a system like that, unfortunately the things that take the longest to nail down or fix, like bugs just take longer.


    So sit back and be patient, these guys are already releasing content and patches faster than many other triple A MMO's out there.

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