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Everything posted by Phantasym

  1. On Prophecy this is far from true, I have nearly as many Imp vs imp matches as I do ones against Republic, and win often as an imperial, but you have good times and bad times, later last night after 10 eastern I had 4 horrible matches in a row with my team barely got 200 points , at least one of those was vs another imperial team. I have been on the flip side of those numbers as well, and in matches that are won 1000 to 970 It just depends on server, and time period and who you end up with on your team.
  2. This is incorrect, while you cant convert Fleet Requisition back into Ship requisition it can be spent in place of ship requisition so if I wanted to by a gun upgrade that cost 1000 requisition for a particular ship but I had only 500 ship req but I had 2000 fleet requisition sitting around I could pay 500 ship and 500 fleet to buy that upgrade. Still paying the same 1000, but I am using some of my fleet requisitions to buy it. That said you still had to earn that requisition in one way or another, I for example fly all my ships each day for the xp bonus you get for the first match with each one, sometimes this takes more then one match if you do poorly. If you then find there is one particular ship you like best you could gut the ship req from those other ships to turn it into fleet with CC and use it in place of ship req to buy upgrades on the ship you like most. You still earned that ship requisition by flying the other ship though, possibly even took longer or just as long as flying the ship you were good at would have. Also as far as this thread goes anyone who is playing Starfighter has ZERO reason to complain. The only people in it right now are subscribers, we all get an allotment of cartel coins each month. Converting from ship to fleet does not cost much, 1 CC per 25 converted. I forget how many coins we get each month 500? but that's 12500 that could be converted so there should be no whining
  3. The problem with this is missing because of evasion and missing because of having low accuracy don't have any difference in terms of mechanics since evasion essentially lowers accuracy. This would mean that every time you miss because you are at long range and have 80% accuracy instead of 95% you see the same text. Every time you are firing at the edge of your firing arc getting 1.5% less accuracy for each degree off center you are you see those same Miss dialogs, the ship might have 0% evasion and you would still see these due to other affects. I would guess 99% of the time you are missing due to evasion, or degraded accuracy or combination of the two when you are on the lead mark and within range. When it is lag it is completely different things jump around erratically etc. If they make it completely obviously when the evasion cooldown is used then they would have to do the same for fortress shield, for reflect shield and for the charged plating, and what about also doing the same for offensive cooldowns. If you know to wait to use a cool down until my evasion is up, then why shouldn't I be able to see you just used your shield piercing cooldown or crit boosting cooldown so I can pop evasion to negate it. It opens a whole big bag of worms no one wants to deal with, things are fine how they are, assume it is not lag unless the ship jumps erratically and disappears or rubberbands etc.
  4. This is extremely likely, when I have shields and full hull I don't try to make crazy maneuvers the same way I do when I am in the red with constant missile beeps and incoming lasers, I cant afford to take even one of the small missiles then so I try to work through the smallest areas at the top speed to break these locks or crash my pursuers, often them this results in my own death since even a slight clip of an object kills you if you are badly damaged.
  5. Something just seems broken when people can all be fighting all around the turret within 5km of it on both teams non stop but it suddenly switches sides cause of the one guy who docked his ship to the turret, it should need to be undefended to be captured, In pvp the only way to cap something while people are fighting is not get stunned or hit, but that doesn't stop a cap in star fighter, the capture range is really just way to short. Its similar to those wingman abilities that they expect people to fly in formation within 1000m of each other. It just doesn't happen ever.
  6. Every ship can stop moving and sit still they just need to hold down X, on any ship but a gunship though it takes a second or two for the ship to decelerate to zero speed, especially if they were boosting, the gunship seems to stop on a dime as soon as you right click. If you approach objectives alone you will get hounded every single time, you can only really snipe when you are shooting at already engaged targets who have a much harder time noticing you, or are going against people with very little situational awareness.
  7. Correct, per ship per character, So if you are using one strike fighter and have 5000 req on it and start to use another strike fighter the 2nd one has no req, nor are any unlocks you bought on the first fighter available for the 2nd ship. Also if you use that same strike fighter you unlocked stuff on with a different character again you have no req and no unlocks. It is only for that one character on that specific ship.
  8. Gunships are far from OP, I have seen those people with 20 kills and no deaths, but I have only done something like that once, generally when I play a gunship I get my butt kicked and barely get off 2 rail shots before people are all over me and I have a 20 minute flight back to an objective even in boost mode. I fly primarily scouts and strike fighters and gunships are barely a worry most of the time. The ones getting those type of kill numbers are in with a group of people that doesn't look for them, the only time I got close to those numbers was when I was unharassed the whole time, guarding an objective and just picking off ships one by one as they flew in to capture it. The other way they get low deaths is by running away to their capital ship so they cant be chased but they are hardly effective there. I can sometimes go 7 kills 12 assist and 2 deaths in a scout or strike fighter how is that any different. Gunships are only good if they are ignored, when you are on a good team they have scouts and strike fighters all over them in seconds and never post those kind of numbers.
  9. They are likely using their cooldown as well, with the cooldown they can get over 100% evasion for 6 seconds, any worthwhile scout flying head on at a ship uses this if its up. Also if you are in a gunship when this happens and they are suddenly 10km past you then they should be dead, hit rotational thrusters to turn right at them right click for rail gun and they are right in the sweet spot 10km-15km for a finishing shot with the little bit of damage you did on the head on strike. You could also have tried to get a railgun shot off when they were coming head on, I am not sure if evasion affect those at all.
  10. All I know is its in the known issues for 2.5 that the sensor dampening is bugged at 15,000m personally I would like to see it fixed not just for gunships but for scouts. One of the builds I was hoping to try was my rocket armed scout with full dampening that could sneak up on gunships without showing up until it was close enough to fire. I wasn't on the PST to know how gunships work there but being able to use dampening on them sounded like something useful. I don't think it will make them god mode or anything if those phantom ship bugs you talked about are fixed since while you cant find the ship shooting at you all the time with communication range all it takes is a single ship being in range of it with the sensor dampening and its location is communicated to everyone. Also the sensor radius and sensor focus are a bit fuzzy right now, if they stack for the arc directly in front of you that could greatly enhance how well you can see people you are facing which would be a downgrade to dampening also but no one seems sure how those two numbers work.
  11. I would love ships to be legacy. I don't need weapons to be the same on each ship, if I unlock the light laser upgrades on one scout I don't need it to be fully upgraded for all my ships. What I do want to be able to do though is use the ships I bought with their upgrades no matter if I am leveling up an alt, or waiting for a raid group to get together on my main. Having to switch character before I do Starfighter is really annoying, I have to choose am I am going to sit around in queue or do missions on my alt, I cant run missions while I wait for a queue because all the upgrades I bought were on my level 55 character.
  12. Agree, you shouldn't have to be humping the satellite to get or prevent capture, say 5000m should be fine so you can maneuver or go vertical and come back at them from a different angle etc. without surrendering the point in order to get a shot.
  13. Try using the slug with the first 3 upgrades and then Khem or Skage for their shield piercing buff you can get over 65% Shield piercing and 100% armor piercing. This lets you easily one shot any scout and sometimes other ships as well.
  14. It seems to me like wining gets me a ton more req then loosing. I do remember a Bioware post that said medals don't affect your req at all, it is all based on kills and assist, damage done, and maybe objective points. The medals are just for showing off. That said killing turrets should defiantly give objective points. Taking out all 3 turrets or even 2 turrets solo is not easy on anything other then a gunship. The capture range for objective points also seems to small. I may go to defend an objective, or capture one and I am busy dog fighting taking out the people that keep flying in trying to prevent cap, and am someone between 500 to 10,000 m during the fight, but if I happen to be at the longer range of that as the objective is capped and flying back after just killing someone I get no points for the capture.
  15. There is currently a bug in known issues with sensor dampening capping at 15,000m I am not 100% sure but I believe this means even if you get the max 11,500 dampening everyone can see you at 15,000m That said there are ways to deal with scouts, the reflect shield is one of the best, also the R key is your best friend, it targets who ever just damaged you, Pair that with rotational thrusters and you can often nearly instantly rotate to the scout charging at you and pick off a snipe shot if you are already charged up, and then go out of snipe mode to use your main guns and start moving. The hard part is remembering to hit R before hitting the rotational thrusters, I cant count the number of times I do this in the wrong order and it rotates me back to the guy I was just turning away from when I got attacked. Running away using a boost and barrel roll is the other option, sometimes when scouts get damaged then turn and quickly boost out of main gun range you can then immediately switch to snipe mode and usually get off a shot before they get outside 15,000m One thing smart scouts will do is sneak up on you and open up with rockets so you have no lock on warning or anything as their first volley that makes it harder to escape. If you are getting totally destroyed then it is probably just not a match to play a gunship in, I have been in a match where I have gotten 11 kills and 14 assist, and been in a match where I got 2 kills and 6 deaths, those are the ones I switch to my scout or strike fighter and go dogfight. When you get lots of kills is when people are trying to dogfight your teammate around an objective and you can snipe the people already busy. If you try to snipe at an objective where there are a couple ships guarding with nothing else to draw their attention they will zero in on you fast.
  16. The problem is if you fly in to kill the turrets you cant see the gunship to target them and it seems like turrets are hitting with rail guns, additionally the rail gun is much bigger threat in many cases but when I fire my unguided rockets they hit the turret and not the gunship, making the gunship un-targetable until the turret is dead. I would love to see collision turned on for ships as well as turrets, crashing into someone should cause damage. Sure you might have some people kamikaze into other ships or turrets but they are giving you an assist as well as a death and you can always try to dodge them. Its always been a valid strategy for fighter jets and star wars its how they took out the super star destroyer in episode VI, an A-wing crashed into the bridge.
  17. I would like to see the capture radius in all directions increased slightly, say 4000m so that you have a little more freedom to dogfight the people trying to capture it without being out of range of preventing the cap. There have been times where I had to just orbit under the fins and try to make some maneuvers to shoot someone else doing the same because moving away even a little to get a clearer shot would result in me loosing the green bars on the side of the ship and them capturing. It should be harder to capture if there are enemy ships fighting in the general area without forcing everyone to scrape their paint on the satellite.
  18. If my play style and skill was more conductive to high burst damage, slow fire but accurate shots, say still dog fighting in a scout or fighter but instead of holding down the trigger and laying down fire and lots of small hits to hit once every 3-5 seconds with a higher damage attack which weapon would I choose? It looks like from tool tips I should still pick the light laser which are highest damage instead of say heavy laser as long as I can stay under 3000m
  19. Pretty sure real fighting planes offer a lot more electronic equipment and a lot more precise controls to allow this type of thing then a mouse and keyboard with 3 moves. Not saying its easy to do, but it is common for fighter pilots and extremely uncommon in this game.
  20. Most MMO's have no penalty for any type of pvp death, simply put most people will not do PVP is they risk loosing something especially something they took time to learn, they just get frustrated and leave. That's why item loot was taken away from a bunch of the early MMO's that had that type of pvp. Warzones also have no penalty for loosing but people still play them to get gear and even after that gear to prove they are better or because they want more of a challenge then an npc that is programed to always act exactly the same way every time. Going up against another human is fun and unpredictable
  21. This is what I thought also, but if it is what sensor focus range is it seems like a dumb companion boost since everyone starts out having that to anything in range of your laser. Even with dampening would that make it so you get the aiming point or something you cant lock on to because regular sensors are dampened below your gun range say on a fighter with 7k range gun that has dampened down to 3.8k sensors. You don't get the aiming point without locking do you ?
  22. I have tried the light lasers the quad laser and the heavy laser and I can see the difference in how quickly they fire. What is hard to figure out is if by firing slower you are still dealing similar damage over the same time period, which the charts and tool tips seem to indicate should be similar within 100 dps of each other if you are accurate. For this to me true, I would expect to see hits twice as hard with those slower firing weapons when you hit but didn't notice that happening. As far as the range thing, I don't disagree that 1k extra range is nothing to laugh at being able to engage sooner is a good advantage. My objection is that the "long range" laser has the same fall off as the short range one. They describe the short range weapons are falling off quickly so you would expect to see something like 500m short range, 2500m medium and 4000m max. The weapons described as having better range and accuracy over distance I would expect the short range high damage to be 0-1000m, and then say medium to be up to 4000m and long to be up to 6000m while the mid range weapon might have similar stats to current with the 3000m mid range and 5000m max. regardless of using short or long range weapon right now if you want to be doing the most efficient damage that weapon can do you have to be firing at what is the basically melee range.
  23. Correct me if I am wrong but don't most ships start out with 5% or 0% damage reduction, wouldn't that mean in general you should see close to 900 damage per second at close range. I don't think I have ever seen that kind of damage even with several hits in a row.
  24. I know how to find the tool tips, that's where I got the numbers from, its interpreting them correctly to evaluate the positive and negative of each weapon that is the issue.
  25. Try flying within 1000m of your friend when he is doing anything but a straight line flight in the exact same ship. I understand its meant to be like military pilots flying in formation, that's a lot easier to do in a real plane then in this game, also in RL it is done in mostly open sky, not asteroid fields. Not asking for a huge increase, just enough to make it useful. usually when two people are attacking the same target they are never within 1000m but might be within 3000-5000m
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