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  1. Illum is dead and will be untill they fix it. Endgame is lvl 50 PvP, Hard Mode flashpoints, and Normal, Hard, and Nightmare Operations to get endgame gear. talk to people in gen chat on the station.
  2. I'm glad too that I am not the only one! Today i have even been having problems loading TOR with chrome open in the background, but who knows what the problem really is, i only know it started happening after that patch.
  3. Me and my guild have been using Mumble for about a month now, and it has been working great if you start mumble before swtor so you can get the overlay. Since patch 1.1.5c I have not been able to have mumble running before opening swtor or, for some reason, I am not able to launch swtor. I can launch mumble after swtor but cannot get the overlay. I have tried running both as admin but with no luck. Does anyone else have this problem or does anyone have any suggestions?
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