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Posts posted by NidesIvmorch

  1. I agree with OP for the most part. My favorite PvP/RvR experience was in DaoC where we just fought over keeps all day. No hunt for gear, just fighting people.


    Unfortunately, games now a days are leaning towards the carrot idea. I don't think the gear hunt is as much of an issue as the PvP stat is.

  2. "Guys, guys! I have the most amazing idea for a PvP loot system! Lets make a currency that you get from Warzones that doesn't buy anything useful and THEN lets make another currency that you can't really get anywhere and THEN lets make players save up enough of each to buy a bag! And THEN lets give the bag a low chance to drop gear and THEN lets make that gear random so players have a chance to get doubles!


    And THEN lets not put a 50 bracket into the game till way later so players who rush to 50 can easymode farm low level Warzones and make it impossible for fresh 50s to compete when we do put the bracket in! And THEN lets make the best way to get gear completing daily quests so the dominant faction on the server get all the gear faster and continue to be dominant!"




    Wins not counting. I saw in the current recent patch notes that hopefully this has been fixed. Nothing is more frustrating than being at 8/9 in the weekly on Monday night and winning 3 games in a row at 2 AM that don't count before finally giving up and going to bed - missing out on the next week's weekly.


    Kicked to the Imperial Fleet? When I join late, and have to wait for load times, to miss the initial spawn release at the beginning of a game, I'm most often removed from the Warzone and placed on the Imp. fleet. This is retarded.


    Bags - The bag system has a great number of flaws and is probably the absolute worst reward system I have ever seen in a PVP game. There are players who hit level 50 and immediately have full Champion gear, and other players who are valor rank 59, and have been grinding their butts off for weeks straight to have only 3 pieces. I myself opened 6 bags today with no rewards. I would suggest that there are no repeat rewards given and that the drop rate of Champion gear per bag be increased. Or that the system is scrapped and go to a point system, where you get points for quests and are allowed to pick and choose how to spend them.



    Yes, yes and yes. 3 most frustrating things I've run into so far. No gear, my few wins not counting and getting bumped back to the fleet mid match.

  4. Agreed, worst loot system ever. Especially when your faction can't win WFs. As a more casual player, there seems to be no chance to get any gear at all. Not even Centurion stuff, considering most days I don't win any matches to get my dailies done. That on top of the bugged quest counter, getting any types of rewards seems unreachable.


    It would be nice if Warzone commendations were more useful so I could at least get something to make me a little more competitive and give me something to work towards. At this rate, I don't feel like I'll be sticking around much longer.

  5. All I have to say is...WoW has lasted 7 years and is the largest subscribing MMO in the world, and the automated LFG finders have only been added over the course of 2 years, starting with the last content patch of WotLK. The LFG system originally in WoW was infact gen/trade chat, and the LFG panel where you listed your name and your roll. It is not essential for these systems to be in the game at launch in order for it to succeed.


    That is true, but it's not 2009 anymore. That was kind of the norm back then. Now with these features existing in so many other games and players who value their time more, why are these things not standard? New games should take the current standard and expand on it, especially with the budget BIO had for this game. Instead they give us systems that are 2-3 years old? That makes no sense to me.

  6. I don't want to be hyperbolic, but I feel that this will end the long term chances for TOR if they don't bring these grouping systems to the game. Finding a guild, committing to a large group of people, and use the /who function does not suffice. MMO's and just plain TECHNOLOGY have come so far since the days of /who.


    Why tools like Dungeon Finder, guild finders, and other in-game systems that contribute to ease of grouping aren't standard in release MMO's baffles me. These systems are key to maintaining a large player base at level cap, since it drastically reduces the investment required to participate in grouping content.


    Z to the opps.


    Agree 100%

  7. Agreed. I ran Esseles at 10 and never got into any others. Was never at the Fleet long enough to find a group while leveling. Why wait around when I can just quest? I would've done them all if I could just queue up for one while I was leveling. Now, at 50, I've been spending a lot of time at the Fleet, tagged for LFG, and still couldn't find any groups.


    I just don't understand, here in 2012, when every other game I can think of has this sort of system, why BIO decided to not include it. For community? I don't buy that. Sitting around spamming chat is not community. If I want community, I'll join a guild, or read the server forums, oh wait... I just want to play. Hopefully Bio will follow Trion's example and add it post haste.

  8. Any one having trouble with the hood removing the headdress for female Twilek but not covering the head making them look bald?

    I actually wanted my hood to show up, but all i get is a goofy looking bald head.


    Ran into that today. Looks dumb. I went Shadow and was really looking forward to hoods! Would be nice to keep my headdress at least. Might have to re-roll for race... :mad:

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