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  1. Ummm, I have the scandinavian keylayout on my keyboards the button im referring to is § and with shift it gives ½ so... http://hack.org/mc/images/KB_Sweden.png thats the picture of the layout and now im referring to the most left-topmost button...
  2. I noticed a problem with one hotkey that makes life ingame a real pain for me, The petition hotkey that is forcibly binded to § key (the one between tab and 1) and it couldnt be changed in the hotkey settings in options. The thing is, my teamspeak push-to-talk button is bound there and it is impossible for me to change it to anything else. It is the only key that is not used in my gaming layout, so its the best possible key for push-to-speak for me. Right now it sucks cause whenever I speak in teamspeak the game opens petition window. This in turn renders me unable to speak and fight at the sametime. This really hinders my gaming. So question is, is there a way to change the petition key?
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