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Everything posted by Darth-Jedi

  1. I'd be surprised if there hasn't been a thread about this yet but like I said, Bioware really needs to change one of the tooltips for either force strike or crush spirit. They're basically the same image but just flipped upside down. It gets confusing during fights which one is which since you can't really waste time trying to remember which image goes with which ability.
  2. First off, I'm not really sure if this is the right place to put this but since there isn't a companon section this seems like the best place. Maybe adding a compaion section would be a good idea. Anyways, I was just wondering if the companion quests that make you go to a planet only happen with your initial compaion. For instance, Jorgan made me go to Nar Shadda and Hoth, Khem Val made me go to Tatooine and Hoth, and I'm going to go to Nar Shadda with Vette. However, none on my other compaion have had me go places. I have full affection with the last trooper compaion, almost full affection with Elara, and about a one fourth affection with Quinn. They all say "I'm going to blah blah blah" and they all have gone alone. Basically, if you didn't want to read that block of text, I'm just asking if the planet compaion quests are only limited to your first one, or I just have really wierd luck when dealing with stuff like that. It would be kind of wierd to only do that for the initial compaions.
  3. I was just wondering if you could actually not get a companion throughout the story. I just want to make sure I get all the compaions I should.
  4. I'm not sure if this has been answered, but there still isn't a search bar for the forums (at least I haven't relized it) but can you share items between your characters and if so, how do you do that?
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