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Everything posted by tyranusdarec

  1. But, as I said, it will always be a ship. It will never be anything different. In SWG I remember a shipwright, after JTL, made his PA Hall look like a hanger. A droid engineer made his house look like a droid workshop. A doctor made his house look like a hospital (This was before the medbay building). In EQ2 I saw homes that looked like everything from a lava world to a shrine for Lucan D'lere. You cant get that in a ship. Its just not going to happen. Because no matter what they do with the ships.... it will always be a ship. Think about what else true player housing would bring to the game. More revenues. Different unique styles of houses/apartment available on the CM. EQ2 was real good for this. I cant count how many people but the houses only available on their money market. They made alot of from that. Also to the person that said no one visits instanced housing in EQ2. I dont know what game you were playing but I knew tons of players that would go from house to house just looking at the various decor and to get ideas for their house. Add in the house spotlight the developers would do and it would go up even more. I entered more then a few houses that had several other players wandering around "Oh that is so cool!" "How did she do that?".... That sort of thing. Just because it didnt interest you doesnt mean no one else did it either. Also instanced housing would create an unofficial profession. The designer. Happened in SWG and EQ2. Players that get good at designing decor and setting up homes. They made money from setting up other people's homes. This is something missing from most modern MMOs... The secondary unofficial professions. I was a ranger/rifleman in SWG and had a secondary unofficial profession as a guide. There were others that did everything from wedding planners to home designers to event coordinator. The sky is the limit if you give some sandbox feel to the game.
  2. It wouldnt be an overhaul of ship customization. It would be a full on redevelopment. Have you taken a long hard look at the insides of some of the ships? Look at the bounty hunter ship. How can they clear it out to be customizable with the way it is set up inside? In some cases they might have to completely rebuild the exterior as well. Plus considering they already have a set decor and such I doubt they have any intention of making them customizable. Plus ships are limited to always looking like ships. You cant take the interior of the warrior ship and make it have a tatooine decor scheme.
  3. I like the idea... But, personally, I would make it a city type planet. Not like Nar Shadda. Just a large city. And put in instanced housing. Like doors you can click on and enter your house or apartment. Your idea is good but eventually you could run out of space. Then the developers would be stuck. With a city type design, you can then add all the features of the fleet on a "main street" or center area. With the various instanced housing entrances around that. So you got main street with crew skill trainers, combat skill trainers, cargo holds, GTN terminals, vendors, and more. Then surrounding that you got your tall apartment buildings. Next you have the houses. Every player would have an apartment for his characters. If you have characters on both factions then you would have one apartment for each side. The apartment is a basic one room design. If the player doesnt want to use the house option then they dont have to get one. But if they do then the basic would cost something like 100creds a week or something along those lines. The player can then upgrade to a 2 room, 3 room, or 4 room apartment. With increased weekly cost. The player access the apartment by clicking on the door at the base of the building. Or by entering into a small foyer and clicking a door at the back. Possibly looks like an elevator. And the apartment would come with a huge window that gives an amazing view. If players want an actual house 5+ rooms, with different floor plans, they can go find a house anywhere around there and click the door. This gives them the option to purchase the house. Once they have it they can use it but they lose their apartment.Now here is the trick. Any other player can also purchase the same house from the same door. But again the inside is instanced. So you can have multiple players living in the same house. And of course houses would cost oh so much more. Two types of guild halls would also be made available. One small version for low level guilds that is basically a big mansion type of building. And a large version for high level guilds that is basically a compound. Perhaps even have its own apartment building in the middle of it. Next you set up decor. It would be sets of furniture, art, etc for various worlds or styles. Sith, Republic, Ancient Temple, Tech, Empire Corellia, Tatooine, etc. Pieces would include common things like couches, beds, tables, etc. But also wall hangings, framed paintings, trophies, weapon racks, etc. Some of these sets would be crafter made. Other pieces looted. And even cartel market bought. The walls, ceiling, and floors could also have different textures to add to the decor scheme. Possibly a way to load the design into the wall. Like maybe on tatooine while reading a lore item you get a "Tatooine Apartment Scheme" that you can then take to your apartment and load up. It changes the walls, floor, and ceiling to look like sandstone. Other items that could be added would be mailboxes, GTN terminal, medic station, mod station, vendor terminal, etc. Some items might even give a temp boost of some kind if they log out there instead of in world. This could replace fleet all together. And with instanced rooms for players to sit in when doing things, well that helps take away the lag. "But Tyr, I want to visit my friend.". Not a problem. Go to their door or apartment building and click on the door. A menu pops up that says "Enter apartment/house" or "Visit apartment/house" then a list of names on a scroll menu and a search space pops up if you pick visit. The key here is you have to have plenty of houses and doors so you dont 100 people all clicking the same door to get into their place. This can lose immersion real quick.
  4. I agree too. It doesnt make sense that the most iconic bounty hunter in Star Wars, Boba Fett, uses a carbine as his primary weapon and the bounty hunters in TOR only use pistols. I believe Dengar used a blaster rifle, Also Boosk, IG-88, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM used them as well. Wasnt there a female bounty hunter that used a force pike? Aurra Sing I think her name was. And TOR's own Vizla is seen in many pieces of art with a huge blaster rifle. So yes classes should have some way to get new weapon skills.
  5. Another problem I am seeing with FP skippers. And that is low level FPs people try to just rush through them as well. And getting way over their heads quickly. I will give an example... I was healing on my operative a few weeks ago in hammerstation. After the first small pull you got that big pull with 2 gold droids, a couple of silvers, and some normals. The tank and one of the DPS, whom I guess are used to skipping through high level FPs, wouldnt give me time to kolto probe the tank or CC one of the golds. The first time they jumped in I had just loaded into the FP. All three died. And in group chat I get "Really? You know how to heal or what?". I explained quickly I had just got into the FP. Before I could get the kolto probe on the tank or do anything the second attempt they jumped in again. We lasted a bit longer since I was there healing but again we died. The DPS were each on one of the golds while the tank was running around smacking the normals. And in group chat I get "Your heals suck!" I tried to get them to slow down and let me CC the gold and get the kolto probes on. The reply was "I'm not spending twice as much time doing this." And again they jumped in. And again we died. And again group chat against me "Your a moron." I was going to just dump them but couldnt since we were always in combat, they started zerging from the FP entrance to the second pull. Die, respawn, run to second group, die, respawn, run to second group. Rinse and repeat. I gave up so I just stood on the stairs and waited for them to get the second group down. Then I left. But the entire time I am having to listen to them whine. Its becoming learned behavior. Skipping high level FPs and HMs is training players to try to skip or rush through low level FPs. And some of those low level FPs you cant just rush through like that. There are areas that are totally blocked and you cant bypass. And I get this attitude alot from people in FPs. I had the same thing happen a few days later in the same FP. They rushed it and everyone died. And again that group tried to blame me. I was so frustrated I all capped my reply to them "LET ME DO MY DAMN JOB THEN!". After that they gave me a few moments to KP the tank and CC one of the golds. And guess what happened? Thats right... we didnt die. In fact they let me KP the tank before the bigger pulls and do things like CC the second turret and such. We got through the FP without a death at that point. I understand Black Talon and the Republic version of that FP are extremely long and drawn out thanks to the all the conversations. Ok I get it. You want through that one as fast as possible. But that doesnt mean the next ones need to be rushed through as well. They arent that long to begin with compared to BT... So do it right and everyone gets out alive. Get impatient and you will still get through it but it will take twice as long and you get a hefty repair bill....
  6. If that is a valid reason then we might as well just say the 8 classes is all we will ever get in this game because no new classes will ever be created. Bioware kinda painted themselves into a corner on this one. If they want to add new content they have to do alot of voice overs. And yes its expensive. Unless they got contracts signed early on with the voice actors. And since most of the new daily areas and such are mainly terminal missions, I think they are seeing that too.
  7. Make the entertainer have a role in the galaxy and they become part of it. Have something like "wounds" in SWG. Maybe a rez sickness that can be taken away by "relaxing" with some good music. Add in a buff you can get by listening to an entertainer and now you got people going to them and talking. Oh and adding names to your friend's list doesnt make you social. I have tons of friends that have even more friends on their facebook and they talk to them maybe 1 a month if that. That isnt socializing. That is pseudo social and what is breaking down our society right now. Social networks...... are not!!! EDIT: One other thing. Striking up a conversation is a good idea. Except in this game. Way too many antisocial people in TOR. I have seen too many people join the game first time, say hello and try to intro themselves only to get flamed for it. This is one game that is not social friendly.
  8. The lightsaber and melee animations in general do kind of suck. Especially the base default swing. Swatting flies there Mr. Highly Trained Jedi? The special attacks look cool though. As for the second post in this thread.... What game are you playing? Because in my TOR I see the lightsabers going through each other and even through the NPC/PCs all the time.....
  9. Just do what I did. Buy a few packs, wait 36 hours, throw them on the GTN, use the credits from the packs you sold to buy the specific items off the GTN you want.
  10. I will say that general chat on Harbringer server can be very harassing and racist at times. Dang near everyday there is someone mad about something and verbally attacking anyone and everyone. Especially new players just asking questions. Yah I will be the first to admit its a pain answering new player questions. But its part of any MMO. Seems like in TOR people dont realize that. So you will get one guy throwing out racist insults or religious insults or sexual insults to someone. And sometimes its based on language. A few weeks ago a pinoy player (I assume since it was tagalog words) was talking in general chat. Some guy was mad about crashing alot or some such thing and started verbally attacking the asian player. Calling him all sorts of names. But alot of us reported him and after about an hour he disappeared or finally gave up his ranting. But that is all we can do. Report and ignore. That is what I do. I see anyone saying abusive stuff I report them. But this is not just in TOR that this happens. I have played many MMOs.. And you get these rage players that get mad and think that justifies them to insult everyone around them. So its not exclusive to TOR. Just report and ignore. That is all you can do. Bioware isnt going to tell you the outcome of these cases because its really none of your business. I am sorry but it isnt. Thank you for reporting it but somethings need to be kept behind closed doors. Especially cases like this.
  11. Blaster pistols primarily but even the rifles could use some work... Most of them look like someone duct taped plastic bottles and PVC pipes together.... None of them look like Star Wars blasters to me... Please redo them...
  12. I remember UBRS, LBRS, UD Strat, Live Strat, Naxx, AQ, etc. And while a small amount could be skipped, you couldnt skip it all and go straight to the end boss that I remember. There were side bosses and such you could miss. You couldnt just sneak through UD Strat to get to Rivendare. Nor could you just jump straight to Kelthuzad and Sapphiron in Naxx. Plus you didnt want too. You got gear. Decent gear. Even if you got everything in there, others hadnt. Or you could at least sell it. I remember running Naxx every week with a guild. All for money and such.
  13. I remember UBRS, LBRS, UD Strat, Live Strat, Naxx, AQ, etc. And while a small amount could be skipped, you couldnt skip it all and go straight to the end boss that I remember. There were side bosses and such you could miss. You couldnt just sneak through UD Strat to get to Rivendare. Nor could you just jump straight to Kelthuzad and Sapphiron in Naxx. Plus you didnt want too. You got gear. Decent gear. Even if you got everything in there, others hadnt. Or you could at least sell it. I remember running Naxx every week with a guild. All for money and such.
  14. My bounty hunter and my agent are in that trooper armor now as well. Just wish I could add dyes to it. Happy they made it adaptive now too.... I had been wanting to that since I first saw it.
  15. All the class stories are fairly interchangeable anyway. I could see the BH doing the agent story and vice versa. Same with inquisitor and warrior stories. So Carida would be the perfect starter planet since its been an academy or other military installation for 5000 years. The trooper player arrives. His first quest is to go qualify on the training course. Taking out training droids, clicking lights, etc. The basic MMO early quest crap. As he turns the quest in planetary klaxxons sound. The end of his cutscene several republic corvettes and battle cruisers including one huge massive ship appears. Think Imp star destroyer with a huge barrel sticking out its nose. And down come the drop ships with republic troops to secure the planet. Next mission the player has to hook up with a unit. He must move out of the training field and into the academy grounds where the barracks are. There is a gun emplacement that he can man for bonus xp to push back the rush of republic troops. "We're pinned down! We need someone on that gun!" etc etc etc... He gets to the academy grounds where he is told about the super weapon. His new job? Protect the transports as they take the officers and sith off planet. So now in a reverse Hoth scenario he is in a fox hole shooting any and all republic troops he can get too. Maybe even manning another larger gun emplacement for some bonus xp to take down a republic walker. After that battle he is tasked with finding another sith lord that hasnt arrived yet to be shuttled off planet. "Now I do I get to go?" "Nope your expendable." oh goody....typical military... He has to go to the command bunkers where the cutscene begins. He finds the sith lord valiantly fighting a jedi. In the cutscene the sith lord is cut across the stomach and falls. The player trooper then fires his blaster in a last ditch attempt to save the sith and kills the jedi. "What I killed the jedi? Holy hell!" Well the sith did most of the work. The distraction helped. He then tends to the sith's wounds as best he can with his medpack. They start to move out of the command bunker only find the exit blasted shut. Now he has to move out the other side and sneak over to a pile of crates hiding behind it. There he finds a republic transport dropping off more troops. As it starts to leave he and the sith run for it. They arent noticed and get onto the transport. Mini flashpoint begins here... They arrive on the command ship and move to a utility corridor. The sith tells the trooper to go to the medical bay and find some more meds for the sith. He hasnt much time left and he knows it. So he fights his way to the med bay and grabs some meds. Then returns to the sith laying on the floor. He then gives the sith the meds and the final part of their story begins (does it?). The sith instructs the trooper to head to the forward utility corridor and into an engineering intake. There he will find a panel. Flip switch A and pull lever B or something along those lines. While the sith heads to a power station. Trooper does as ordered facing republic troops and droids along the way. When he clicks the glowing box a cutscene of the sith sneaking to a bridge guarded by two republic troopers. He force pushes them down into a deep chamber killing them and then moves around a rounded object with all sorts of dials and readouts. The fall could kill him. (get it? Ala obi won on the death star. I love history repeating itself). He then fiddles with some knobs. The trooper cutscene ends and he hears the klaxxons of this ship going off. "Self destruct initiated" "You have 10 minutes to reach minimum safe distance" You know the drill. The trooper then returns to the sith now in the escape pod area. He is instructed to hold back the republic troops as they try to enter, again manning another gun emplacement, while the sith disables all the pods save one. When he has killed X number he returns to the sith and a cutscene starts. A jedi enters the escape pod area. The sith force pushes the trooper into the only working escape pod "This is my fight!" and the troopers returns to the planet. (ala repeat of the start of KOTOR) There is questioning by imperial high command and told "well it will be a while for us to round up the remaining republic troopers but you saved the planet. How did you destroy the command ship" Then he gets the choice of saying he did all himself (darkside) or he had the help of the sith (lightside). Either way imperial high command decide the story of a lowly trooper going above and beyond the call of duty is good for military morale and let the story stand that he did it all himself. Also he gets his first companion at this. Another trooper he arrived with on planet. His next stop Dromund Kaas. There he is advised of the situation. The republic has a super weapon. Not just any super weapon. One that the empire had plans for before. But never could make it work. So now the trooper is transferred into a more independent role. And thus begins his story. But wait did the sith lord that he helped die? Well no actually he didnt. He took another escape pod he didnt tell the trooper about. At the end of chapter one he finds out that the sith lord has been pulling his strings from the background the entire time during the chapter. It was the sith lord that was working on the plans for the super weapon. Now the trooper knows too much. And will have to face the sith lord. Chapter 2 he is uncovering more information to find out the sith lord had been working with someone else in the empire. Conspiring. It all leads up to Darth Malgus and his attempt to take over the empire. That is just off the top of my head. Maybe I should right a novella about it... lol
  16. Funny you should say that. My characters are a Mercenary healer, Operative Healer, and Sage healer. I got a couple of DPS but I dont run them in flashpoints because I hate waiting 3 hours for a que up. Being the healer doesnt help that. I was on my merc when I got kicked out for wanting to watch a cut scene I hadnt seen before. And when trying last night to get a group to run the whole flashpoint I was told "Well leave and we'll get another healer" I think its more of a problem with our society as a whole and not the game. This is a point and click generation. Too many kids today want everything now. now! Now! NOW! And that attitude shows itself in flashpoints. Rush to the end to get the completion and forget everything else. This is the first MMO I have seen where you can skip 90% of the content in an instance. Its been a few years since I played WoW, for example, but I dont remember being able to skip bosses and trash mobs in their instances. Or in other game much. In CoH if you had a specific type of character and were alone you could zoom past content to the end boss. But I think that is the only time I have seen that. I am willing to bet EA would make a ton of money by offering up immediate level 55 jump on the cartel market. Make a character, pay $100 worth of cartel coins and get level 55 right then. They would make a fortune from 90% of the players. Repeatedly too I might add. Then add all the end game gear for that class for $100 worth of cartel coins as well. Wow that would make them billions I bet. And if they made a flashpoint end boss teleporter.... YEOW! 80 cartel coins and you can TP straight to the last boss. That would lag out the cartel market for sure from all the purchases everyday. I guess I am just too old. The journey is half the fun for me. Everyone else want immediate results.
  17. Sith Trooper armor comes in all colors. Red, black, white. This is where they dont use dye packs. The armor for the sith trooper is not different shapes. Its different colors. Denoting different areas of the military. Yes you can add a few special suits as well. Like the snowtrooper and scout troopers of the movies. Pre versions. Plus what is the problem with new models? Look at the cartel market. How many different types of armor and weapons is there on it? That is a full class version and then some. As for the story. Follow something different. The starter planet could be a training planet for all imperial soldiers. Much like Carida. Maybe it even is Carida. At the start, the planet comes under attack by the republic. The republic has developed a new super weapon that can glass the entire surface of the planet. A planetary wide retreat is called for. The player would then have a starter story whereby he is trying to fight his way off the planet. Along the way a Sith lord is injured, he has to protect the sith lord and still try to get off the planet. He and the injured sith lord manages to stow away on a republic troop transport heading back to the main command ship. While on the republic ship he and the sith lord blow up the ship and the super weapon. The sith lord, in probably his only act of kindness, hurls the trooper into an escape pod. The planet is saved by the trooper. He can even have a conversation where he either takes full credit (dark side) or tells the high command he had help from a sith lord (light side). The player is now considered a hero among the empire and allowed more "free reign" in his duties. And his duty is find the plans for that republic super weapon. Along the way gaining companions, much like the republic trooper, that are troopers of different skill. Again scout troopers and such. And thus begins the story of the Sith Trooper. To say that all sith troopers follow their sith masters mindlessly... Well not so. If that were the case there would be no light side sith. There are no absolutes. Pirate class (Sith Smuggler) would be on the same planet. He is making a delivery of arms and materials to the sith trooper academy. When he drops out of hyperspace his ship blasted hard by republic fighters. He crashes on the planet and now must also try to make his way off the planet.
  18. Exactly. Yah X boss might not drop anything that is an upgrade to you. But it might for someone else in the group. I am level 55 and am in HMs with level 50s and such. They might need that gear off of HK-47 or Darth Revan HM.
  19. I would love to actually do the content in the flashpoint. I have done the False Emperor at least two dozen times and it wasnt until last night that I found out there is a bonus boss... And still havent had a chance to watch the cutscenes in the flashpoint. I got kicked out of one flashpoint because I didnt "space space space space!". I told them, I havent done this one before and they vote kicked me with a final farewell of "Watch the youtube video moron!", Well hell.. why even buy the game and play it if I can just watch the playthroughs right? WRONG!!!!! And as for trying to form a group to "do all the mobs" or "just the bosses". Yah I tried that. Sat on fleet for 4 hours trying to form a group. Didnt get even a nibble. So what I am suggesting is to make the flashpoints more desirable to run the full flashpoint. Not just zoom past everything. And 5. Give a huge bonus to a group that does the entire flashpoint. Like a guaranteed loot drop of something they would use, increased amount of comms, increased legacy xp at the end, or even a large reward of money for completing it 100%.
  20. What I think sucks is..... I started playing this game at day one early access. I made 4 characters right away just to make sure I got the names I wanted. And I got them all... Very Star Warsy names too. Then they did the server merges. Instead of merging the new servers into the old servers they merged the old servers into the new servers. And alot of players that got their names before players on the new servers, lost their names. I lost 3 of the 4 I had made. And when I tried to use the random name generator.... Yah dang near all the names were taken.
  21. This is one of my new pet peeves with this game since I have been back. It seems the majority of players, when running a flashpoint, want to skip everything straight to the end. And its driving me nuts. The main excuses I hear are "Its all lowbie crap" or "I am already max level and dont need more XP". Well that doesnt matter to me. Lowbie crap can still be sold for money. And legacy xp still counts, even if it is just 5 at a time. So my thoughts on fixing it are. 1. Extend aggro ranges where possible and move mobs in the flashpoints so people cant just zoom by them. Especially bosses. 2. Since some dont like the "lowbie crap". Give better loot drops. Maybe even increase the drop rate of exotics and special gear on trash mobs. So players will want to run a FP the way its meant to be run. 3. Increase legacy XP gains in flashpoints. 4. Make all bosses (except bonus bosses) part of the completion for the mission. Not just the last boss. So if you skip a boss You dont complete the flashpoint. [EDIT} 5. Give a huge bonus to a group that does the entire flashpoint. Like a guaranteed loot drop of something they would use, increased amount of comms, increased legacy xp at the end, or even a large reward of money for completing it 100%.[/EDIT} I want to do the flashpoint. Not just zoom through to the end. That is why the devs put the mobs in there. They arent just eye candy. And I cant seem to get any group to want to run the instance or even just the bosses.
  22. I was gone for quite awhile. The game had gotten boring to me. But after a RL friend started playing again I decided to give it another go. The game is looking a little better. But IMO its like trying to fill the grand canyon a spoonful at a time. So here are ideas I got regarding various aspects of the game. First crafting/gathering. The developers said, early in development, that they didnt want to have a crafting system where you just watch a status bar fill up. Yet this is what we have. Yeah its the companions doing it but its still a status bar filling up. And if you send companions on crew skill gathering missions then even gathering is watching a status bar fill up. So first lets put crafting back into the hands of the player. More directly. The time to create an item would be greatly reduced. Like 10% of the original time. Maybe even more. You can still have companions craft as well but this lets players have more of a direct role in the crafting. Can even make it a minigame instead of a status bar. Having to hit or drill or sew and maybe add a bar with a moving ball that you have to click in the bar. Hard to explain here. But this is the start. On gathering, again let players have a more direct role in gathering. Not just out in world but let the players go on missions as well. Make them like mini solo flashpoints. Small instances where the player would have to do a few things to get the good stuff. Example: A player wants some krayt pearls. So he clicks to go on the mission and is sent outside a small town on tattooine. First the player has to go kill several opposition NPCs to get mines or explosives. Then he rides a little while to a cave (ala KOTOR) and places mines in front of the cave. Next he finds a bantha or dewback, kills it, then picks up the corpse and places it on a clickable spot in front of the cave. He has a button appear he has to press at the right time to set off the explosives and kill the krayt dragon. He then loots krayt pearls from the corpse. No loot drops, no money just the pearls and mission items. I am indifferent about the cartel market. Some of it is good and some bad. One thing I dont like is that it does weaken some crew skills. Easy to fix though. Add in recipes for various crystals, etc that players can buy on the cartel market. Not the same as those sold on the market though. Animal mounts. This is a part of the SWU. So lets add it. But not just buy an animal mount. Tamed mounts. Another minigame. A vendor sells the bait, skill, tack, and collar for the future mount. Place potential mounts all over the planets. A player would approach the potential mount and use the bait. Then using the collar would "mount" animal. They would then have to tame the animal. Much like taming a horse in RL. The mount would buck and jump. And the player would have to stay on the animal for a determined amount of time. After the tame is completed, the player can then drag and drop the tack onto the animal in their character screen. Dont allow mounts on the stations. I still believe player housing would be a good addition. Yah we got ships but we cant redecorate them and cant even sit in the chairs. So give us instanced apartments. This is win win for the game and the players. Decor could be gained through all areas of the game. Some crafted, some looted, some on the CM, and some from NPC vendors as a money sink. So you got the economy being increased plus more money going out of the game and more money going into the CM. If you add crafting stations that can be put in the apartments then it helps move people off the stations there as well. Could even put the instanced apartments on the CM. Add in passage of time. IE night and day. And make night dark. Also add in those cute little headlamps from Kaon Under Siege. The basic white light is free. But then you can add in new light colors and light beam shapes on the CM. Some planets like Tattooine would not really have a long night time period, while a place like Nar Shadda or Coru wouldnt have a night at all. Anyway just a couple of ideas....
  23. Since the most iconic bounty hunter of all time in the Star Wars Universe uses a carbine, I can say I agree with this request. People should be able to use any weapon they want, barring lightsabers of course. An agent carries a pistol on his belt and uses it in cutscenes but only there. In the SWU there have been multiple bounty hunters that used all sorts of weapons. So let them pick. So what about a bounty hunter that chooses a vibrosword? How would his specials work or be justified? Well wrist launchers. Boba Fett used them all the time. Some specials would have to be rebuilt but so what? If it gives the BH, trooper, smuggler, agent a sense of identity let them do it. Heck you could give the non force class a choice after their starter planet. Where by they pick their weapon of choice. So an agent goes to the job NPC. He picks Operative, he then picks his weapon. And that sets up his special attacks. Plus for a nominal fee, say he picked pistol originally but finds a really cool looking blaster rifle he wants, he can change it just like resetting skill points. Not change his job, just his weapon preference.
  24. I would like to see them add a backpack as well. Increase storage space. Another tab basically that would cost alot to unlock.
  25. Played the Kaon Under Siege flashpoint and thought of something. Those headlamps are cool (when they work right). It reminds of old dark matches in Unreal. So bring a dark planet into the game. Dathomir springs to mind here. Players would have to use headlamps to move around. Also bring time into the game like many have requested. Day and night. Players would get a free headlamp. Basic white light. But could also buy other lamp light colors and even possibly shapes. Just an idea.
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