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10 Good
  1. That is exactly how this game feels. after watching the forums for years and reading all the bad and good comments, the quoted comment above fits the games problems in one sentence.
  2. 1) i dont understand why movement speed is always used as a time sink in mmos. No one finds running fun, why not help that experience for the player? some people like to enjoy the graphics and all, and thats fine i do too. but when my goal is to level or help someone or turn in a quest i dont wanna spend 5+ mins running. This has always been one of my biggest complaints with mmos. If the designers want a time sink, give me some mobs to grind or crafting to grind, at least that can be made fun by getting rare loot or helping someone with gear. 2) which brings up another point about gear. it would be nice if this game had named mobs which would have individual loot tables. Its nice to be able to explore the landscape and run into a camp of mobs with a chieftan or lord. They setup the camp formations in the game already, but its disappointing when you get through the cave your in and the guy at the end is just a no named elite. Yes i understand the harder mobs have a higher drop rate, but its not the same. Adding named mobs to the overland geography only adds to the player experience and rewards exploration which is a problem in a game like this which suffers from too linear progression. Some people might think named mobs only bring perma camping and griefing, but the game is already instanced and zones are empty to the point where i doubt that would be a problem.
  3. this has been getting more and more noticeable the higher i level up since the mobs are tougher the rotations have to be on time to the millisecond. For my commando combat medic the delay is most noticeable when im trying to activate the "supercharge cell" ability which is not supposed to be tied to the global cooldown, so it should be able to be used at any time.(and i believe ANY TIME means while im casting a heal i should be able to cast any ability thats NOT tied to the global cooldown, i.e. NOT dimmed out while casting.) So not only is the delay there, the global cool down is not working as intended for about 3 or 4 abilities.
  4. they could take healers and tanks out and everyone could be a different dps class. or they could make companions do a little better job at healing. or give CC to every class.
  5. its the dumb little things like this that should have been corrected long ago. this game is such a mixed bag its not even funny.
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