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Everything posted by Noiseconspiracy

  1. As having grinded valor out to level 58 before this patch all I can say if there is no rollback I will be canceling my account before the 20th. This is gamebreaking.
  2. Resolve bar does not equal diminishing returns. The resolve bar will give you full immmunity to all cc when it is full. Deathfield a silly skill...an instant hard hitting aoe attack that buffs are dots by 20%, again what game are you playing? If you are going to call your thread a guide please know what you are talking about.
  3. Diminishing Returns...huh? I think the OP is playing a different game.
  4. Here's what I'll be using http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZdcMrbMbZcrcRsMkb.1 Trades some damage for more control. If you are doing a hybrid madness/lightning spec there is really no reason to cast lighting strike when force lightning is spamable. You'll want to use your wrath procs for crushing darkness which hits like a truck. If you pick up death mark thats an other 20% increase in damage for your dots or top of the 20% damage increase from wrath.
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