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Posts posted by AntoniusDelitan

  1. Time-on-target is a HUGE issue for melee in this game. Perhaps you haven't been paying attention to how many stuns, roots, physics effects, and escape abilities are available to nearly every single class except for Sentinels/Marauders?


    Which is why Sentinels and Marauders output so much damage. They have low time-on-target, so they have to make the most of that time. If you let a low-CC, low-utility, high-damage, high self-defense melee brawler whack on you for an extended period of time, you deserve to die.


    So.... what's the problem then? Last I checked... sents and marauders were tearing people up. At least... the GOOD ones are....

  2. No, they're not.


    You can use your 10m range abilites, 30m ranged abilities, use a stim, use a medpack, or attack someone closer when you're rooted. If you want a nerf to roots, you get a nerf to damage to make up for the increased time-on-target. Which, for any good melee, isn't an issue anyway...


    Now excuse me while I go PvP some more on my lowbie marauder.

  3. While they're at it, make sure that CC and Interrupts aren't usable in arena as well. Should just be an objectiveless DPS race... just like all the Call of Doody transfers want...
  4. Really tell us your great tales of being a gun slinger killing machine in huttball. Im sure we could all stand a good laugh. Better yet do a video of it I want to see the brain dead players you go up against that let you burn them down with out LOS.


    Closed-minded dribble.



    If you had a clue, you would understand that forcing healers to LoS you while you're denying them the middle keeps them 1) away from the ball, and 2) not healing their teammates in middle.


    Snipers = Area Denial. Forcing someone out of the fight for ~15 seconds is just as good as killing them.

  5. Because they melted face's with very little effort to think otherwise is just silly.

    If you can't adapt an play well after 1.2 you were never meant to be a sorc/sage.

    It will be interesting to see the decline in sorc/sage because they will no longer have the " I win button"


    Sorcs/Sages have gravround/tracermissle?

  6. 1) They operated very well with little gear, while Melee requires you to have T2/T3 gear.

    2) Near unlimited Force in Heal and DPS spec. [broke HM Operative Difficulty completely, and makes quagmires occur constantly in Voidstar/Alderran.]

    3) Vast sums of CC on generous cool downs.

    4) AoE Knockback + root.

    5) Force Speed.

    6) Ranged, high damage, basic attack with 50% slow.

    7) 30 meter cast breaker.

    8) 2.5-3.5k damage bubble regardless of spec.

    9) Mez on Bubble breaking.

    10) Ally Pull which cannot be overstated how amazing it is in Huttball.

    11) Other minor utilities such as increased armor/speed when bubbled, having the best class buff in the game, and so forth.

    12) Their hard counter class was nerfed every patch, and is the least played class. [Operative/Smuggler.]

    13) They had numerous glitches which allowed them to double proc huge heals with low cost/cast times.

    14) The game in PVE hates melee dps due to various mechanics which prevent them from having any level of sustained DPS.


    Why don't I make a list of every classes abilities, and count their skills twice or thrice in a list of "why they're overpowered," pretend they have 31/31/31 spec, and demand a nerf?

  7. You keep saying "PvP Tank" like you know what your role is.



    Your role is NOT to take the ball and be an unstoppable behemoth.

    Your role is to guard the ballcarrier/healer and taunt the threats. You're goal is to be the second to last person to die, before only your healer.

  8. Aside from Rakata Stim, I'm really not seeing a whole lot of reason for sticking with Biochem. WZ health pack heals for more than Rakata. Now it looks like with expertise change the wz adrenal looks like it'll be pretty nice. Given that both of these items cost so little, you can use them freely making the reusability of Rakata adrenals and med packs a non issue.


    It really looks to me like they took one of the best pvp crew skills and made it pretty much unnecessary. I guess cybertech will be the new go to CS? Thoughts?


    You mean they indirectly nerfed the crew skill that many people were requiring for serious PvP teams by buffing the warzone healthpacks and adrenals?


    That's such a tragedy...

  9. In the case of gunslingers and snipers they are = to stuns. And no a gunslinger or sniper can not got to cover while rooted so yes it removes almost all thier attacks a good 90% and damage mitgation via portable shield dampers.

    As far as resolve issue I can fill a bar up with 2 CC's flash grande and pulse so its not that big a issue in my book if snare adds to that. /shrug


    Already on the PTR as being fixed. Can't roll into cover but you can "crouch cover"

  10. people talk about resolve if we are duelling if we are duelling it's pretty smart to wait...




    a) the objective need to be defended from someone capping let's wait the first stun yeah right... lost objective


    b) oh wait i endure my first stun... 1 enemy 2 enemy 3 enemy focusing on ur end of first stun u are alrady dead since u didnt click on ur defensive skill u were stunned


    c) I will outsmart them endure first stun break CC on second YEAH BABE... slowed down by 3 enemy in row to 10% speed and if u are a melee there is nothing u can do


    Resolve work if the situation is a clean cut it's a 1vs1 in the bigger picture if the other team know your name and they focus fire and are half decent you with or without resolve it's exactly the same it's too situational to have a "rule"


    All i got from your post was "nerf teamwork"

  11. You know, I've been thinking about this. Everyone since the beginning of the game has been crowing about how people need to "Learn2Resolve" and that apparently meant learning to use your CC break when you get hit with something that fills resolve.


    I've determined that this isn't solid advice. Simply put - you're still CC'd for the same amount of time whether you break the first one or the second.


    If someone hits you with a 4 second stun or a 6 second mez, and you immediately break it, you basically force them to CC you again right away rather than waiting. Yes, you have to wait out the second CC now, but you're still basically CC'd for the same duration. Besides, if you get stunned and people are pounding on you, it doesn't matter if you break the second CC because you're almost dead. Better to break the first and use some desperation ability to get people off you, or use a defensive cooldown to slow your demise, or try to escape. Or maybe the second CC will be a mez and a dot on you will break it so it's better to break the stun.


    See, the question of "When do I use the CC break" doesn't have a simple answer. Anyone who proclaims about how noobs need to learn to use it only on the 2nd/3rd CC when resolve is full is a fool. It depends on the situation - and people who can read and make the right decision depending on the situation are the true pros at PvP.

    If you're using your CC break to be able to attack for 5 more seconds until you die, you're doing it wrong and wasting your CC break.



    Ask yourself, before you use your CC break, if it's going to make a difference in the next 4 seconds? Are you going to use a knockback to stop a ball runner? Are you going to instantly break a node capture? Are you going to keep the ball runner alive for more than 2 seconds?


    Or are you using it to "desperately try to kill someone" before his 3 friends all kill you...

  12. Resolve is like the IQ test of crowd-controlling. Smart people are already using it to help themselves, and the not smart people whine about it on the forums.



    Also, Roots = Same thing as stun to melee? Lol. You think you should have 100% uptime except for stuns?


    Yeah no. What, were you a lolretpally in WoW, too?

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