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Posts posted by announcerharris

  1. ugh these questions are frustrating to me.Personally i just get the best pvp gear and call it a day.If i lose they are better if I win I am.Trying to find the most optimal bolster to circumnavigate the expertise stat is straight up cheese.


    This type of behaviour is detrimental to our community.My friends list straight up turned off when the first bolster bug manifested.(my friends list are people i win with in regs)Queue time have at least tripled.Fleets are running alot less instances.I am not blaming you... but if you really love pvp keep this out of the open forum.It's killing this game


    I get what you're saying, but I'm not trying to "circumnavigate" expertise - I'm operating under the assumption that PVP gear is better than whatever I get through bolster. I just don't have the time (as admittedly little as it takes) to grind out that set right now, so I want to know how I can be most competitive when I hop in for the occasional unranked with my buddies.

  2. On the leaderboards, it's showing guilds from several different servers. Intended? I was under the impression that each server would have its own leaderboards.


    EDIT: Even weirder, my guild shows up as @ Mass Shadow Generator, even though we're on Harbinger. :confused:

  3. This might be grasping at straws, but I was reading a report from the recent Cantina Tour in San Diego on the Ootinicast website. I was excited to read this:


    "Instead of the “fix the bolster” rallying cry of last year, this time it was “give us cross server queues”. I’m sure Eric must have been asked that in every conversation he had while mingling with fans. The short answer is that they know about the demand, and understand the necessity for providing a healthy population for both Ranked PvP and PvE. If cross-server queues are implemented, they would be for Operations, Flashpoints and Warzones." (Source: http://ootinicast.com/2014/07/correspondent-report-community-cantina-san-diego-2014/)


    It's not much, but better than "No plans at this time."

  4. I've always thought a capture-the-flag type of game would be really cool for GSF.

    - The premise could be a Republic/Empire squadron who have arrived at the site of a battlefield to collect survivors in escape pods. To "capture the flag" a ship could fly into a pod (much like flying into a powerup) and then have to get this pod back to the capital ship on their side of the map. If the carrying ship is killed, the pod is reset.

    - The game could be to collect as many pods as possible, or to simply have a single pod to be retrieved - maybe the admiral from each side - first side to get their pod back to base wins. (Thinking Warsong Gulch from WoW here, if I've done a bad job of explaining)


    Also, I'd love a capital ship assault. You could set it up in rounds like Voidstar, where each side has a turn on offense and defense. The goal on offense would be to destroy a series of hardpoints on a capital ship (engines, then shields, then bridge), and obviously the defending side would stop them. Even cooler than the Voidstar setup, though, would be to set up the scenario as the two capital ships engaging each other with fighter support, and the first side to destroy all the hardpoints on the other ship wins. Then each team has to decide how to balance offense/defense.

  5. Hoping some of the aces here might shed some light on this. Encountered a couple premades earlier while flying alone who employed the bomber/gunship nest tactic. I know that the premade group will always have the advantage over a group of solo pilots (as it should be), but was wondering how I might at least make life difficult for them.


    My thoughts were:

    - Pike w/ EMP missiles (found I was getting slaughtered by the gunships too quickly - was lucky to get the missile off)

    - Quarrel w/ max ion cannon (thought it worked a bit better, but wasn't able to get any cover from teammates against enemy scouts)

    - Nova w/ EMP pulse (didn't have this ship as one of my 5 during the match - anyone have success with this build?)


    Thanks for any advice!

  6. What is the point of raiding?


    What is the point of PvP?


    What is the point of denigrating content that someone else enjoys, even if you don't?


    We're all wasting time here. If some choose to waste it in a different way than you, that doesn't make your way any less pointless.

  7. You seem to have forgotten what swoop racing is:


    * Only one swoop bike on the track at a time

    * Straight track: No turns, no ramps.

    * No braking, just acceleration. Only very rarely is it worth not accelerating at every moment.

    * Steering is done only to avoid obstacles, or hit boosts


    Check out

    as a reminder.


    The GSF system is drastic overkill for that minigame. I would guess that it would be easier to implement using standard ground speeders than to adapt GSF. Now... if we were talking about pod racing, then GSF might be a good way of making that happen. While swoop racing might fit the lore better, I think it was more a product of the technology at the time than a truly great minigame. Pod racing is better (multiplayer, more freedom of movement, more variation possible...) as far as racing minigames go, but its probably also more expensive to make.


    Though... perhaps Bioware would simply choose to evolve swoop racing into something more complex than they made for KoTOR. Make it a blend of swoop and pod styles, so there could be multiplayer or time-trial modes...


    Meh... maybe in 4.0.


    Overkill for sure, but overkill that already exists. No need for them to invent a new system, just disable vertical movement and make some tracks.

  8. So in other words you do well because you've learned to play your class?


    Also, do you realize that you ought to be shut down in the situation you describe (i.e. being focused by melee) because that is exactly how your (or any class for that matter) ought to be countered and that this is what true class balance is? E.g. classes are meant to have flaws, it's part of balance.


    I don't think he does. That question was not on the IQ test that you apparently have to pass in order to roll a sorcerer.

  9. inb4 "slap in the face" comment


    This changes nothing, since nobody was doing RWZs to get their daily/weekly done, I promise you. Now, you don't even have to win to get the weekly. If you were only PvPing to get dailies done/get welfare epics, the group finder button is on the other side of your minimap. :p

  10. First part sure. The "so few" part keeps showing up in threads and sounds pretty nebulous. That can be applied to a number of things in game. I'm sure devs have Metrics Guy™ informing them what's what, but we don't.


    That's fair, but we can estimate - I've posted this elsewhere. POT5 is probably the most active ranked server, and my experience over the past couple months has been that we have 15-20 teams that queue at least once a week (though this is in decline recently). So let's be generous and say that there are 200 people on the server who do this on a weekly basis. Then let's be generous again and assume that every one of the 17 servers is in the same boat (though clearly most aren't). That's 3400 players who do it at least once a week.


    That's 0.17% of the 2 million users EA claims it has. It's fair to say that F2P users don't have access and so shouldn't be counted.


    3400 is still only 0.68% of the 500k subscribers the game is estimated to have.

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