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Posts posted by Strumpan_SWE

  1. More ppl need to start doing this "adopt a noob".


    Just a few days ago I was solo queueing WZ's on my pyro, and I was the one that hade the most dmg in my team at the end of the WZ's. Those of you that do more than your Daily WZ's know that I'm not known for my high dmg.

    I bet most of the guys I had in my teams should be able to do 100K more dmg than me without any problems, and give it a little know how and a few augments, topping me with 200K is not a problem for most classes.


    Most of you guys that hang here on the forum are sitting on a lot of know how, please help ppl out as you see them preforming in the WZ.


    Our Community will be alot better and bigger even if you guys just help 1 person out per week.



    I saw a few post ago that someone wanted to implement this on RP or PvE, and thats great.

    However, I do recommend that you guys (in the pvp Community) take a look in the WZ and see who is worthy the time.

    After all, there are some bad players out there that just simply will not listen, or is not willing to even take the surgestions that more experienced player give.


    "adopt a noob" is a great idea that will give us all a higher pvp standard in the WZ!



    And last, if anyone read this that was in my team in the WZ's I mention above. The fact that you are fighting a 4 man premade of regulators is not = to roll over and die.. Yes, the odds are not on your side if there isnt a premade in your team, but dont just roll over, make em work hard for the win, or better yet, work harder so they dont win!




  2. Hey there..


    Dont know if you found what you are looking for, if not, send Rona a /w and we can group up for a few WZ's. Make sure you got TS3 installed. We want to be able to speak with ya ;)


    Gold Nugget Gang's game time is 1800 (east coast time) ----> during the weeks, weekends we tend to play a bit more :D



  3. What are the que times like for 55 hm flashpoints?


    Are guilds recruiting raiders to do progression raiding?


    Is there world pvp/(rp) events organized by the community?


    Server I am from has a bad attitude and more trolls then i care to count looking for a place I can enjoy my gaming a bit more =) so is this the server for me?


    During primetime under 2 min, pops often.


    Yeah, alot of rp Guilds make event such as owpvp.


    There are trolls on Jung Ma.. You find em everywhere, no mather what server you play on. Most ppl are good ppl however.


    Welcome to join us =)

  4. I don't know how much you've played on EU servers, but there's lots of blame and blatant racism/nationalistic bias over there. The most typical derogatory term I can think of would be 'Russian.' :p


    Played on eu servers for about 1,5 years, Before I came here :)


    I can agree that there is ppl that Thinks their own nationalaty is superior to others, but this is nothing strange. Its infact verry common world wide. any of it true? nope, most bull5hitt..


    I would like to say that this is with some irony, how can you love something like star wars (or star trek) that is based on diferent cultures and species and then as a gamer have that attitude against the other gamers is beyond me. :rolleyes:


    But I must say that I have never seen so much fk you <name>, you fking idiot etc etc in ops chat as I have here.

    Sure, Ive seen a few name callings and a few noobs that deserved every word of it. Not saying that we are angles in the eu, but its not as much as it is here on the na servers.

  5. Thank you for your answers!


    I've always preferred quality over quantity, so I might give it a try.

    Is it relatively safe to level with a new char? Are there bored level 55 who like to camp lowbies excessively?




    I play impside most, and the 4 times I have been in owpvp it has allways been a rep player attacking me first.


    I tend to agree that there are more impside players doing wz's, however there is some rly good players on the other side.


    You should know that there is alot more "blaming" and pointing fingers here if something goes wrong in the wz than you would find on a eu server. and in the lowbies its common to lose objectives to pure stupidity. However things change alot when you get up to the 55's.


    The relations the both sides has is (pvp-community) far better than on a eu server. its a small Community, but you gonna love it once you get to know it ;)

  6. No, if your pve gear is to good you will be nerfed in the wz..


    Since patch 2.4 is not far away, dont get the conq gear, there will be a new set of gear out when the patch goes live.

  7. I'm pretty new to Kotor, i already have a marauder and i just make a Bounty hunter. From what i read, the PT is broken...and the Merc is passable, but all i read is for the PvP. I only play in PvE, dont plan to play PvP . For the PvE, are those two class fun ? I like to do group quest and flashpoint too, will i have problem finding groups ?


    Also for the BH, suggestions on the skill class ? i was thinking about Armortech.


    1. Kotor is another game, this game is named SWTOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic). :p


    2. PT or Merc? The question is what and how you like to play. PT is Close to mid range (4-15 meter, with a few 30 meter ranged) and the Merc is ranged (30 meters, with a few close range). As the PT you can spec into tank and as a Merc you can go healer.

    As for DPS, at the moment the Merc does more damage, but remember, this is a MMO, things will change. My self I play a PT with a pyro build and I only do warzone's, and I still have fun even though I dont do the most damage.


    3. "Dont Plan" to do PvP? You my friend are missing out on something that is FUN as ****!

    If you are playing on Jung Ma, the PvP Community is "slowly" starting a "Adopt a noob" program (a new player gets help with skill tips, getting correct gear and augments. Stuff like that) something that my own GM does every now and then. I can even offer to help ya myself if you go with PT, if you want to. That is if you play on Jung Ma. ;)


    4. PT and Merc fun to play? YOU BET!!! :D



  8. I think this is a fantastic idea. 100k is nothing, and the network benefits are staggering to a) having a healthier server pop, and b) giving your self/guild a better reputation. My current guildmaster roped me in when they were running a story mode back pre-2.0 and needed another DPS. My brother had known them for a while and mentioned that he knew a "geared sentinel" (by which he meant my fresh 50 Combat sentinel with no relics and level 20 green implants). The guildmaster inspected me, nearly passed out, and responded by buying me a Rakata ear, pulling some implants from their guild bank and crafting a full set of mods and enhancements. It was a very little thing, if you think about it, but the thought and spirit of it meant a lot to me. I don't have any of that gear anymore, but all of my characters are in that guild.


    10+ to you GM




    Anyways, since ya all telling oneanother here how to kill stuff I will tell ya my pyro rotation aswell..


    Just click stuf and pray the other guy go down Before you do! :D















































































































    ..never said I was any good...



  9. Lol i was playing my half geared lightning sorc yesterday and we kept getting matches against regulators. Being that it was me + rona + a horde of casual players, we were the only two doing much and kept getting focused while our team was cowering and crying about premades.


    I decided winning just wasnt going to happen and made it a game of see if i can kill collossuzz more than he can kill me. He won but i threw some nice bursts and dropped him a few times so i considered it a win. i probably had more fun than the other 15 guys in the game :-)



    yeah, I remember that one, was a fun wz with alot of lolz :D

  10. Monkey Monkey Monkey i'm not from jung ma but i was in a group with you guarding you for your life XD im not from jung ma but i may move there for those leet heals XD


    Synnfull - tank jugg on pts


    Not speaking for Monkey, but Jung Ma..


    Your welcome to join us! :D



    I'll try and pop by the PTS for an hour or so today, if I dont make it I'll be on for sure on sunday!


    Whats the Guilds name?




  11. I will gladly tank or dps. I can heal but you know i don't wanna :-)


    So GNG will put together a ranked group tonight. If anyone wants in plz contact Rona. We could use a healer or two, a tank or two, and 3-4 dps.


    7pm EST sound good Rona? Trix and i will be on teamspeak when we get home!



    7pm EST sounds good to me m8!

  12. Since we're already thanking Regulators, I wanted to give them a shout out as well.

    Penumbral has only recently started queuing for ranked and while many of us are still learning, we have faced Regulators a few times now. Afterwards, I stopped to wish them a good game. Their tank was doing an AMAZING job keeping those healers shielded no matter how fast I tried to switch attention from one to the other so I HAD to compliment them. I was expecting "LULZ, U SUCK!" but we got polite responses instead. Even if we were losing, it made me feel like I wanted to keep trying so our team can get better and better in an effort to actually give them some form of competition.


    Thanks for your kindness, Regs. It is highly appreciated for those of us who are still learning to work well with one another.





    Yeah, I agree, also would like to say that they dont give crap and it sure makes me/us wanna gett better and be able to put up more of a fight!


    Will try and form a ranked team in about 2-3 hours. pst to Rona if anyone wants in!

  13. why should people get to play unlimited end game content 100% for free? seriously, stop being so greedy. BW said they may give f2p players more WZs per week, but they should not ever, ever give freeloaders unlimited WZs/pvp.


    Just for the lolz I'll give ya a few reasons why this would be a good idea.


    1. It will pop more and faster if f2p players dont have a limit on how many wz's they can do. This benefits me as a subscriber. I hate the waiting.


    2. More nubs in the wz = easy ganks and we all luv that right!


    3. If more people pvp, the pvp community on the server I'm on will grow.



  14. Bah, I'm sorry. I thought it was an Imp Vs Pub match when I faced you guys on my Assassin last night. Re'kal is a Guardian, sorry guys. Looks like there are a couple others looking to join with ya. Good luck guys. My search continues :).


    oh, thats to bad..


    Well, is your Assassin a tank?

  15. Throw Re'kal on your friends list. I've been looking to get in with a group for some more organized play and I'm trying toget involved in ranked as well. I'm my main hand and off hand away from fully augmented Partisan, full tank specced Guardian. I'm having a hard time convincing myself to PUG lately as a tank though. If you're willing to give me your in game name so I can toss you on my friends list I'll send you a tell in game and we can chat a bit and maybe start running together. :)


    Looking forward to some organized play. (Running with the REGULATORS one night totally killed my enjoyment of PUG groups :p)




    Good thing your a tank, that just happen to be what we need m8 =)

    I'll tell Erik that you want to join us.

    Gonna try and put together a team on friday and challange them again, dont expect much but getting owned by them though.


    Do you have TS3? it is a must! download it if you dont have it. you dont have to have a mic, but it is important to us that you atleast can hear us.


    If your on tonight we'll see if we cant gett ya grouped up with us so we can see how things work out.

    I'll Contact you ingame.



  16. Glad you like the artwork! We are pretty happy with them as well :)


    As for your question, I am writing up a blog post today (it won't be posted until next or or possibly the week after because it needs to be translated and rubber stamped by my bosses and their bosses and their bosses bosses and their.... you see where this is going :p) that will explain this aspect of Warzone Arenas and more! Sorry for the tease but it's an in-depth answer and best to keep all the where, whys, and hows in one place.




    what? o.O


    we get a dev post on this?!? :confused:

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