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  1. Supposedly yes. I haven't done a full test but I did a notice a drop in the number of times my single point in TK momentum proc'd.
  2. Force choke is a CC effect and every class has at least one ability to break CC effects and that's what's being used against you. The force choke's behaviour is a little strange in that when the CC is broken the choke animation doesn't stop automatically and you have to do it manually.
  3. How do you deal with Marauders? They're very hard to CC, they can root you regardless of your resolve bar, and you have to manage their all but invincible bouts.
  4. Power. http://www.simulationcraft.org/swtor/113/Sage_Sorcerer_113.html In terms of dps gain per point it's second only to willpower and even for pvp where burst is king, if you're decently geared you'll be so high up the crit/surge DR curves that it just wouldn't be worth wasting an adrenal on it.
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