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Posts posted by EATtheDEAD

  1. Anyone who actually thought or still thinks that EA, I mean Bioware, will be able to expand on your personal class stories is crazy. After the crash of the game and pretty much the entire staff being let go throughout the year, it is safe to say the game is on life support. Hence the transition to F2P and the first update being solely a Cartel Market expansion.


    This game was the biggest mistake Bioware has ever done.

  2. So I've been testing the warzone xp myself to see if it was nerfed and it was.


    I tested it on a lvl 40, lvl 28, and a lvl 10.


    all the but lvl 10 have the warzone legacy boosts and use the warzone boost from cartel packs.


    Before 1.6

    a full civil war granted the 40 about 23-25k xp.

    the 28 got around 16k'ish

    the lvl 10 got 9k tops


    After 1.6

    a full civil war granted the 40 13k xp

    the 28 got 10k

    and the lvl 10 got 3k.



    I am a sad panda now

  3. Hey Jovaeth or whatever your name is care to ask Hickman about this? I can't stand leveling in your game through PvE anymore, I've done the same quests on both factions over a billion times. I love the warzones and have the legacy warzone boosts on all my characters.


    I pvp all day every day and am pretty f'ing pissed off that my xp has been renerfed into the ground.


    Remember launch? It was high, then they nerfed it. Then they added Legacy xp boosts that gave you back the xp they nerfed back at launch. and now they are nerfing it again?! ***!!!!!

  4. Am I reading and understanding the following right....



    Grade 7 items I know of ingame cost a huge amount of daily / fleet commendations as well as pricey craftable objects... so giving them out day 1 of the new heroic space missions, in a Cartel pack...

    circumventing all ingame crafting/grinding by throwing real world money at them...

    is that not by definition "Pay2Win" Space Missions ???

    :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02:


    To me, yes that is pay2win. But to a lot of other people it won't be because you never interact with players during the space missions.

  5. Loads of bickering and arguing here, as always. The have and the have-nots going to war. Cash shops are poison plain and simple. It is corruption at its purest form. People support them and people don't. But it's the people who support and use them that help spread the disease.


    "But these cash shops help keep the game alive and improve it!" some people say.


    Really? So you think that a company that is being controlled at it's highest levels by the most greedy deceptive corporation, well one of em at least, in the business isn't going to continue to force anything that players would want or find tempting at all straight into the cash shop?


    Like EA is going to say "Hey fellow pig dogs, look at all this money pouring in from our gambling packs and recolored armors that are already in the game!" and then say.

    "Ok, we made enough money for now, hey Bioware!"


    "Yes my dark lords of satan!" Jeff Hickman replies.


    "We have made enough money this year from your silly online game, you can release future content straight into the game for now." EA great satan says.


    "Oh thank you my lord!" Hickman snivels as he shuffles into the shadows.


    Yeah, I highly doubt it. All this cash shop will reinforce is that they can make a lot more money at a faster rate then subscribers paying their fees. It will show the pigs at the top that too. Which will and has already lead to things being directly funneled into the shop and not the game, via Life Day Items, Cathar, and whatever else will pop up in it and not the actual game.


    "Well troll, the players don't have to buy them if they don't want them." or "The player doesn't have to buy them, they can wait till it gets put on the GTN for a incredibly retarded amount of credits."


    True and true. But that player and other players like him/her might buckle in the desire for said content and pay which just helps spread the disease. Or certain players might buy said content for the sole reason of selling it on the GTN to fatten their virtual pockets, which in turn also spreads the corruption of the cash shop.


    This is why f2p and sub/cash shop games are a virus infecting and destroying this once great genre of gaming. And we are all already infected.

  6. Perhaps, but this is not 2004, there are many other similar (competing) MMOs that SW:ToR is pressured to compete with, norms have changed and ToR's business model has changed much sooner, with expectations much greater - mainly because things like WoW are around and already established.


    So really, it's not unreasonable to expect an expansion soon (within the next 6 months, I mean - even that is getting towards 2 years later), especially given the pressure about end-game that is currently constantly piled on and held off by the skin of teeth by releasing occasional new zones and PvP Warzones (as per 1.6 today).


    An expansion soon would make a lot of sense. On a few basic levels:


    • It would serve to hit some headlines and thereby get even more people playing, paying and subscribing
    • It would bring in quite a few ex-subscribers back to check it out
    • The resulting sales and interest would be useful both to finance continuing development and judge the market for SW:ToR, and re-assure the corporate ******s at EA
    • It would serve as a breather against the complaints about endgame. Afaik they're planning 10 more levels for the first major expansion, so it would form a buffer zone (both pre- and post-release - the promise pre and the content post) for the team to then catch up on other content issues.




    There is one main over arching problem with anything BW can release as an expansion at anytime. The amount of time it takes them to create whatever content this future expansion might contain versus the amount of time players will chew through it. For all of the bad history of this game and exsubscribers any future bad press, especially about an expansion, would just drive the stake further into the heart of this game.


    They would have to make the expansion so packed full of content that it would have to rival the amount of the content to date. Anything less would be consumed within a month again and any people who returned would just leave again, or any problems with the content would do the same.


    Since testing for any content that has been released has been dismal I doubt future content or even an expansion would get testing on par with what would be needed to launch it relatively unbroken. If the main game had years of development and internal/external testing and still launched a buggy mess what's to say the expansion wouldn't be in a worse state being developed by a fraction of the size of the team at launch.


    I still play and enjoy my time in game but I am one of the people who seriously doubts that SWTOR will ever see a full expansion like Rift and other games of yesteryear have produced. It will more than likely be small content patches like we have seen from here on out. With medium sized content addons being sold on the Cartel Market. Like the Cathar, and probably like Makeb will be.

  7. Take off HK-51s gear and save it in your cargo hold for when you reach 50, reequip him with level-appropriate looted or crafted gear. All of his skills work fine when his gear is within level requirement, including assassinate.


    This^... why is it people are having such a hard time comprehending this?


    Yes he comes in lvl 50 gear, he was meant as an endgame companion. You can do exactly as this person has commented, I did and HK works fantastically!!!

  8. How would these planetary landing points fix any of your complaints?


    It wouldn't if that was the only thing they added , changed, or fixed instead of concentrating solely on voice overs. It was just an example. It isn't really about "my" complaints either, it should be about the collective complaints of the community as a whole since the game started in beta to now. Things they could of put work into instead of completely ignoring tester feedback and then after launch community feedback, like chat bubbles as another example.

  9. I remember when they released those screenshots during the beginning of development. I was pretty excited since they all look amazing and it really made me think that this game was going to be done right.


    And it really cracks me up reading all these people saying "I'm glad they spent all that money on vo's! It really sets the game apart!" You are right, it sets it apart because besides vo's it has jack **** to do besides quest grind from 1-50 and beyond. And majority of people don't even listen to them anymore because they've done the SAME side quests over and over and over and over on countless alts from both factions, not to mention the same flashpoints and operations over and over and over.


    Yeah man, I sure am glad they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on actors for voice overs instead of adding these *****in planetary landing ports.

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