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Everything posted by REPtrooperONE

  1. Don't get me wrong, I love the expansion and am excited for the episodic way they're using to release new content. But like half the reason I would press on at all is to find my old crew. Getting them back non-cannon through a terminal is no fun either. I know Bioware wants to make sure I'll stay subbed (Been 4 years, not going anywhere, guys), and they're holding some back for later chapters. Even though I get why they did this, it doesn't make it any less sad that I'll have to wait until at least Chapter XI, since X is obviously Kaliyo, and that the wait will be months long. Wanted to point out as well how cool it was that they added mail from your romances while you were frozen (more conformation that they'll be back in earnest)
  2. I get what you mean. I've played since launch, and can understand how it may seem distant. But, just for argument's sake, it's not 4 years old to new players, who meet Lana 5 levels after they married Kira. As far as Jaesa, I can't be sure. As the other guy said, she hasn't been seen at all and her voice actor isn't in the credits, with, as far as I've seen, almost all of the others being present.
  3. I would agree with you, but for the numerous times Bioware has mentioned the importance of old romances in live streams and press releases, not to mention Valkorian himself confirming it through certain dialogue choices in Chapter II.
  4. Just finished Chapter IX, and was sad that I didn't get to see Kira. Then I get the companion fetch missions from the Alliance alerts, and my hope was restored. I'm 7 missions in, and so far it's just a collection of the last companions anyone would actually search for after being missing for 5 years. Then, I see the preview for Chapter X, coming in January 2016 at the earliest (Probably Feb or March), and I see the main character is Kaliyo. This was very disheartening, as it leads me to believe that all the great class companions, romanceable ones in particular, will be given back to us one by one, month by month, and I'll be lucky to reunite with Kira by Thanksgiving of next year. In the meantime, I'll sit in my Coruscant apartment, alone, playing Dejarik against myself. Just a "vent" I guess, would like to hear other's thoughts on this.
  5. Yes, and they could finally allow hair with hats/hoods so you don't look bald.
  6. I'm begging you...please don't rename Master Strike to "Blade Dance." That's like, if you had to rename Ravage, renaming is "Angry Twirl." It's just king of insulting and immature, for lack of a better word. Why rename it at all? I must have missed the forum dedicated to the outrage players had about the confusing name of one of their top DPS abilities. You really couldn't find a more prevalent issue to focus your time on? Come on.
  7. I was wondering if anyone had read anything confirming that, as the trailer suggested, you will have the option of abandoning your faction and joining Valkorian. Or, if the game will just force you to do the "right thing" and stand against him?
  8. I recently noticed how my companion will not auto-attack when I start a fight with certain abilities, but will when I start with others. For example, I play as a Jedi Knight, and if I start a fight with Saber Throw, Kira won't join in until I use a second attack or I take damage. However, if I start a fight with Force Leap, she jumps in immediately. Does anyone know a way to fix this and get her to attack after any damage is done by me? Thanks.
  9. If you have already watched the new KOTFE trailer, it's awesome and you should go do that now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2L_6_C2xmQ On that note, can anyone identify the armor set the Jedi Knight in the trailer is wearing? Thanks.
  10. What in-game emote is demonstrated by the Sith Inquisitor on the creation menu? The hand to chest and respectful nod/bow emote. None of the "bow" emotes I've found and tried are the one I'm looking for.
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