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  1. Just a quick update: Used a proxy and made an application! Hope to hear from some of you lot tonight
  2. Hello dear sirs and sirettes! I'm 23 and from the UK, I played this game upon release on a different server on republic side I stopped playing after a couple of months (around the time of the legacy update) due to the lack of endgame content having cleared all of it even when it was extremely bugged (dat ranchor). After growing increasingly tired with the state of the endgame in GW2 I've been looking for an MMO to fill my days with until the release of Wild Star. Being a lover of KOTOR I had fond memories of this game and thus decided to give SWTOR another shot with a mate. We enjoyed leveling our characters together so much that we both decided to re-subscribe. We are currently leveling a Juggernaut and Sorceror with the intention of tanking/healing endgame content and are around the level 20 mark (we literally started just this weekend). We both have work commitments and would love to be part of this guild if there is any room for two more stragglers! Will also submit an application when I get home, currently unable to access that URL because I'm at work! Cheers, In game name: Qauleras
  3. Hey! I'm 23, from the UK and have played SWTOR since release, I've recently resubbed and rolled again on a different server so I can play with an IRL friend. Currently rolling a juggernaut with the intention of tanking in the endgame operations, my mate has rolled sorcerer with the intention of healing. We are currently looking to set up or be part of an already existing guild that facilitates lower level players with the intention of clearing endgame PvE content. We ask that you be able to and are not shy to use comms, like to have some fun and have a mature attitude. We will only be able to play on varying weeknights from ~6pm onward and weekends due to work\life commitments. If you are interested feel free to give me a shout in game! The character I'll be spending the most time on right now is: Qauleras
  4. Also, I would just like to add: over the past two nights we ran EV 5/5 and EV HM: 4/5 Hutt's Palace: 4/5. EV was fine, loot assignment worked a treat via the master loot system, even though the gear was STILL automatically assigned. Hutt's palace however was not. I'm a sage (healer) I watched a DPS get the trinket I was running the whole instance for and I was assigned some ilvl 136 Heavy Armor legs that I couldn't even equip. The only possible use was to give them to a pet where they would have been much better on the offtank we were trying to gear up! I'm sorry but this loot system is fundamentally brainless. Why on earth assign me an item I can not even equip myself. You do not raid with pets, gearing them up is a waste of time.
  5. What this guy said. Next time it happens i'm taking some screen shots so Bioware can't deny this exists. Really is hotfix material!
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